Friday, December 22, 2006
There will be a new Earth, and the people on it will be closely united with Me, living according to My order. But that condition can only be reached through a cleansing of this Earth. The old Earth must be brought again into the right condition. This does not mean that the present situation can be corrected, as so many people want to believe who are not prepared to think about the end.
The coming purification will be thorough. It will first apply to the people who no longer live in My everlasting order. But it includes the creation-work itself, because the spiritual substance that is bound therein needs reshaping to come quicker to a spiritual progress. This will happen because I am concerned about all spiritual substance, which has languished long enough in hard matter and now finally begins its upward progress.
There will be no more turning to Me on this Earth, because the people themselves strengthen My opponent's power, which he will use to achieve a greater falling away from Me. If the adversary and all who belong to him would not be bound the spiritual condition would not just remain as it is but become constantly worse, so much so that harmonious conditions on Earth could never be expected. So, I will perform a thorough cleansing. I will dissolve everything on this Earth that contains spiritual substance. I will cause a new Earth to arise with completely new creations. They will again obtain spiritual substance for its further development.
I will populate the Earth only with people whose maturity is such that they can bear a life in paradise, people who remained true to Me in the last battle on this Earth. I will place them as a new human race on the new Earth. This new creation period begin with a spiritually mature people who will influence future generations, showing them the way upwards and helping them to their perfection.
Because My opponent is bound, man will not be oppressed by him, consequently there will be a paradise-like condition for a long time where all creations, both men and animals, live in harmony and peace, where people will constantly pursue union with Me. I can also be present with them, therefore mankind will be blessed until once again the time comes when this union will slacken and material things will become the great attraction.
The people themselves will loosen the chains of My opponent through their desires. I will not hinder them. Because their test of free will is again necessary which was previously completely submitted to Me. If I would not bring an end to this present situation, there could truly be no spiritual success. I allowed the adversary the right to fight for beings. But he abused his rights, because he went too far. He hindered the people from receiving knowledge of Me, their Eternal GOD and Creator. This Earthly life is given to man to decide which master they want to belong to. Consequently they must be informed about both masters, which My opponent tries to hinder. Therefore, I will bring an end to his works and he with his followers will be bound.
First of all I will restore lawful order everywhere, to assure upwards development of all fallen beings, according to My Eternal Plan.