Saturday, December 16, 2006
The existence as man on Earth would not have a right reason if it would be solely for a self-purpose. For it would be difficult for you, humans, to find for this a proper reason, because you see too clearly the great differences in human destinies. Again and again the question would arise in you: What is the purpose of such a hard difficult, poor life? However, you could find an answer right away if you considered life not as a self purpose but as a means to the purpose.
Were the fate of each person the same, were every man's Earth-life filled with harmony, carelessness, blissfulness -and material happiness -with little difference from the lives of their fellow-men -then you would remain in the belief that there is no deeper meaning in Earth -life than that of the life itself. But as soon as you seriously meditate about it, you will not be satisfied with such an explanation.
You will search for a deeper reason and you will certainly find it. Because only one question from your side is necessary in order to receive an answer.
And all people should raise this question for themselves. Because really it does not show cleverness or intelligence when a man is satisfied to walk through life just as a caprice of the Creator. Because every person that claims to be considered intelligent would not squander his time and energy in producing things that are quite purposeless. And neither would he want to consider himself a completely useless creature that has only one purpose -and that is to support himself and yet be unable to decide the length of his existence.
Is Earth-life self-purpose or a means to a purpose? To bring up this question could be very enticing for the one who is unable to believe. By no means will you be asked to believe blindly, because such a blind faith has no value. But you should use your intelligence and think in all directions about, what is asked of you to believe. You can arrive through reflection at a result that appears acceptable to you, and you can be sure that such thoughtful effort will be blessed if it leads you to a deeper understanding, the knowledge about what is still hidden from you, but does not have to remain hidden.
To fathom the purpose of man's earthly life, as man, is such a knowledge, because it belongs to the area of what can not be proven but nevertheless makes a man happy - as soon as it is his earnest desire to get it. Because as soon as man has the clarity to see that life as man is only the means to a purpose, more and more questions will arise. He will search for the true purpose and thereby will also recognize his own task. He will no longer be content to worry only about earthly life; he will learn to consider all happenings and experiences as a condition to a purpose, and will then find and pursue a spiritual attitude that satisfies him completely.
The conscious life of man only begins with the understanding of the Earth-life purpose. Because then his thinking will be directed towards a goal that he tries to reach. Only then begins his endeavor to execute the soul work; only then earthly aims retreat into the background. However, he will be able to master his earthly life with GOD'S help, Who blesses such an attitude towards life and will open for him again and again new aspects that activates his thinking and leads him to the height.
A purpose-conscious Earth-life can never be lived in vain; it must bring spiritual success, while a man for whom life is only self-purpose will reach no spiritual gain. But as soon as he is willing to love, many questions will come up by him about the purpose of his life on Earth, and then a change will occur in his thinking. But without the willingness to love, which is most often the case with those who have not yet recognized the Earth-life purpose, an upwards development can not be expected. Then man remains, concerning his soul, as he was at the beginning of his embodiment.
Then the existence on Earth will have past quite in vain; then a great Mercy-gift will have been lost which could have brought the highest reward.
It is however possible for every man to come to the knowledge that he exists on Earth for a purpose, since each man possesses the faculty to think and he can ponder one thought against another, and is therefore himself able to judge. And with serious meditation he would certainly receive that insight, because he can recognize in the Creation of nature a certain purpose in lawful order, which he also should apply to himself as the highest developed Creation-Work. Otherwise he would have a very limited way of thinking; a conception that could not be called cleverness.
Man can win the recognition of an Earth-life purpose because otherwise no responsibility could be demanded from him, how he has used his Earth-life. Such a responsibility is in fact denied by man who does not want to recognize any purpose. But regarding this responsibility there are enough proofs on hand in nature; that no natural law , - the divine order - can be trespassed without consequences. Therefore man himself has to accept a certain order, he must feel himself included in that order-law. Thus he cannot arbitrarily shape his life without any responsibility towards GOD, Who created everything, but he has to try to align himself with the law of divine Order.
He must acknowledge his legislator. Then facing this law- giver he will feel himself responsible. If his legislator is not recognized, man himself feels free of responsibility towards a master; then he is obviously still in the power of GOD' s opponent, who tries always to influence man in such a way that any belief in a purpose and aim of the Earth-life-existence vanishes, so that this evil-one might keep him again through eternal times.