Sunday, July 30, 2006
You were obliged to walk a troublesome way before you reached the point of passing the last will-trial. Your soul has gathered itself together again, that once was dissolved in countless soul sparks, which all in a bound state had to pass a process of maturing. You reached again the state of Self-awareness, and as individual beings you are free to make a decision; to choose that master to whom you want to belong.
This decision is the purpose and the goal of your life on Earth, and it must be made in free-will. Nobody can take your place in that decision, and without fail the choice must have been made at the end of your Earth-life, because corresponding to it is your fate in Eternity.
Your attitude to your Earth-life-task is immensely important. It can bring you Light and Bliss, but also death and ruin, and you atone decide it through your will. The belief in it cannot be reached by you through compulsion, and therefore it is so rarely found among mankind. Very seldom do men reach the goal of having decided for the right master.
But the disbelief has its consequences. People forget more and more their task on Earth, and every thought is only for the world, regardless of the fact that they have to leave it shortly. They turn again their visage to what lies behind them. The memory of their passion-way through matter is taken away from them, because they have to make their decision in freedom of the will, and should not decide for the right master out of fear.
And the danger exists that their decision turns out to be to their detriment, that they strive with all their senses for the matter, and choose therefore the master of the world, the one to whom they are once again victims, and whom they have to thank for their being banned again into hard matter, due to their wrong decision.
They should look heaven-ward; they should strive for the height and turn their back to the earthly world. Then the right choice was made; then the walk through the whole Creation was successful; then the Earth-life has brought the crowning to the being; then the soul has found the right Master and rushes toward Him.
Then man has passed the will-trial on Earth and can take off the heavy Earth-body and enter as rich spirit into Eternity. Then the long pilgrimage on Earth has not been in vain. The being has found its way back to its source; it has recognized the Father and has surrendered itself to Him for all Eternity.
Friday, July 28, 2006
In the beyond those who realize that their happiness depends on a certain knowledge of which they are in great need, begin to long for this light. They are those who were, without a doubt good people, actively doing their best. Still they had no faith in a higher power, in life after death, or in a spiritual kingdom. This unbelief made them unreceptive to spiritual knowledge on Earth. They had no inclination to faith. So they considered everything presented to them by believers as unreal and untrue. They had no will to learn what was brought to them, because of their unbelief. Earthly life to them seemed exceedingly important, consequently they worked and produced only for this. In the beyond they realize more and more the reality of the spiritual realm but still cannot understand their own existence and situation.
They do not know what is real and what is unreal, they see obscure pictures, which they do not understand, nor can they find their way about. They long for light and recognition and are grateful when it is given to them. Their lack of faith though, makes it more difficult for the instructor of the spiritual realm, to awaken their faith in order to teach them. Everything seems unacceptable because of the attitude they had on Earth. But they strive constantly for clarity. They want to know the Truth. For this reason it will be brought to them. They realize now the reality of the spiritual realm, although remembrance of the earthly life is not taken from them.
They become convinced of a life after death and that conviction urges them to earnestly seek for the light that is missing. They are untiring in their efforts, ever lingering where they can receive enlightenment. And light can only be given to them when they are stimulated by Love to work with it. This is why so many souls are so exceedingly long without Light or knowledge, in spite of their longing for it. And still they do not have pity on those spirituals who suffer with them.
So, when they desire light for selfish reasons it cannot as yet be given to them. But people who on Earth did good to their fellowman be it through inventions, advice or teaching will have the same desire in the beyond, so they are often led into the right knowledge sooner because there they are willing to be active in serving and their service can be a blessing to other souls who lack knowledge. But knowledge can never be brought by force to any being; it must be earnestly desired and sought after. There, it is always up to the soul how its attitude is toward the Light that is directed to it. This light will not be ineffective if the will is there to use it in the right way.
The teaching of people on Earth can therefore be a great blessing if it is realized that conversations about spiritual subjects are always surrounded by numerous listening souls. Therefore such teachings should always be given in the spirit of Love, which then radiates to those souls in a way that they will not reject it. Whoever possesses spiritual treasures according to the Truth must bring them to all those who have no knowledge thereof. When you do so, think often about the souls in the beyond who are sometimes more willing to accept it than the people on Earth who live in their own semblance of life rejecting everything that has to do with the life in the beyond.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
For you, My children on Earth, did I shed My blood; for you I took the most difficult path, because I wanted to help you to come up from the depths which you could never have left with your own force. Therefore for you I died on the cross. The Sacrifice that I wanted to offer God-Father was accepted by Him, and so it became the Redemption for you, Humanity should therefore receive this benefit, which I had implored from God, and for which I had offered the Sacrifice. It should be to your advantage because you needed urgent help in the state in which you found yourselves as I descended to Earth.
But I knew also that humanity needed help not only while I was on Earth; I knew that as long as the Earth existed, men on it could not fulfill their earthly task because they were too weak, and I took pity on all of mankind, of the past and of the future. And so I included all people in the Redemption-Work - for all I acquired Mercy without measure, which they can use now to reach their aim on Earth.
My Sacrifice to die was a work of greatest Mercy; I accepted in full consciousness and free will a state of suffering that I could never have been able to bear without the divine Love-Force. But the appalling misery of humanity touched My heart and let Me endure all I could, in order to help. I knew indeed that the total "Deification" of My being crowned this, My Redemption-Work, but I did not do it for this goal, but solely out of Love for the suffering, from-God- apostate spirituals, that were so far from God and therefore unblessed.
The Love filled Me with such power that I could draw Force from it for the work of Mercy, and so I suffered and died for humanity in immeasurable bodily pain. I devoted My life on the cross to My unhappy brethren that once, like Myself, started out from GOD but had left the path of their destiny. I knew the Blissfulness of God's nearness, and I felt Mercy for the fallen damned. But I also knew of God's Love for all His Creatures, and I wanted to return to Him those that voluntarily had withdrawn from Him. My Love for God was overwhelming, and also for all those that came from Him. For that Love alone, God accepted My Sacrifice. And My Love prayed to God to forgive the guilt that clung to the fallen ones and that could not be cancelled otherwise, because it consisted in loveless ness. Only Love could bring this Sacrifice about and therefore it was not the death on the cross as such, but all Love to mankind that could be proven through this death, that God therefore accepted as expiation.
I shed My blood for mankind and by that I atoned for what you have done. I took your sin on Me and paid for it. But you people must also contribute your part and must be willing to be redeemed through My death on the cross; you must desire that this work of Grace is also done for you; you must use this Grace by recognizing Me and My Redemption-Work, and willingly join those for whom I died on the cross.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
There is no "only true church" if an organization is meant by it. Whoever belongs to the church, which I Myself established on earth will also gain beatitude. This is guaranteed him alone by the fact that he is a member of My church and as a result lives within the faith which through love has become a 'living' faith. Not the church ensures man's beatitude, but his faith and love! These may be lacking altogether although a person may belong to a church that was established by men and as the 'only true church' is supposed to have been founded by Me.
Of course, true members of My church may come forth from every church or spiritual movement as only faith and love are the deciding factors. But no one can be a member of My church who lacks these characteristics: the working of My Spirit, based on faith and love.
My Kingdom is not of this world, and that is what I told the men of this world. My words had a spiritual meaning as they were meant to help establish "My Spiritual Kingdom"! They referred to the kingdom outside of this world, which is everlasting.
That which I demanded of men was to secure for them an everlasting life in the spiritual kingdom. My commandments were to be fulfilled on earth, but not with earthly actions in which the soul did not take part. On the contrary: the soul had to fulfill My will.
It is only the soul that must change, and if it strives for this faithfully, it is already a member of My church! Then man has already the faith and it is My Spirit that urges him to strive and My voice which he hears and endeavors to follow. And this working of My Spirit is proof for the membership of My church, which can give beatitude.
I brought the pure gospel to mankind. I enlightened men about everything that is needed to enter My Kingdom, which is not of this world. I taught them love of their fellowmen, thus showing them the way leading to the realm of bliss.
I gathered around Me all those who so far had been taught wrongly. I was their minister, representing My church wishing to convey to those who listened its blessed influence. Thus I founded the 'true church' while I walked on earth admitting into it everyone: Jews, Gentiles, publicans and sinners. . all who believed in Me, who accepted My doctrine and lived accordingly. To those I also sent after My death My Spirit; the distinctive mark of My Church that cannot be prevailed over by the gates of hell.
Where is the 'working of the Spirit' in that church which calls itself the 'only true church'? My Spirit can be active there, too, provided that a connection with My Church has been established; for I alone pour out My Spirit and always only there where the antecedent conditions have been fulfilled that will result in the working of My Spirit. There also the 'true church of Christ' will be recognizable, for whatever may be undertaken against its members, it will not be possible to prevail over or suppress them. even if the very hell proceeded against them.
My Church is unconquerable because it is 'My work' and the 'spiritual church', which alone leads to beatitude. Its members cannot be 'apparent Christians' for as such they would be excluding themselves from the community of the faithful and could not be true followers of Christ and faithful representatives of My name when they are put to the test.
And this test of their faith will be required of them; it will be required of all those who call themselves believers, and then it will become apparent who is a member of the true church, the church which I Myself have founded. Then it will become apparent where My Spirit is active and what strength it can give to those who are attacked for the sake of My name, but who will gladly avow Me before the world if this decision is demanded.
Then it will also become apparent how little of its promises that church keeps which calls itself 'the only blessing one', how all those will revolt who are members; but not members of My Church, who now recognizes its weakness, but do not recognize the spiritual value of that church which was built on faith as strong as that of Peter's.
Every one of My Words was and is to be understood spiritually and can be understood only when My Spirit can work within a person. Then his faith is alive and he will strive only for the kingdom that is not of this world.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
It is of tremendous advantage to establish a true spiritual communication with the Friends of the beyond, for it is promoting the maturity of the soul in a considerable shorter timeframe. All spiritual powers will be addressed equally and therefore used properly, and the earth-child will profit of these powers, for the struggle of one’s own soul for maturity will be considerably easier, and it will find limitless support on the part of the spiritual beings, which consider it their privilege to stand by the earth-child in every fight, be it spiritual or mortal.
Unmentionable benefit produces such communication between the earth and the beyond but is hardly noticed or evaluated….Whoever has advanced in this direction and placed himself in the protection of these spiritual leaders he is totally secured against a possible backsliding of his spirit. Testifying his will is all he has to do and he will be taken in secure care with assurance of an easier life from now on; hence all burdens which weighed down this human will be shared willingly by these guardians and be felt to a lesser extent if he approaches the spiritual power for help. And therewith can be assumed, that in this time of need upon this earth, these spiritual beings are utmost industrious and active….that they won’t leave anything unaccomplished to spiritually influence the thinking of the human, thus making it easier for them and hence indeed act as true spirit guardians.
Such a link is good in every way since it instructs man in an exhaustive fashion; it strengthens and enlivens the faith by it and adds to it in every respect, causing man willingly to part from material matter to fully dedicate self with eagerness towards the spiritual. Hence it is understandable, for an establishment of such a communication-development from earth to the beyond being most dear and welcome to the spiritual beings, with the result of their double and steady tutoring efforts towards the earth-child, that the individual might not tire or loose enthusiasm deciding to work self up to perfection, while depending on the teachers that the will of man is now concentrating more towards the spiritual life and that herewith lines are connected from the beyond to earth, to survive every temporal crisis while having to move their separate ways from man’s involvement in such times of earthly calamities.
The influence upon mankind is in much endless exertion by these blissful spirit-beings, and the slightest will they happily accommodate, and such gifts from above should also be received with greatest happiness, some day man will realize, how much more valuable it is to stand in such an unusual complete knowledge; they will search for interaction with continuing eagerness, because the love of the light-beings has especial consideration for the afflicted humans and are accomplishing the only thing they can do on their part ….they are supplying the earth-child with strength in abundant form, and whoever makes use of this power will nevermore perish, neither physically or spiritually…. Amen.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Whoever has Love has power within and will be able for every task, if he does not lack in faith. Love brings faith to life but first must be awakened, that is to say; one must first concern himself about what he should believe, then Love will give him strength so that he has no doubts and thus be able to accomplish all. So Love is very valuable because it makes all things possible. But you do not see the value of the power of Love. You could accomplish miracles, you could heal the sick, you could banish worry….
Truly nothing would be impossible if you could bring the Love within you to its highest development and believe in its power. So it is not so much a gift that I have given you when you are able to do all this but rather it is the natural result of your Love-force when you have acquired power through that Love. You need not seek to acquire a gift to heal the sick, perform miracles or other such things since these are not abilities for which you can train. You must only allow the Love within you to become stronger, and strive for spiritual perfection, which will be evident by such abilities…. because Love can accomplish anything.
Whoever yields himself fully to Love and through this becomes convinced in his faith draws from Me and feels himself as My child, as belonging to Me. He can think nothing else but that all his work will succeed, for I am standing at his side. Love however must be in his heart completely filling his being, making him glad to deny himself for whatever his fellowman lacks. True Love is totally unselfish and ask nothing for itself, constantly sharing and dominated by the principal of giving but sill indescribably happy. Such Love which springs from the depth of the heart can accomplish anything it desires --- whatever it wishes shall come to pass.
A strong living faith places its hope in Me and the fulfillment of its request will not be sought in vain. Also everyone can avail himself of My power and accomplish the same as I on earth accomplished but only if he is filled with Love. Then, I did not give him this power but he has it in himself rightfully acquired through deeds of Love.
He has then returned to his original state, he has not taken something unrightfully but rather has become again what he was in the beginning…. Light and Power and man cannot help but radiate Light and Power if he has Love.
So it is necessary for you to mould yourself to Love to be God-like and accomplish anything. And of course you want to do that which is in accordance with My Will, since Love is also the source of Wisdom and can only act in My Will.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
There is a justice and a restitution where the soul reaps what it has sown, if not on earth, then in the spiritual kingdom. You must think about the fact that no one can take anything that does not belong to him, that he will have to give account of every penny, and that he must pay for whatever he has acquired illegally.
Think about it, I cannot remit anything because I am a just God. You burden yourself with great guilt if you think that for you sin can go unpunished. There comes a day of restitution for everyone who lived carelessly on earth, because he did not believe in Me as a righteous God, and therefore heaped unto himself sin upon sin.
Earthly life is soon over for everyone and all that stays with you are spiritual things. Woe to him who has no spiritual treasures to his account. He will arrive over there poor and naked, and will wander around in misery and darkness, but that is the restitution for his earthly life, if it was not lived according to My Will, in observing the commandments of Love to Me and his fellowman, and if he thought only of himself and lived to please My opponent, if he indulged in worldly pleasures giving their natural impulses free rein.
He who only thought about himself on earth will dwell there desolate, and no one will offer him his love, because he himself left those who needed his help in distress. He has to repay every penny, because no one can pay his debts except Jesus Christ in Whom his soul, who was totally without Love, did not believe.
Think about your earthly life from this point of view, and know that you cannot live carelessly because one day your Life will end. The soul will have to pay whatever guilt it has put upon itself.
Know that all the tribute you have paid to the world is taken away from you and poverty is the result thereof. Know that there is a restitution for every hour in which you pursued My opponent, that you paid tribute to the world, and forgot Me entirely.
This earthly life is given to you to perfect your soul. But what are you doing? You take care of your body, you fulfill all its desires, you intoxicate yourself with worldly pleasures and fall all too willingly into the traps, which are set by the enemy of your soul.
You take from your soul and give to your body. You must pay a thousand fold. Your need will be exceedingly great when you enter the spiritual kingdom where the only thing of value will be what you bring with you in imperishable goods. The soul will suffer great need and no one will help her if she does not turn to Jesus Christ of Whom she knows nothing in its darkness. Only He can help the soul, but eternities can pass before it comes to that knowledge and turns itself to Him. It can drag that debt with it for eternities, because My righteousness cannot provide relief as long as the soul does not ask Me for it.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
The plight of the needy souls in the beyond is exceedingly great, because heavy darkness besets them, from which they are unable to find a way out, making their condition often unbearable. But the more a soul suffers, the sooner the possibility that she introverts, thinks about its guilt, and looks around for help, wherefore she then pursues every smallest light-ray of which she hopes deliverance. Only then can it be led to the light, after seeking to escape from darkness. It would not, prior to this, be capable of understanding instruction - it would, indeed, be so sullen that all loving efforts to instruct it would be of no avail.
Every soul's volition can be recognised by the light-beings, and these, accordingly, guide those needy souls to light who yearn for it, for these souls are now in a state where help can be brought to them, since they are willing to accept help, and are also asking to be helped.
Then the work of salvation of these souls may begin, even where they are form the depths. Then, for individual souls, the Grace and Love of Jesus have been effective also in the depths, and to bring deliverance to these souls is an extremely rewarding task, to which you men can contribute immensely, through conscious intercessory prayer and mental instruction of those who approach you for help.
The deprived souls in the beyond know that men on earth are still in possession of life-force, which they themselves completely lack, and hence they surround these people to obtain power form them. Whilst not aware of how strength flows to them, they nevertheless plead with humans for what they lack, what they have not but can perceive in humans.
Their great need impels them to men on earth time after time, although their recall of knowledge, which they had possessed while on earth, is often feeble. Instruction of these souls, therefore, is not easy, because their feeble thinking capacity and lack of perception, proportionate to their guilt and immaturity, needs to be taken into account. They are nevertheless starving for clarification, and make patient hearers when explanations are given them.
There is a desperate want in the beyond which can nevertheless be alleviated by you humans, if you are prepared to help them, if these souls move you to pity and engage your willingness to help. Because they sense loving thoughts already as perceptible power-influx, and hence they will never leave a person who helps them by lovingly thinking of them, and who pleads help for these wretched soul from Jesus Christ.
The divine Saviour Jesus is always ready to raise souls from the abyss, but the Commandment of Love cannot be circumvented, and where a soul is not able to gather sufficient love, He contents Himself with loving intercession, and accepts it as if exercised by the souls themselves - and they shall find salvation through His Love and Mercy.
Men can contribute endlessly to the salvation of souls from darkness. They are asking you all for it, and as soon as they plead, as soon as they engage your thoughts, you know that they can be helped, that they can be helped, that they have reached a stage where they desire help, and that loving efforts then on the part of humans shall not be without avail.
Help them, deliver them from their plight, and contribute thereby to the salvation of those souls who neglected working on their perfection while on earth, and are therefore in direst need in the beyond, from which only the love men can help them.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I always warn mankind of impending judgements, giving them opportunity to prepare. The judgement nevertheless comes suddenly and unexpectedly; suddenly because I never set a time, and hence of surprise and unexpectedly even for the faithful; because a judgement always is relegated to the future and an early fulfilment of predictions is never reckoned with. Whatever is conveyed from the sphere of the spirit demands fullest faith, which mankind however demonstrates but rarely. Whenever, through seers and prophets, I proclaim an impending judgement, only a minority undoubting, but these few are not able to persuade their fellow men and therefore shall stand isolated, until the occurrence has taken place.
In the end-time, references to, and predictions of a judgement of vast dimension are accumulating. On My instruction through seers and prophets, again it is proclaimed; through manifold signs, a last judgement is being made credible: communication is established between heaven and earth for the purpose of alerting mankind, because I do not want them to rush headlong into disaster. But I do not find faith among men. And hence they also do nothing towards improving their state of the soul, they do not take the end and their physical death into view but reject everything reminding them thereof.
The judgement nonetheless shall come!
Irrevocably the day is approaching when judgement shall be held over the living and the dead, over believers, and non-believers who are fully dead in spirit and hence cannot expect more life. Often enough do I speak to mankind, and clearly enough, but always I must do so through human mouth; through natural phenomena or otherwise, I give signs in order not to limit man's freedom of will and action. It would be easy for Me indeed to speak to them from on high, making them anxious and fearful for the purpose of achieving their reform. But his would not serve their further development; My achievement would be nothing if not a coerced faith in Me and My power, which however would result in lo love but only fear, and which would never enable you men to become perfect. And yet I constantly speak to you and refer you to the impending time - to the end of this earth and the last judgement. Blessed be he who believes and arranges his life accordingly, he can await the last day without fear.
But beware the unbelievers, those who turn a deaf ear to all My warnings who do not want to hear because they love earth-life and shall lose it for endless times. My clarion call, resounding before the end, shall penetrate everywhere. Do not stop off your ears to this last call, as not much time is left then; because what I have prophesied through seers and prophets fulfils itself, and everything shall come as told you by Word and Scripture.