Thursday, March 23, 2006




You all must help with the redeeming of erring souls. Everyone who believes in Me and in life after death should try to convey this faith to their fellowman. This is a work of Love for one's fellowman rescuing such souls from death.

If you knew how much easier the lot of the soul is if he carries within him even a spark of faith when departing from this Earth, you would do everything to ignite this spark in you, and the greater this spark of faith the brighter it is for your soul when you enter the spiritual realm.

Those who believe should have no rest until they win their fellowman to that faith. He should work diligently and earn for himself a great reward, and the souls he wins will thank him a thousand fold.

To soothe spiritual misery is indeed a work of Love which shall have its effect through Eternity. Everyone is in spiritual distress who is deficient in faith and who does not believe in an infinite Being or a final judgment at the end of their earthly life, including those who live thoughtlessly in the world disregarding their responsibility to develop their souls, not reducing their sin-guilt which is the very reason for their life on Earth, but on the contrary increase their sin- guilt having fallen victim to My adversary who seeks to destroy them for eternity.

Although these people are in great distress, the love of their fellowman can help them. Participate in Christ's work of redemption by trying to explain to them that you know the great Love and Mercy of the One Who has created you.

Do not portray Me as a God of punishment, but rather as a loving Father, Who calls His children back to the House of the Father, which they left in free will.

Help them to come to faith again and you will acquire for yourself a great reward. You will accomplish a work in My vineyard which indeed I will not leave unrewarded. In this way I will back My Children for whom I am longing and for whose Love I strive continuously.

Help Me to restore My Children making them happy forever in My Love.


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