Wednesday, July 26, 2006
There is no "only true church" if an organization is meant by it. Whoever belongs to the church, which I Myself established on earth will also gain beatitude. This is guaranteed him alone by the fact that he is a member of My church and as a result lives within the faith which through love has become a 'living' faith. Not the church ensures man's beatitude, but his faith and love! These may be lacking altogether although a person may belong to a church that was established by men and as the 'only true church' is supposed to have been founded by Me.
Of course, true members of My church may come forth from every church or spiritual movement as only faith and love are the deciding factors. But no one can be a member of My church who lacks these characteristics: the working of My Spirit, based on faith and love.
My Kingdom is not of this world, and that is what I told the men of this world. My words had a spiritual meaning as they were meant to help establish "My Spiritual Kingdom"! They referred to the kingdom outside of this world, which is everlasting.
That which I demanded of men was to secure for them an everlasting life in the spiritual kingdom. My commandments were to be fulfilled on earth, but not with earthly actions in which the soul did not take part. On the contrary: the soul had to fulfill My will.
It is only the soul that must change, and if it strives for this faithfully, it is already a member of My church! Then man has already the faith and it is My Spirit that urges him to strive and My voice which he hears and endeavors to follow. And this working of My Spirit is proof for the membership of My church, which can give beatitude.
I brought the pure gospel to mankind. I enlightened men about everything that is needed to enter My Kingdom, which is not of this world. I taught them love of their fellowmen, thus showing them the way leading to the realm of bliss.
I gathered around Me all those who so far had been taught wrongly. I was their minister, representing My church wishing to convey to those who listened its blessed influence. Thus I founded the 'true church' while I walked on earth admitting into it everyone: Jews, Gentiles, publicans and sinners. . all who believed in Me, who accepted My doctrine and lived accordingly. To those I also sent after My death My Spirit; the distinctive mark of My Church that cannot be prevailed over by the gates of hell.
Where is the 'working of the Spirit' in that church which calls itself the 'only true church'? My Spirit can be active there, too, provided that a connection with My Church has been established; for I alone pour out My Spirit and always only there where the antecedent conditions have been fulfilled that will result in the working of My Spirit. There also the 'true church of Christ' will be recognizable, for whatever may be undertaken against its members, it will not be possible to prevail over or suppress them. even if the very hell proceeded against them.
My Church is unconquerable because it is 'My work' and the 'spiritual church', which alone leads to beatitude. Its members cannot be 'apparent Christians' for as such they would be excluding themselves from the community of the faithful and could not be true followers of Christ and faithful representatives of My name when they are put to the test.
And this test of their faith will be required of them; it will be required of all those who call themselves believers, and then it will become apparent who is a member of the true church, the church which I Myself have founded. Then it will become apparent where My Spirit is active and what strength it can give to those who are attacked for the sake of My name, but who will gladly avow Me before the world if this decision is demanded.
Then it will also become apparent how little of its promises that church keeps which calls itself 'the only blessing one', how all those will revolt who are members; but not members of My Church, who now recognizes its weakness, but do not recognize the spiritual value of that church which was built on faith as strong as that of Peter's.
Every one of My Words was and is to be understood spiritually and can be understood only when My Spirit can work within a person. Then his faith is alive and he will strive only for the kingdom that is not of this world.