Friday, July 28, 2006






In the beyond those who realize that their happiness depends on a certain knowledge of which they are in great need, begin to long for this light. They are those who were, without a doubt good people, actively doing their best. Still they had no faith in a higher power, in life after death, or in a spiritual kingdom. This unbelief made them unreceptive to spiritual knowledge on Earth. They had no inclination to faith. So they considered everything presented to them by believers as unreal and untrue. They had no will to learn what was brought to them, because of their unbelief. Earthly life to them seemed exceedingly important, consequently they worked and produced only for this. In the beyond they realize more and more the reality of the spiritual realm but still cannot understand their own existence and situation.


They do not know what is real and what is unreal, they see obscure pictures, which they do not understand, nor can they find their way about. They long for light and recognition and are grateful when it is given to them. Their lack of faith though, makes it more difficult for the instructor of the spiritual realm, to awaken their faith in order to teach them. Everything seems unacceptable because of the attitude they had on Earth. But they strive constantly for clarity. They want to know the Truth. For this reason it will be brought to them. They realize now the reality of the spiritual realm, although remembrance of the earthly life is not taken from them.


They become convinced of a life after death and that conviction urges them to earnestly seek for the light that is missing. They are untiring in their efforts, ever lingering where they can receive enlightenment. And light can only be given to them when they are stimulated by Love to work with it. This is why so many souls are so exceedingly long without Light or knowledge, in spite of their longing for it. And still they do not have pity on those spirituals who suffer with them.


So, when they desire light for selfish reasons it cannot as yet be given to them. But people who on Earth did good to their fellowman be it through inventions, advice or teaching will have the same desire in the beyond, so they are often led into the right knowledge sooner because there they are willing to be active in serving and their service can be a blessing to other souls who lack knowledge. But knowledge can never be brought by force to any being; it must be earnestly desired and sought after. There, it is always up to the soul how its attitude is toward the Light that is directed to it. This light will not be ineffective if the will is there to use it in the right way.


The teaching of people on Earth can therefore be a great blessing if it is realized that conversations about spiritual subjects are always surrounded by numerous listening souls. Therefore such teachings should always be given in the spirit of Love, which then radiates to those souls in a way that they will not reject it. Whoever possesses spiritual treasures according to the Truth must bring them to all those who have no knowledge thereof. When you do so, think often about the souls in the beyond who are sometimes more willing to accept it than the people on Earth who live in their own semblance of life rejecting everything that has to do with the life in the beyond.





Word of God @





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