Sunday, July 23, 2006



The picture of spiritual disintegration will be visible in utmost clarity at the dawn of the day when the grand disaster will strike this earth. In times of trouble people will take refuge to God….But in this disaster only a fraction of the populace will remember Him, Who alone can bring rescue, and the spiritual low of the people will be clearly recognizable by their despair, not knowing of any way of liberation. And this is exactly why this affliction, happening unto man, is necessary through which the thinking of same perhaps can change some, whereas the despair is immeasurably great and earthly deliverance impossible.
The one living in faith won’t be frightened by the disaster to the same extent as the unbelievers will be, since he isatany time willing to surrender himself to his God and Father. But such are few and those few are not capable of getting through to move the hearts of their fellow men to deep and fervent prayer. The stubbornness is so great and the arrogance even greater and these two are thus insurmountable obstacles for a humble submission and the asking for mercy.
The angrier the elements are raging, the harder and more stubborn the spirit of those will be who are in the center of it. And yet, in spite of it, the Lord will remember the few who remember Him….He will reward their faith, with them in return singing to Him praises of thanks, for the Lord does not leave His own and He guides them into peace and true everlasting life, if they have to give their earthly life up and acknowledge the Father and commend themselves to His mercy.
Therefore do not regret having to give up your life while in the faith….keep in mind that the One who gives life, can again take it…. and likewise, the One who takes it can give it back again, although much more beautiful and joyful, as the most enjoyable earthly life could ever be. Hence do not doubt God’s love, compassion and righteousness….
Even though many innocent must suffer with the guilty ones, this sorrow will be reimbursed to them a thousand fold, having endured it for the sake of so many going astray. And the wise Divinity has in other ways created compensation that, through God’s approval the land of affliction will become extraordinarily fertile through this very event ….and the humans who survived that episode through God’s goodness, will dedicate their lives with deepest faith in their Lord and live in the Lord truly and also will fight for His name.
And now the time of the spiritual change begins, all will be united through love and will be functioning in love one for the other, and they will recognize God’s love, wisdom and power, and their thinking and doing will be correct before God, and the Lord will rest His eye on those with pleasure, who found to Him through sorrow and now serve Him with all intimacy…. Amen

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