Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I came to My Own and they did not receive Me. When I come to men they seldom acknowledge Me. So they do not accept My gift of Grace as a Divine gift, or to consider it very little. But I want to be recognized by people so that they make use of My gift of Mercy for the benefit of their souls.
How often I knock in vain, for the people's hearts remain closed to Him Who brings them the best, and offers them a gift of inestimable value. They do not grant Me entrance, they will not listen, and in this way reject the most valuable gifts which they urgently need. I came to My Own and they did not received Me because they did not recognize Me.
Many want to belong to My people presuming to belong to My church, but still do not recognize My voice when I want to gather them as a good shepherd when I coax and call. They do not recognize My voice, and remain far from Me. My sheep however hear My voice, they recognize the voice of their shepherd because His Words are words of Love that come to My Own from Above, to those who open their hearts and allow Me in when I so desire.
But very few recognize Me. They all have the ability if they have the desire to seek their Eternal Father. Truly I will allow them to find Me. But there is so little longing for Me, so they do not recognize My voice, the proof of My Being, the visible evidence of My Love to men.
So when My Word is brought to people by their fellowmen they lack faith and therefore an understanding of My Love which provides the way that can achieve their goal, while still on Earth, union with Me through Love.
It is so easy for those who listen to Me to understand what they receive and utilize it according to My Will. To them I can come close and reveal Myself. They do not doubt Me, but accept Me in the dwelling place of their hearts, and can at any time hear My direct Word. They will allow My Word to touch their hearts and become active according to My Will.
They will also understand the Words which I once spoke when on Earth: that My Kingdom is not of this world, that My Kingdom is in the hearts of My children. They acknowledge Me as their Father, Who wants to come to His Own, but is not recognized by most, because they live without Love. But whoever is active according to My Word has Love, through which he can come to understanding, with joy he will follow My call, because he has recognized Me.