Friday, March 31, 2006
Great is the power of him who wants to ruin you, but only when you yourselves cede it to him; because if you face him off and turn to Me, My love-light shall encircle you, making him utterly powerless. Because he is not able to withstand love, which also once shall defeat him when his time has come.
Satan indeed perpetually strives to draw under his spell that which has gone forth from his will but from My power, in order to make it subject to himself forever; and hence he will pressurize to the extreme that which he fears to lose, - that which voluntarily wrests itself away form him, - that which strives towards Me in order to be united with Me forever.
He will spare no means to work on this spiritual, he will cause confusion wherever he can, being always present where people conglomerate, trying to couple up with their thoughts, to transfer his will to them, in spite of realizing that he has lost the power over such spiritual. He nevertheless confronts Me as an adversary, because his ambition is great enough for the delusion that his power can not be broken. - He does recognize in love indeed the weapon that wounds him, and he hence flees same wherever it crosses his path, and he stirs up antagonism at the slightest opportunity. He senses that his power is diminishing, yet will not let himself be vanquished.
Hence his action often is unmistakable, because he always employs ways of creating enmity among those devoted to each other, or creating confusion where there is clarity; and the fault is to be find among men themselves who through small unkindness lend Satan a finger, whereupon he then tries to grab the hand, i.e. spur people into ever greater unlovingness.
He has great power, but only where conceded to him - because you men do not apply the weapon that causes his impotence - you do not practice love sufficiently; because your self-love is still too strong, giving him a welcome opportunity. You then do not recognize him crossing your path: your eyesight then is feeble and you see him as friend and trust him. - He is not your friend for as long as he is My enemy, and he is My enemy so long as he is bereft of all love. Then he is to be feared. If you are yourselves without love then you are his, and still far from Me. But if the love-spark has been kindled in you, then you yourselves loosen the fetters that bond you; then you change masters, then you are conjoining with Me, and then he has lost all power over you. For this reason those of you who have become Mine by free will, which seeks Me out and repels him, need not fear him.
Then he no longer can harm you, but you can even help him, by heaping glowing embers over his head - by extending your love even to those hostile to you, by returning good for evil. Because he then had to acknowledge that you have deified yourselves that you stand above him in brightest light and measureless power.
Because when a being has grown over his head, he senses its power and mentally surrenders it, i.e. it shall no longer be harassed by him because unreachable for him when united with Me.
The way to the Father's heart is passable to all, and the fetters that bond them can be loosened by all men through love, which at once is released and the means to unification that makes you My children, who shall everlastingly enjoy His return of love and therefore be eternally blissful.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Nothing is without meaning or purpose. Everything that is, is created by Me and brought into being to fulfill a purpose. So everything has its destiny. It must serve one way or another, to fulfill its purpose. Even the tiniest creation, the smallest living being, has its function, which it must fulfill, and to a certain extent is forced to. All beings are subjected to the law of nature and so cannot act against this law. Still, what is fulfilled in this lawful way is in a way also serving, because it is always to the benefit of one or another creation. This is necessary for maintaining the creations. So nothing in the entire universe is without purpose or created without meaning. The last purpose and destiny is, however, the liberation of all spirituality. The entire creation contributes according to God's wise Eternal Plan. The entire creation was brought into being only for the liberation of spirituality and each single part of creation fulfills its des- tiny in the state of compulsion.
It is a much different matter regarding man, who although they are a creation of God, still are not subjected to compulsion in his thinking, will and actions. Although the exterior of man, the body, is still under compulsion, because it is built up of spirituality which is in the beginning of its development, his soul has a certain freedom in that it can mature in free will and is not subject to a God given law. Thus in its maturity, it is liberated from the bondage of the Earth. The material serves man's free will, for serving is the real purpose of the earth's existence. Because man is not forced to serve, Love must be developed, which is the usual motive for service.
What occurred in the period of compulsion and was completed, will now experience it’s crowning as man, but all in free will. Man must serve in Love to finally become free from the bondage that the spirituals experienced as a restriction of their original power and Light. The soul of man can reach this goal because God has given him free will so that he can decide for God or His opponent, who has made him unfree, and from whom it must free himself. Serving in Love is the key to liberation from this long confinement.
What the spiritual being, according to God's Will, was forced to do in the long path in the entire creation it must do now in the last stage, in free will. It must serve in Love. In this he proves his divine origin. Love characterized the Divine being, and the human being transforms itself again to what it initially was. He accepts again what he in arrogance gave up in free will. As soon as man serves in Love his offense against God is lifted. He is redeemed from sin and finds his way back to God, from Whom he had separated. He recognizes his son ship and longs to come into the right relationship with the Father and become, through his Love, a true child of God.
But it must all occur in free will. These are the trials, which he must unconditionally endure. Man can reach his goal because he receives help from God in every way possible. However, he can also travel the long road of development in vain if he in the stage as man strives downward rather than upward. Then he misuses his free will again. He does not use the many opportunities, which are at his disposal to reach his destiny, and must bear the consequences of another path through the entire creation. Some day he will reach his goal, but the being itself determines the length of time in his bondage. God gave him the opportunity to become perfect, but will always respect his free will.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Undivided attention is necessary in order to be able to receive the following declaration: The divine wisdom has planned an event whose effect is monstrous. A catastrophe is preparing for the very next time already which cannot be either stopped or weakened by an earthly power. Countless spiritual beings will go into action and will, on behalf of the Divinity, cause the interior of the earth to turn into a turmoil. The earth will split open and masses of water will gush out.
A work of destruction of catastrophic extent will be executed and this will bring a nameless misery upon mankind affected by it. And this happens within a shortest time. For a little while yet you people believe to be powerful and safe from all danger; you only consider the world events around you and feel secure and out of danger. However, you forget there’s a power in command of everything, within, on and above the earth. And since you forget Him Who governs everything according to His will He will thus speak to you by means of the forces of nature, and you will be bound to hear Him because you cannot flee from His voice.
You don’t heed the instructions from above, the sorrows of the earth do not change your thinking, yet the divine voice you cannot drown because it is stronger than all the noise of the world. And that’s why this is proclaimed to you beforehand so that you may recognize the Lord when His voice will sound. Actually, the world will not want to hear anything about it, it will try to head off the big distress but continuously deny the divine actions. And many will side with that opinion and thus only see the misery but not actually the divine will in it that will give whole areas up for destruction, for the sake of the reformation of mankind.
And this the time will announce: an undeserved plague will hit a country and that one country gets into severe distress and when, earthly speaking, there seems to be no deliverance anymore, God Himself steps into action and orders the natural elements to intervene in earthly measures. And whoever felt big before will become small, for he will need to employ all his resources in order to re-erect what there is destroyed. The people will be needed for the restoration of one’s own country which had been flourishing before, but is desolate and bare now and requires a big work force.
And this will be the time when man will deal with other questions than up to now. For whoever survives this time truly stands in the favor of God. The one has testified of the fact of having joined God, in the severest affliction the one sent one’s thoughts to the Father in heavens, and the Father listened to the prayer of a person having gotten to know Him and in severest trouble found the way to Him. For He only sends all the difficulties upon mankind for the sake of regaining faith in God. And thus He now needs to forcibly bring up to height the completely wrestled-down faith by giving proof of His omnipotence to man and to show the world He is Lord of heaven and earth. Amen
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I came to My Own and they did not receive Me. When I come to men they seldom acknowledge Me. So they do not accept My gift of Grace as a Divine gift, or to consider it very little. But I want to be recognized by people so that they make use of My gift of Mercy for the benefit of their souls.
How often I knock in vain, for the people's hearts remain closed to Him Who brings them the best, and offers them a gift of inestimable value. They do not grant Me entrance, they will not listen, and in this way reject the most valuable gifts which they urgently need. I came to My Own and they did not received Me because they did not recognize Me.
Many want to belong to My people presuming to belong to My church, but still do not recognize My voice when I want to gather them as a good shepherd when I coax and call. They do not recognize My voice, and remain far from Me. My sheep however hear My voice, they recognize the voice of their shepherd because His Words are words of Love that come to My Own from Above, to those who open their hearts and allow Me in when I so desire.
But very few recognize Me. They all have the ability if they have the desire to seek their Eternal Father. Truly I will allow them to find Me. But there is so little longing for Me, so they do not recognize My voice, the proof of My Being, the visible evidence of My Love to men.
So when My Word is brought to people by their fellowmen they lack faith and therefore an understanding of My Love which provides the way that can achieve their goal, while still on Earth, union with Me through Love.
It is so easy for those who listen to Me to understand what they receive and utilize it according to My Will. To them I can come close and reveal Myself. They do not doubt Me, but accept Me in the dwelling place of their hearts, and can at any time hear My direct Word. They will allow My Word to touch their hearts and become active according to My Will.
They will also understand the Words which I once spoke when on Earth: that My Kingdom is not of this world, that My Kingdom is in the hearts of My children. They acknowledge Me as their Father, Who wants to come to His Own, but is not recognized by most, because they live without Love. But whoever is active according to My Word has Love, through which he can come to understanding, with joy he will follow My call, because he has recognized Me.
Monday, March 27, 2006
You have to graduate at the school of the spirit, if you want to earn everlastingly the right to dwell in the spiritual kingdom, and as blissful beings flooded with light, be able to create with authority and power, in accordance with My will. This "school of the spirit" is your earth-stay, which sometimes is an unbearably heavy burden for you indeed, yet can also procure you a greater success if only you seek your spiritual perfection with determination, not letting yourselves be crushed by life's exacerbations, regarding earth-life not as an end in itself but a means thereto. You need to always keep in mind that whilst the phase of your earth-life in self-consciousness is short, it yet is decisive for eternity, - keep in mind that it is in this short earth-period that your volition-test is demanded of you, and that this test can be passed only if you can be influenced from two sides, with one side winning you over. Understandably, this shall require a fight, which you yourselves as men bring to a resolution.
Your spiritual perfection therefore lies exclusively in your own hand, but is being fostered by Me in every possible way, even though this may not be apparent to you. - Yet his destiny at all times is amenable to fostering his perfection -. Within eternity, earth-life is only a short interlude, and even carrying the heaviest of destinies, the suffering does not outweigh the bliss which man can create by correct application of his will.
Not one of My beings do I arbitrarily abandon to their fate.
I guard over each at all times, since it is My desire that the school of the spirit should be successfully concluded; and if man is conscious at all times of nothing happeniang and nothing being permitted without My will, which constantly pursues spiritual success, then he also at all times has a chance to enter into a mental connection with Me and to make Me favourably disposed towards him, since I am the Father for everyone of My creations, Who lovingly inclines towards his children if only a quiet call reaches His ear - an appeal in spiritual or earthly need, - You are not alone, surely! You have One Who loves you and only seeks your best. - Why do you not call to Him, voicing all your needs? Do not let earthly want push you away from Me, let it drive you to Me, then it verily shall not weigh you down so much, because I help you carry the cross which your destiny lays upon you in accordance with My wise counsel and recognition of what serves your spiritual perfection. - The quiet resignation to My will then is the correct decision of will you make, then you no longer stand against Me but have given up all resistance to me and acknowledge Me. You have graduated in the school of the spirit with highest honours and the outcome shall be easy.
His Word to us is spiritual food for the soul and the world around us is in need for spiritual food from God.
Please make sure to live up your obligation because of your Love to Jesus Christ and to your neighbours.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION
...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,
..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)
for english downloads contact:
432 revelations in numerical order
18 theme booklets
God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Friday, March 24, 2006
You shall all be witnesses of My Power and Glory, you shall live to see, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, My return, because time is inclining towards the end, and it shall take place as I have, at all times, and constantly proclaimed.
You shall live to see My return, and witness thereof in the Paradise on the new earth - because I shall transfer those who remain faithful to Me to the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My word to their descendants, as they are doing now, by My commission.
I know who is suitable for this, and should know how to protect My servants from the cataclysm. I will provide My disciples of latter days with extraordinary power, that they may successfully attend to their office, that they may courageously fight against all those hostile to Me, whose hate also carries over to My Own. But none of My servants shall depart form this earth until their mission is accomplished.
But the last on this earth shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will also be the same - to proclaim My Word, although in a different way, because it shall be accepted joyfully and longingly - it shall be recognised for what it is - proof of the Father's Love, who want s to make His children happy. All will recognise My voice, when I speak through them to the people of the new earth. Because all of them shall have withstood the fiery test on this earth, and have remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward shall be great and blissful - a harmonious life in the Paradise of the new earth, which no man can yet imagine, but which has been awarded them, so that My might and glory should be made manifest. And I Myself shall be with them.
I shall come in the clouds and fetch them home, and shall remain with them, because they have, by their faithfulness become My children, which they shall have demonstrated to Me in the last faith-conflict! Because they shall fearlessly profess My, they shall witness of Me without having first seen Me. And they shall therefore, also see Me in all Glory, before the final end is come.
Because what I predict also fulfils itself, I shall return, and you will live to see it. You do not yet believe that the time is so near, that you will have to experience the terror of the latter days, and that, by My permission, this earth shall be annihilated. You still do not believe that the pronouncements through the seers and prophets pertain to the present time - and that you people of contemporary are to experience great things which no man can imagine, because this earth has not evinced such till now. But mankind soon shall pursue events with terror and amazement, which shall make an imminent dissolution to the earth believable, and thereupon the ultimate end shall come rapidly.
Yet My elect shall overcome that time, because it is My will, and because this time shall also have witnesses, who have been chosen to speak of those happenings, that My might and glory should become manifest among the descendants of the human race on the new earth. Because it shall be preserved as common knowledge for posterity, since a time will come again when sin takes the upper hand, and I will not be thought of. Then it shall serve as a witness to warn and remind men of what fate befalls those who completely forget Me. Then mention shall be made of the eclipse of the old earth, and of the last judgment, which had decided over life and death, over bliss or damnation.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
You all must help with the redeeming of erring souls. Everyone who believes in Me and in life after death should try to convey this faith to their fellowman. This is a work of Love for one's fellowman rescuing such souls from death.
If you knew how much easier the lot of the soul is if he carries within him even a spark of faith when departing from this Earth, you would do everything to ignite this spark in you, and the greater this spark of faith the brighter it is for your soul when you enter the spiritual realm.
Those who believe should have no rest until they win their fellowman to that faith. He should work diligently and earn for himself a great reward, and the souls he wins will thank him a thousand fold.
To soothe spiritual misery is indeed a work of Love which shall have its effect through Eternity. Everyone is in spiritual distress who is deficient in faith and who does not believe in an infinite Being or a final judgment at the end of their earthly life, including those who live thoughtlessly in the world disregarding their responsibility to develop their souls, not reducing their sin-guilt which is the very reason for their life on Earth, but on the contrary increase their sin- guilt having fallen victim to My adversary who seeks to destroy them for eternity.
Although these people are in great distress, the love of their fellowman can help them. Participate in Christ's work of redemption by trying to explain to them that you know the great Love and Mercy of the One Who has created you.
Do not portray Me as a God of punishment, but rather as a loving Father, Who calls His children back to the House of the Father, which they left in free will.
Help them to come to faith again and you will acquire for yourself a great reward. You will accomplish a work in My vineyard which indeed I will not leave unrewarded. In this way I will back My Children for whom I am longing and for whose Love I strive continuously.
Help Me to restore My Children making them happy forever in My Love.
You can subscribe free by emailing to:
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Light will be given you from above, wherever you are still dark within. My messengers are instructed to make light accessible to all who seek it. Whatever contributes to illumination of the spirit shall be conveyed to them, to enable them to well distinguish between truth and error, and to always recognize Him Who is Himself Truth eternal.
You My children of the earth are destined for the highest bliss I can prepare for you. But the degree of bliss will be constituted in accordance with your will, because I don't fix this. The highest bliss however presupposes also the greatest demands upon your will, because in order to attain to the childhood of God - which secures you the Father's inheritance, you need to be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect. I demand much from you children of the earth, but I give endlessly more still. What I demand of you is complete subordination to My will, and transformation to love in a high degree. In the eternal life, the level of bliss can vary endlessly - always in accordance with the degree of love you allow to blaze within you, and unfold to action.
This active charity then determines the level of maturity, and hence the degree of bliss, whence it follows that the childhood of god demands a complete life of love one earth, so that man's nature is transformed to love during earth life, - to My image, to My true child, for whom I have prepared all delight, as I have promised. A single earth walk needs to have yielded the childhood of God to the soul, because this high degree of maturity will no longer be attainable in the Kingdom of the beyond, even though a being can there attain to an unsuspected fullness of light.
A being of light re-incarnating on earth for missionary leadership nevertheless can gain the childhood of God for itself, which then calls for an exceedingly sorrowful and difficult earth-life, in addition to a receptive activity which was the occasion for repeated incarnation on earth, but solely out of love for erring mankind, whom they wish to bring help in times of utter spiritual destitution.
In the spiritual kingdom on the other hand, every soul in receipt of light can be regarded as blissful to a certain extent, and this bliss is sufficient to kindle a desire to help in her, when faced with beings still languishing in darkness, of whose condition they are aware and wish to eliminate. There is not a soul of light without this desire to help, because receipt of light presupposes love, which desires constantly to express itself. Every charitable deed heightens the bliss of the beings in the spiritual kingdom, and such being therefore does not seek a return to earth, essaying full will the extensive functional scope for the expression of her love-power, and it also senses arising fullness of light and bliss. And no being is transferred back to earth against its will, as this would be contrary to My divine order. One does not meet with such will in light-beings of a lower order but only in light-beings of uncommon stature, who descend to earth to carry out a mission as mentioned above.
As soon as a soul possesses even a modest degree of cognition she also becomes aware of developmental potential in the spiritual kingdom, because love has been kindled in her or she would still be in the dark.
If a soul is still blind in spirit however, a desire to return to earth may surface in her, but never for spiritual ripening. It is merely the craving after matter which draws her to earth, and I on My part do not conduce such craving, because this craving is easier to overcome in the kingdom of the beyond than on earth, and without the overcoming of such craving there is no light, no spiritual progress.
However, neglected to acquire a small spark of cognition on earth, which presupposes works of charity, is then in darkness in the beyond, and his transfer back to earth would be no act of mercy but rather a contravention of My eternal order, which pursues constant progress and excludes all retrograde moves through My will.
A re-incarnation in such case would be an unrighteous compensation for the soul's failure on earth; it would be no love or grace on My part but an immense burdening of the soul, who must then take the responsibility upon itself for the second time without the certainty of achieving her goal. And she would understandably not achieve her goal, because for a repeated incarnation, much greater challenges would need to be set her, to make up for the exceptional privilege, whilst her will would remain free again. Hence she would have to undergo a test of her free will twice, which would be equivalent to a desire on My part to grant an earth life of double duration, circumventing an existing natural law therewith. Moreover, having once failed on earth, a soul would come under renewed fettering by My adversary, weakening her will, because the path to Me as the Divine Redeemer would be blocked by Satan through the world, towards which her craving was directing, as it was for matter. As above, the will of the being is always decisive, but this will does not look towards transfer back to earth if the soul has even a glimmer of cognition. A re-locating on earth of a soul still straying in total darkness is not permitted, because My wisdom is cognizant of the danger and the usual lack of success of a repeated earth-walk, and My love does not encourage retrogression, but only progression.
My law from eternity is build-up and progress. Opportunities for upward development only are fostered on My part, which, capable also of failure are nevertheless so as a result of the being's free will. Only the latter's will and never My own, can cause retrogression. Individual cases of transfer back to earth have their own grounds, but do not justify the assumption that such soul can arbitrarily return to earth at random once she has left this passage behind without or with limited success.
But certain is it that the soul incarnates time and again, because she needs to continue her upward development in the kingdom of the beyond, and this necessitates her being constantly assigned an activity which she carries out in a new incarnation - on one of the countless heavenly spheres, all of which serve as ripening stations for the spiritual. But the activity and tasks are of a nature different from those on earth and cannot be made comprehensible to you people, although the redeeming and ripening principle remains always the serving from love.
Countless possibilities for beneficial action upon souls who have passed on in an unripe state stand at My disposal. Life on earth had been uncommonly promising which, if unused, cannot be made good by the Being's re-incarnating on earth any number of times; wherefore the teaching of re-incarnation is misleading, and it cannot be concluded that will-justified individual cases lead to re-incarnation in general, of every soul, which would be a far likelier disadvantage than an advantage to the soul.
A free decision has to be rendered by the soul on earth, with the help of the Divine Savior Jesus Christ. Whoever rejects Him has forfeited an extraordinary grace and has to struggle in the beyond till he gains cognition and then avail himself of His help on the other side.
The death on the cross of Jesus Christ is of such consequences for the salvation of the soul that only the ready will of man is needed for his redemption. But a failed will evidently also has to bear the consequences: an unspeakably difficult upward development in the spiritual kingdom, or a sinking to deepest depths, which draws after itself renewed passage through the material creation in aggregate, a re-incarnation of no desirable import, a tormenting state of endless duration - to the stage of man which again brings him free will, with the renewed opportunities for making a free decision.
No being is lost forever, but the free will of man alone determines when he gains beatitude. The law of eternal order remains however, because grounded in My wisdom and love, unchanging forever.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I have truly but one goal, to give beatitude to you men. - But this can only be if you yourselves want it. You must understand that not My will decides this, but only your will, which is free. And My adversary contends for this will. He does not want to let you go, but cannot hold you if you desire to follow Me. Therefore, you will understand that and why he afflicts those people who strive for Me, whose will has actually already decided for Me, but whom he wants to win back. - You can only gain beatitude if you unite with Me, and this can definitely be achieved when man has decided in My favor. There is no danger for the one who wants to follow Me, hut he will be faced with all kinds of temptations while he lives on this earth because My adversary is not going to give in, even if he is without success. Although My adversary works with cunning and violence, his spirit is in darkness, otherwise he would recognize how futile his striving is.
I want to give you beatitude, and you men yourselves authorize Me by your will that seeks Me, to draw you towards Me. But Satan, who realizes that you are lost to him, does not give in, because he underestimates the power of My Love, thinking he might still wrest from Me what already belongs to Me. The means he applies is to cause confusion, to plant doubts in a person's heart and thus shake his faith in Me. However, it is again your will that decided the issue. However, if you belong to Me, you soon recognize Satan's deception and turn your back on him. What you did not understand becomes clear, and you rid yourselves of his influence; he cannot hold you because you strive towards Me. Therefore, the one who strives towards Me will reach his goal irrespective of Satan's raging during the final time before the end.
Sometimes he will not be easy to detect, for he steals in under a mask and catches hold of the most fleeting thought that might serve his purpose. He works with much cunning and violence and uses those as his tools who are not fully instructed in the truth, because error provides the cover he needs in his fight. Pure truth protects of him, for he is always recognized by those who have the truth. However, even the least error provides him with a foothold, and then he causes an awful confusion, like a wolf breaking into a sheepfold and causing fear and terror. But even then he will be unable to harm My sheep if they flee to Me, their shepherd, who protects them against all dangers. Thus it is again but the will that decides the issue, and if that is directed to Me, Satan has lost all his power over a person. This you should know, that you are always on the right path if I am your goal. Then you can neither fall nor trip, since I walk with you, because I Myself want to help you gain beatitude. Therefore, do not fear any adverse power, but rely solely on Me, your God and Father from eternity. Submit to Me and strive towards Me - then your will belongs to Me, and I will surely not allow you to fall into the hands of My adversary, who wants to alienate you from Me.
My Love takes hold of you, and the power of My love will also conquer him as nothing can ever resist it.
His Word to us is spiritual food for the soul and the world around us is in need for spiritual food from God.
Please make sure to live up your obligation because of your Love to Jesus Christ and to your neighbours.
Send this message to family and friends. "... freely ye have received, freely give." Tell them they too can subscribe free by emailing to:
To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION
...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,
..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations. (german homepage)
for english downloads contact:
432 revelations in numerical order
18 theme booklets
God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde
FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.
Monday, March 20, 2006
The will to live means a certain victory over death. On earth however, you cannot prevent bodily death. Death of the body can be a transition to life in the beyond, when the will in man becomes so strong that he gains that everlasting life. This will to live has My approval, however, I spoke the words "whoever loves his life will lose it, and whoever loses it will keep it".
He who thinks only about his physical life and how to preserve it will soon experience man's total helplessness when he is removed from this earth without being able to do anything about it. This kind of will to live is not meant to have victory over death.
There has to be a desire for the true life of the soul, and to that life men have to commit themselves with all the strength they possess, then will they be free from death through all eternity, then shall they live in Light and strength, and are able to be continually active to their own happiness. Then they have truthfully conquered death and the separation of the soul from the body is an awakening to new life, not troubled by the bodily cover, free from all matter and yet filled with unexpected fullness of strength.
The people on earth should yearn for this life, strive for it, and use all their power to possess it. Then they will long for death when they will give up this earthly life for the true life of eternity.
However, people cling to this bodily life too much. They fear losing it, they love this earthly life too much, therefore they will love it, and their fate will be death.
Again this does not mean the death of the body but one in which the soul, who loves this earthly life too much, sinks down into spiritual death. This death is far worse than man can imagine, because his soul is without Light and strength, totally powerless and in deep darkness. Spiritual death is an indescribable torment because the soul is well aware that it is not extinguished at the moment of death but has a further existence in an agonizing condition. The longing for activity, which is the being's happiness, can only be for the living, because this strength is needed which is present only in a living being, so a being without strength is dead.
What on earth is accomplished by means of the life force that flows to people is only for worldly activities, which increases worldly material goods but has no value for the spiritual kingdom. On the other hand spiritual work bring imperishable treasures and assures a life in eternity.
Therefore, the will of man should be directed seriously toward eternal life, and the use of this life force to win spiritual strength. Then, he will become victorious over death, then eternal life is for him certain and he will not taste death forever.