Sunday, December 31, 2006






You all should know that you cannot, at your own will, repeat your life on Earth, so you should use this special opportunity, if you do not want to be plagued by bitter remorse, if you through your own fault enter the spiritual realm be fore you come to maturity.

To think that you can repeat earthly life until you have reached perfection makes you indifferent in your efforts to reach your final goal, therefore such a doctrine is harmful to your soul. It is dangerous since many, because of this doctrine; neglect the work of their soul in the hope of making up in another life what they neglected in their former existence on Earth.

Such teaching is erroneous. You must fully utilize the gift of Grace, such as your incarnation as man, because when you have once entered the beyond the way on Earth is closed to you. Your development depends on your attitude in the spiritual realm, and that can vary. With a good will and the help of the Light-beings, as well as the prayers of your fellowman you can also experience progress in the beyond and come to a completely Blessed state. But you need far more strength there than on Earth.

However, you could also sink into the abyss if you have a stubborn heart and will. In that case it would truly be a merciless deed to allow you a second existence on Earth. That would never assure your spiritual progress, because free will always governs, and because of free will your remembrance is taken away.

If you are of good will you can also come to maturity in the spiritual realm, which will give you Light and a degree of happiness, which can steadily increase. You will then have no longing for life in the flesh, to go through another incarnation on Earth. But it happens in same cases for special reasons. This should not be thought of as common. Nor should you draw from this the conclusion for a doctrine of re-incarnation.

It is not that mankind cannot reach maturity on Earth, for JESUS CHRIST died for this on the cross, so that on Earth complete freedom from the material form can be reached. It is only the will of man who fails and must bear the consequences, namely: an unhappy state in the spiritual realm, which he can stop at will and change. Besides, everything according to God’s Will progresses upwards. Only man's will can cause a regression. Also it would contradict God’s Plan of Divine Order to set a being in a backward material form when it has not used this in the right way, and so misused a gift of Grace, for which he one day must give an account and bear the consequences.

An incarnation can take place in special cases. Only for the purpose of helping, can souls of Light be incarnated on Earth to show their great Love for the suffering world. They can take again the road on Earth to help their fellowman in their great need.

Man should understand that people dwell on Earth who came from Above. They themselves do not know this hut their fellowman may surmise it. Man should never believe that people on Earth are re-incarnated unless they recognize a special mission in them. The doctrine of re-incarnation is dangerous for people to believe. Because of an isolated case taken as common they do not take their responsibility seriously.

To think that man can repeat this earthly life to make up for what they, through their own fault, have neglected in their short life on Earth, will weigh heavily on them in the spiritual realm when they realize this was a wrong doctrine. But the soul can there also come to a certain degree of Light, and increase it steadily. But it can never come to that degree as to reach the Son ship of GOD, which could be reached only on Earth. There is also a great danger in the beyond of sinking deeper if the soul does not accept the help of Light-beings to strive upwards.




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