Wednesday, March 22, 2006




Light will be given you from above, wherever you are still dark within. My messengers are instructed to make light accessible to all who seek it. Whatever contributes to illumination of the spirit shall be conveyed to them, to enable them to well distinguish between truth and error, and to always recognize Him Who is Himself Truth eternal.

You My children of the earth are destined for the highest bliss I can prepare for you. But the degree of bliss will be constituted in accordance with your will, because I don't fix this. The highest bliss however presupposes also the greatest demands upon your will, because in order to attain to the childhood of God - which secures you the Father's inheritance, you need to be perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect. I demand much from you children of the earth, but I give endlessly more still. What I demand of you is complete subordination to My will, and transformation to love in a high degree. In the eternal life, the level of bliss can vary endlessly - always in accordance with the degree of love you allow to blaze within you, and unfold to action.

This active charity then determines the level of maturity, and hence the degree of bliss, whence it follows that the childhood of god demands a complete life of love one earth, so that man's nature is transformed to love during earth life, - to My image, to My true child, for whom I have prepared all delight, as I have promised. A single earth walk needs to have yielded the childhood of God to the soul, because this high degree of maturity will no longer be attainable in the Kingdom of the beyond, even though a being can there attain to an unsuspected fullness of light.

A being of light re-incarnating on earth for missionary leadership nevertheless can gain the childhood of God for itself, which then calls for an exceedingly sorrowful and difficult earth-life, in addition to a receptive activity which was the occasion for repeated incarnation on earth, but solely out of love for erring mankind, whom they wish to bring help in times of utter spiritual destitution.

In the spiritual kingdom on the other hand, every soul in receipt of light can be regarded as blissful to a certain extent, and this bliss is sufficient to kindle a desire to help in her, when faced with beings still languishing in darkness, of whose condition they are aware and wish to eliminate. There is not a soul of light without this desire to help, because receipt of light presupposes love, which desires constantly to express itself. Every charitable deed heightens the bliss of the beings in the spiritual kingdom, and such being therefore does not seek a return to earth, essaying full will the extensive functional scope for the expression of her love-power, and it also senses arising fullness of light and bliss. And no being is transferred back to earth against its will, as this would be contrary to My divine order. One does not meet with such will in light-beings of a lower order but only in light-beings of uncommon stature, who descend to earth to carry out a mission as mentioned above.

As soon as a soul possesses even a modest degree of cognition she also becomes aware of developmental potential in the spiritual kingdom, because love has been kindled in her or she would still be in the dark.

If a soul is still blind in spirit however, a desire to return to earth may surface in her, but never for spiritual ripening. It is merely the craving after matter which draws her to earth, and I on My part do not conduce such craving, because this craving is easier to overcome in the kingdom of the beyond than on earth, and without the overcoming of such craving there is no light, no spiritual progress.

However, neglected to acquire a small spark of cognition on earth, which presupposes works of charity, is then in darkness in the beyond, and his transfer back to earth would be no act of mercy but rather a contravention of My eternal order, which pursues constant progress and excludes all retrograde moves through My will.

A re-incarnation in such case would be an unrighteous compensation for the soul's failure on earth; it would be no love or grace on My part but an immense burdening of the soul, who must then take the responsibility upon itself for the second time without the certainty of achieving her goal. And she would understandably not achieve her goal, because for a repeated incarnation, much greater challenges would need to be set her, to make up for the exceptional privilege, whilst her will would remain free again. Hence she would have to undergo a test of her free will twice, which would be equivalent to a desire on My part to grant an earth life of double duration, circumventing an existing natural law therewith. Moreover, having once failed on earth, a soul would come under renewed fettering by My adversary, weakening her will, because the path to Me as the Divine Redeemer would be blocked by Satan through the world, towards which her craving was directing, as it was for matter. As above, the will of the being is always decisive, but this will does not look towards transfer back to earth if the soul has even a glimmer of cognition. A re-locating on earth of a soul still straying in total darkness is not permitted, because My wisdom is cognizant of the danger and the usual lack of success of a repeated earth-walk, and My love does not encourage retrogression, but only progression.

My law from eternity is build-up and progress. Opportunities for upward development only are fostered on My part, which, capable also of failure are nevertheless so as a result of the being's free will. Only the latter's will and never My own, can cause retrogression. Individual cases of transfer back to earth have their own grounds, but do not justify the assumption that such soul can arbitrarily return to earth at random once she has left this passage behind without or with limited success.

But certain is it that the soul incarnates time and again, because she needs to continue her upward development in the kingdom of the beyond, and this necessitates her being constantly assigned an activity which she carries out in a new incarnation - on one of the countless heavenly spheres, all of which serve as ripening stations for the spiritual. But the activity and tasks are of a nature different from those on earth and cannot be made comprehensible to you people, although the redeeming and ripening principle remains always the serving from love.

Countless possibilities for beneficial action upon souls who have passed on in an unripe state stand at My disposal. Life on earth had been uncommonly promising which, if unused, cannot be made good by the Being's re-incarnating on earth any number of times; wherefore the teaching of re-incarnation is misleading, and it cannot be concluded that will-justified individual cases lead to re-incarnation in general, of every soul, which would be a far likelier disadvantage than an advantage to the soul.

A free decision has to be rendered by the soul on earth, with the help of the Divine Savior Jesus Christ. Whoever rejects Him has forfeited an extraordinary grace and has to struggle in the beyond till he gains cognition and then avail himself of His help on the other side.

The death on the cross of Jesus Christ is of such consequences for the salvation of the soul that only the ready will of man is needed for his redemption. But a failed will evidently also has to bear the consequences: an unspeakably difficult upward development in the spiritual kingdom, or a sinking to deepest depths, which draws after itself renewed passage through the material creation in aggregate, a re-incarnation of no desirable import, a tormenting state of endless duration - to the stage of man which again brings him free will, with the renewed opportunities for making a free decision.

No being is lost forever, but the free will of man alone determines when he gains beatitude. The law of eternal order remains however, because grounded in My wisdom and love, unchanging forever.


Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

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