Sunday, December 24, 2006
The opportunity is given to every human being to discover the secret of the "becoming Man" of God, and every man can then have proof - of the existence of Jesus, Who, as "Son of God and Redeemer of the world" will be revealed to him, so that every other proof is unnecessary.
But he who has once understood the "becoming man of God", also knows that, and why, faith is required - why proofs do not promote but rather harm the maturing process of the soul - for which purpose man walks on Earth.
That God Himself was embodied in Jesus Christ, in the man Jesus, is and remains unbelievable for those people who have no spiritual connection whatever, and to whom the spiritual strive seems strange.
Under "spiritual strive", therefore, one can understand the process of the development of a soul that did not receive the Earth-life as self-purpose, but only as means to the purpose. He who is not spiritually motivated is also not awake, i.e., his thinking is more easily influenced by mistake rather than by Truth; he will sooner accept a mistake and let it act as truth. Therefore, the pure Truth, in return, will seem to be unacceptable- precisely because his spirit is still darkened, which does not mean his reason, but the spark within man that is a divine share.
This person will not give any credit to a purely spiritual cause - and therefore, the becoming man of God, as a “consequence" of such a "spiritual cause", will be incomprehensible for him.
But it took place! God begot Himself in a man. And this human being was Jesus, the son of Mary, Whose Father was the Spirit of God. Nothing as permitted to force mankind to faith. And therefore the birth of Jesus was subjugated to human laws, but not the "procreation"!
Humanity should have no doubts about this when they consider that all Created, as well as the complete complex of the Creation-Work, came about through God's Force, and that therefore it is also possible to, that Force to create a human being out of His Will.
But this birth without procreation has also its spiritual causes that are very easily understood by an awakened spirit. And therefore man has to know that the whole Creation-Work had spiritual causes, founded on the free- will of the primal-created spiritual beings; and that this free- will plays an important part also in the existence of man - the once created primal-spirit; a part that is significant and is also the explanation for there being no proofs - or only a few - to be found of the "existence of Jesus".
No sort of coercion should include man to take a positive or a negative attitude towards Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer - a complete freedom of will must decide the attitude towards Him, because only on that depends the spiritual regeneration of man to the primal-created being, for which Regeneration man lives on Earth.
That which can be proven forces a decision to be made by man. But no man should be coerced to that decision if the formerly spiritual perfection of the primal-being should once be achieved, which is the purpose and the goal of the whole Creation-Work.
Therefore, man must know beforehand about the primal-beginning and the goal of all that exists - about the sense and purpose of the Creation and of all the existing created beings therein. But he will never gain this knowledge from books - he must be made aware of it by the "Spirit of God" - Which is Itself the "eternal Truth".
But this requires conditions that every man is certainly able to fulfil, though only few want to fulfil them! God's Spirit can only manifest Itself where these conditions exist, such as: A living faith in God, that can come to life only through "Love" - and a conscious claim for the "Truth out of God" - to receive the Truth precisely in faith from Him. And it will be given to mankind, for the Spirit out of God now unites with the spirit-spark in man - which is His share - and man will be taught through the Spirit.
Whoever cannot, or does not want to believe such a thing will never enjoy wisdom - the light of knowledge. But to him who believes it, there will be unveiled the most glorious revelations, and he will recognize clearly what is for other people beyond understanding. He will be able to comprehend the links, and for him the becoming man of God in Jesus is now a wonderfully resolved problem, for which he no longer needs any proof - for now he can see through alt this more clearly, remaining more convinced than possibly by the most brilliant intellectual approach.
For an awakened spirit, then, it is unimportant how much time elapses between the life of Jesus on Earth and the present, because this walk of Jesus was not an act which concerned a certain circle of people, but was. undertaken for all men of the past, present, and future. - All men will know about this walk on Earth by Jesus, but will not need proof of it, as their spirit is awakened.
But without the awakening of the spirit, the keenest proof would not be any good for obtaining the maturity of the soul, for faith built on proofs is not faith that respects the free will, which alone is to be valued. The "intelligence" of man has nothing, or only very little, to do with the "awakening of the Spirit" in mankind. The latter is the consequence of a life of Love - a life in unselfish love for one's neighbour. And, therefore, the exploration of the deepest secrets is never a privilege of intellectual activity, but the privilege of only those who live according to the commandments of God, that the man Jesus taught while He was on Earth: "Love God above all and thy neighbour as thyself."
The effect of the fulfilment of this commandment is the surest and most clear proof of the existence of Jesus, for then the spirit out of God leads man to all Truth and gives him all the explanations of the spiritual connections that will never be obtained through reason.