Friday, March 24, 2006



Word of God


You shall all be witnesses of My Power and Glory, you shall live to see, partly in spirit and partly in the flesh, My return, because time is inclining towards the end, and it shall take place as I have, at all times, and constantly proclaimed.

You shall live to see My return, and witness thereof in the Paradise on the new earth - because I shall transfer those who remain faithful to Me to the new earth, where they shall also proclaim My word to their descendants, as they are doing now, by My commission.

I know who is suitable for this, and should know how to protect My servants from the cataclysm. I will provide My disciples of latter days with extraordinary power, that they may successfully attend to their office, that they may courageously fight against all those hostile to Me, whose hate also carries over to My Own. But none of My servants shall depart form this earth until their mission is accomplished.

But the last on this earth shall be the first on the new earth, where their task will also be the same - to proclaim My Word, although in a different way, because it shall be accepted joyfully and longingly - it shall be recognised for what it is - proof of the Father's Love, who want s to make His children happy. All will recognise My voice, when I speak through them to the people of the new earth. Because all of them shall have withstood the fiery test on this earth, and have remained faithful to Me. Hence their reward shall be great and blissful - a harmonious life in the Paradise of the new earth, which no man can yet imagine, but which has been awarded them, so that My might and glory should be made manifest. And I Myself shall be with them.

I shall come in the clouds and fetch them home, and shall remain with them, because they have, by their faithfulness become My children, which they shall have demonstrated to Me in the last faith-conflict! Because they shall fearlessly profess My, they shall witness of Me without having first seen Me. And they shall therefore, also see Me in all Glory, before the final end is come.

Because what I predict also fulfils itself, I shall return, and you will live to see it. You do not yet believe that the time is so near, that you will have to experience the terror of the latter days, and that, by My permission, this earth shall be annihilated. You still do not believe that the pronouncements through the seers and prophets pertain to the present time - and that you people of contemporary are to experience great things which no man can imagine, because this earth has not evinced such till now. But mankind soon shall pursue events with terror and amazement, which shall make an imminent dissolution to the earth believable, and thereupon the ultimate end shall come rapidly.

Yet My elect shall overcome that time, because it is My will, and because this time shall also have witnesses, who have been chosen to speak of those happenings, that My might and glory should become manifest among the descendants of the human race on the new earth. Because it shall be preserved as common knowledge for posterity, since a time will come again when sin takes the upper hand, and I will not be thought of. Then it shall serve as a witness to warn and remind men of what fate befalls those who completely forget Me. Then mention shall be made of the eclipse of the old earth, and of the last judgment, which had decided over life and death, over bliss or damnation.


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