Tuesday, March 21, 2006




I have truly but one goal, to give beatitude to you men. - But this can only be if you yourselves want it. You must understand that not My will decides this, but only your will, which is free. And My adversary contends for this will. He does not want to let you go, but cannot hold you if you desire to follow Me. Therefore, you will understand that and why he afflicts those people who strive for Me, whose will has actually already decided for Me, but whom he wants to win back. - You can only gain beatitude if you unite with Me, and this can definitely be achieved when man has decided in My favor. There is no danger for the one who wants to follow Me, hut he will be faced with all kinds of temptations while he lives on this earth because My adversary is not going to give in, even if he is without success. Although My adversary works with cunning and violence, his spirit is in darkness, otherwise he would recognize how futile his striving is.

I want to give you beatitude, and you men yourselves authorize Me by your will that seeks Me, to draw you towards Me. But Satan, who realizes that you are lost to him, does not give in, because he underestimates the power of My Love, thinking he might still wrest from Me what already belongs to Me. The means he applies is to cause confusion, to plant doubts in a person's heart and thus shake his faith in Me. However, it is again your will that decided the issue. However, if you belong to Me, you soon recognize Satan's deception and turn your back on him. What you did not understand becomes clear, and you rid yourselves of his influence; he cannot hold you because you strive towards Me. Therefore, the one who strives towards Me will reach his goal irrespective of Satan's raging during the final time before the end.

Sometimes he will not be easy to detect, for he steals in under a mask and catches hold of the most fleeting thought that might serve his purpose. He works with much cunning and violence and uses those as his tools who are not fully instructed in the truth, because error provides the cover he needs in his fight. Pure truth protects of him, for he is always recognized by those who have the truth. However, even the least error provides him with a foothold, and then he causes an awful confusion, like a wolf breaking into a sheepfold and causing fear and terror. But even then he will be unable to harm My sheep if they flee to Me, their shepherd, who protects them against all dangers. Thus it is again but the will that decides the issue, and if that is directed to Me, Satan has lost all his power over a person. This you should know, that you are always on the right path if I am your goal. Then you can neither fall nor trip, since I walk with you, because I Myself want to help you gain beatitude. Therefore, do not fear any adverse power, but rely solely on Me, your God and Father from eternity. Submit to Me and strive towards Me - then your will belongs to Me, and I will surely not allow you to fall into the hands of My adversary, who wants to alienate you from Me.

My Love takes hold of you, and the power of My love will also conquer him as nothing can ever resist it.

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To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.

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432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.


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