Thursday, July 13, 2006
I always warn mankind of impending judgements, giving them opportunity to prepare. The judgement nevertheless comes suddenly and unexpectedly; suddenly because I never set a time, and hence of surprise and unexpectedly even for the faithful; because a judgement always is relegated to the future and an early fulfilment of predictions is never reckoned with. Whatever is conveyed from the sphere of the spirit demands fullest faith, which mankind however demonstrates but rarely. Whenever, through seers and prophets, I proclaim an impending judgement, only a minority undoubting, but these few are not able to persuade their fellow men and therefore shall stand isolated, until the occurrence has taken place.
In the end-time, references to, and predictions of a judgement of vast dimension are accumulating. On My instruction through seers and prophets, again it is proclaimed; through manifold signs, a last judgement is being made credible: communication is established between heaven and earth for the purpose of alerting mankind, because I do not want them to rush headlong into disaster. But I do not find faith among men. And hence they also do nothing towards improving their state of the soul, they do not take the end and their physical death into view but reject everything reminding them thereof.
The judgement nonetheless shall come!
Irrevocably the day is approaching when judgement shall be held over the living and the dead, over believers, and non-believers who are fully dead in spirit and hence cannot expect more life. Often enough do I speak to mankind, and clearly enough, but always I must do so through human mouth; through natural phenomena or otherwise, I give signs in order not to limit man's freedom of will and action. It would be easy for Me indeed to speak to them from on high, making them anxious and fearful for the purpose of achieving their reform. But his would not serve their further development; My achievement would be nothing if not a coerced faith in Me and My power, which however would result in lo love but only fear, and which would never enable you men to become perfect. And yet I constantly speak to you and refer you to the impending time - to the end of this earth and the last judgement. Blessed be he who believes and arranges his life accordingly, he can await the last day without fear.
But beware the unbelievers, those who turn a deaf ear to all My warnings who do not want to hear because they love earth-life and shall lose it for endless times. My clarion call, resounding before the end, shall penetrate everywhere. Do not stop off your ears to this last call, as not much time is left then; because what I have prophesied through seers and prophets fulfils itself, and everything shall come as told you by Word and Scripture.