Monday, October 30, 2006
Only few people find the way to My heart and few are willing to walk it although they claim to be faithful Christians outwardly belonging to those who are members of church organizations and therefore called religious. All these have started on the way but have stopped in their progress before reaching My heart.
You will understand this if you take a closer look at your earthly life, which puts the world in the first place and your physical well-being if you seriously take into account, how little time you allow yourselves to remember Me and the purpose of your life. Usually you give Me only the traditionally assigned time: a short morning-, mid- day- and evening-prayer or an hour for the officially divine service.
But only seldom your thoughts seek Me of your own accord to converse with Me; only seldom you desire to come closer to Me. Your thoughts will always be filled with earthly concerns, worldly plans and worldly joys. I am not the main purport of your thoughts, even if you believe in Me as your creator and preserver. But you do not see in Me the Father to whom you are drawn by your love. Therefore, you only seldom take the way to My heart, that you talk like 'children to their father', that you want to have Him with you in all situations, that you, so to say, live your life in close association with Me. Then you would also talk about Me more often, your conversations would take a different course from the present one. I am hardly mentioned in your daily life, and those who do mention Me are smiled at scornfully and not taken seriously.
This is the true situation with you people. I Myself cannot often be present because you do not remember Me and even less assemble in My name. Only seldom an hour is sacrificed to Me due to an 'inner need'. And therefore I say: only few people walk on the way to My heart; to only few I can be 'their constant companion' on this earth. And their 'Christianity of the hours' can bring men no spiritual progress for while it consists only in traditional visits to a church and performance of its rites it cannot be a voluntary association with Me.
Only a 'living relationship', the inner craving of your free will can help you to perfection: the desire to hear My Word and give nourishment to the soul can be rated as a longing for Me and can be fulfilled. Everyone should give account to himself what his innermost feelings about Me are like and to what extent he is only observing traditional requirements which are part of his upbringing and whether he is fulfilling them only traditionally.
I look into the hearts and no one can deceive Me, but have a desire for all these hearts and am not satisfied with the second or third place. And while the world and its demands are still occupying the first place, you belong to the 'dead Christians'; a 'living Christianity' expresses itself differently. It consists in an unceasing 'activity of love', an activity with Me, and to whom I can be present through love, he will also remember Me all the time. He puts Me before all worldly things and will do nothing without having lovingly united with Me.
But there are only few of these, although many people believe to live righteously, because they fulfill the demands of their church. However, all these will not stand their ground at the time of the last decision, for they will lack the strength which they have to receive from Me and for which they need a 'loving union with Me'. Let Me point out to you that the time will come when you will be asked to make your decision and your distress will be great if you do not possess the 'living faith' which requires that you find the way to My heart and proceed on it; for I alone can supply you with strength. But you need My presence, and therefore you must lovingly unite with Me.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Only few people find the way to My heart and few are willing to walk it although they claim to be faithful Christians outwardly belonging to those who are members of church organizations and therefore called religious. All these have started on the way but have stopped in their progress before reaching My heart.
You will understand this if you take a closer look at your earthly life, which puts the world in the first place and your physical well-being if you seriously take into account, how little time you allow yourselves to remember Me and the purpose of your life. Usually you give Me only the traditionally assigned time: a short morning-, mid- day- and evening-prayer or an hour for the officially divine service.
But only seldom your thoughts seek Me of your own accord to converse with Me; only seldom you desire to come closer to Me. Your thoughts will always be filled with earthly concerns, worldly plans and worldly joys. I am not the main purport of your thoughts, even if you believe in Me as your creator and preserver. But you do not see in Me the Father to whom you are drawn by your love. Therefore, you only seldom take the way to My heart, that you talk like 'children to their father', that you want to have Him with you in all situations, that you, so to say, live your life in close association with Me. Then you would also talk about Me more often, your conversations would take a different course from the present one. I am hardly mentioned in your daily life, and those who do mention Me are smiled at scornfully and not taken seriously.
This is the true situation with you people. I Myself cannot often be present because you do not remember Me and even less assemble in My name. Only seldom an hour is sacrificed to Me due to an 'inner need'. And therefore I say: only few people walk on the way to My heart; to only few I can be 'their constant companion' on this earth. And their 'Christianity of the hours' can bring men no spiritual progress for while it consists only in traditional visits to a church and performance of its rites it cannot be a voluntary association with Me.
Only a 'living relationship', the inner craving of your free will can help you to perfection: the desire to hear My Word and give nourishment to the soul can be rated as a longing for Me and can be fulfilled. Everyone should give account to himself what his innermost feelings about Me are like and to what extent he is only observing traditional requirements which are part of his upbringing and whether he is fulfilling them only traditionally.
I look into the hearts and no one can deceive Me, but have a desire for all these hearts and am not satisfied with the second or third place. And while the world and its demands are still occupying the first place, you belong to the 'dead Christians'; a 'living Christianity' expresses itself differently. It consists in an unceasing 'activity of love', an activity with Me, and to whom I can be present through love, he will also remember Me all the time. He puts Me before all worldly things and will do nothing without having lovingly united with Me.
But there are only few of these, although many people believe to live righteously, because they fulfill the demands of their church. However, all these will not stand their ground at the time of the last decision, for they will lack the strength which they have to receive from Me and for which they need a 'loving union with Me'. Let Me point out to you that the time will come when you will be asked to make your decision and your distress will be great if you do not possess the 'living faith' which requires that you find the way to My heart and proceed on it; for I alone can supply you with strength. But you need My presence, and therefore you must lovingly unite with Me.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
A complete ignorance still exists of certain problems that cannot be solved by man's intelligence alone, but where God' s Spirit must be at work Whose influence is in fact seldom acknowledged. He alone is able to give a clear answer to questions that concern unsolved problems.
The result of such "Spirit activities" is doubted too, regardless of the fact that these are alone according to the Truth. No matter what the questions may be, only the answer that God Himself gives to men, through His Spirit, will always be correct.
"Spirit" should not be confused with intelligence, because the intellect can move as well in a wrong direction. There is no guarantee that intellectual results correspond to the Truth. Otherwise, so many varied opinions and points of view would not exist. All of them claim to be the "Truth" but all of them have been won solely by intellect.
But the "Spirit" is the beam that originate in the eternal Truth itself, which gives Light i.e. the knowledge of something that the intelligence only accepts, though no proof can be brought up for it. Therefore only the "Spirit out of God" gives the fullest and innermost conviction. He gives complete instruction, also without laying special claim to the intellect.
No man will comprehend the concept "soul" unless he has already acquired a certain spiritual wisdom, because the soul is something spiritual; it is not earthly-material and therefore can only be explained spiritually. The soul is the fluid that gives life to the body -to the material Form. The soul is the true "I" of man that hides in a material cover. It cannot be seen, but is always present as long as any kind of Force expresses itself in this outer Form.
Man would not be an "self"-aware being if the soul did not exist inside him. The soul is a Force that once emanated from God, which He put outside of Himself as a spiritual being which He gave an independent life. And this being was endowed with free-will and with an ability to think.
This, and why this "spiritual being" - the soul - hides itself during the Earth-life in the human body, is a knowledge by itself. But first of all it must be shown to you, that the soul makes it possible for you to think, feel and want. Furthermore, it should be said that the soul is also the giver of life for all organs. Thus all activity of the body, every will-agitation and each feeling is the expression of the soul that inhabits the body; indeed it is in itself something spiritual, which cannot be seen by human eyes. And if it could be seen, it would be equal to its human outside cover.
The soul is what remains after the death of the body, and what then can be seen also by equal other souls in a certain grade of maturity that enables a spiritual viewing. Therefore the soul can never be explained as a substance belonging to the material body; it is and remains a spiritual substance, and therefore a spiritual radiation of God that should accomplish its purpose on Earth.
It cannot be injured and it is everlasting, but it can distinguish itself from other souls through the Light-radiation. And the purpose of life is to increase the Light-grade, which the soul once, in free-will has darkened.
Nobody can explain the "essence" of the soul in a purely scientific way because the soul is nothing tangible nor explicable with the human senses, but is a Force out of God' s Force - whose essence is as well inexplicable and remain so, but who however cannot be denied by thinking people.
And thus is the soul the true "I" of man, which cannot be defined…. something that is, but yet cannot be proven. Indeed it gives instruction to the bodily organs about their functions, but can also exist without the body. While the body without the soul is only quite lifeless matter even if all organs are still unchanged.
But the life is missing as soon as the soul leaves the body, and what is missing is that which activates the body and urges the organs to their functions; that in free-will decide- My influences the thinking-organs and that releases each feeling, impulse in man.
And this thinking, wanting and feeling something - the soul - moves after death into other spheres, but always as the same entity that dwelled before in the human body. And therefore it can be perceived in the beyond realm, to which a certain grade of ripeness is indeed required.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Because men are moving steadily further from the Truth their spiritual needs are increasing. They no longer possess the ability to discern, believing error and lies rather than pure Truth, so that to proclaim this Truth becomes ever more difficult, for their thoughts have been confused through the influence of he who opposes the Truth. He is against God and therefore does everything to keep people confused in their thinking.
You can truly speak of this as spiritual chaos, and if Truth shall again prevail, it can only be brought about by people who receive that bright Light of truth from God, and as bearers of that light seek to pass it on. But for such Light-bearers it is difficult to find acceptance, for in the areas where they work they are especially subjected to the attack of the enemy who opposes Truth in such a way as to appear to represent the Truth in order to confuse those who are willing to accept it.
You can hardly imagine the struggle between darkness and Light in the last days before the end. Still, it is not necessary for men to become victims of this struggle because those who desire Truth from the bottom of their heart truly need not fear wrong thinking, and will always recognize when the adversary has intruded into spiritual matters that are presented to the people. Thus he will know where the Truth is to be found and will join the Light-carriers gladly accepting from them the Truth from God.
This brings Light but not "deceptive light”. By a "deceptive light" is meant that which is harsh as lightning blinds the mind, making it unable to see the true Light, which may shine forth ever so softly and pleasantly to the eyes.
When you consider how simple and plain the teaching of CHRIST is and the powerful effect of the pure Word of God ---and compare this with how men are made so restless and worried by sensational reports which pretend to be of spiritual origin, and how the people because of this become indifferent to the simple teaching of CHRIST turning toward the unusual which excites the eye, then you can understand what "deceptive light" is, which can never bring blessing to the soul.
If you turn to God you will be cared for by Him, but if you turn to the powers in the universe who's workings you are not able to judge, you can expect to receive flashes of "deceptive light" causing nothing but confusion which is to be expected, for the enemy has found suitable ground where he can settle.
As long as people are offered an alternative to the Divine Word, which appeals more to the senses than to the heart, as long as contact is made with the spirit world causing appearances of a mysterious nature, as long as false sensations are sought after allowing for no ennobling influence on the soul, it is not God who is at work but His opponent hiding behind a mask, in order to win the people to himself depriving them of the pure Word of God and genuine appreciation of Light from above.
And in this he has succeeded to an alarming degree because men's senses have not been concerned with God alone and the world is not totally free of those who feel they must improve the world and mankind, but are not satisfied with the soft radiant light of Divine Love, preferring this blinding light and because of this have themselves become blinded.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
One day you will lay down your earthly body and your soul will receive another abode. No, one can escape this fate. Each must certainly expect his physical death. You know also that your stay on Earth is limited and no one can fight against bodily death when his hour has come.
But in spite of this certainty, you lead a life on this Earth as if it will never end. You busy yourself and constantly plan for the future, not knowing whether that time will ever come. You cannot count on that, but what is certain for you is that you are busy and work only for this short life on Earth, which has no continuous existence. You yourself however, will not perish. Your soul remains alive even after physical death and your soul is the real "you". So for you there is really no death, only a change of your abode.
If you seriously think about all this you would act prudently. If you care whether your abode hereafter will make you happy, you would then extend that care to the time when you will no longer walk on this Earth, but continue your life in the realm of the beyond which is however, created in accordance with your earthly life's walk.
You would be all the more diligent if you really believed in this. The more you care about looking after your body, the less you are convinced that you will continue to live. But you can be given no proof of this since your earthly walk should not be determined by fear. For each proof of a continued life after death would awaken you, who do not willingly strive upwards.
Others have this certainty within themselves, believing because they strive upwards. A striving however, born out of fear cannot lead to perfection. And therefore it cannot be proven to you that there is a continued life after death. But people, who are sincere and always do, what is right, can awaken this faith for themselves.
People who are continually clearly reminded, which they value so highly is transitory. When people are snatched away in the middle of their lives, we should learn from this and see our lives as a gift that could be taken any day. On such occasion when the sudden death of a fellow man touches them, they should follow their departed in their thoughts into Eternity. He need only concern himself with the one who has not really departed but only changed his abode. And truly there will be those from the spiritual realm who will extend their hands to him and draw him to them.
But even if a man does not have this certainty of a further life, he must still consider this possibility, and think about this possibility repeatedly on the death of his fellowman. Then he must ask himself what his lot would be if he were to be suddenly called away.
As long will be as man cannot prove that there no continuing life after death, and that will never be possible, he will always worry. He will never regret that he on Earth concerned himself with not only his body but also his soul, thus gathering spiritual treasures on Earth, which will help him upwards in the spiritual realm.
Then will the soul reap what the man on Earth has sowed and blessed is that soul who, on Earth, has provided for Eternity.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Not My Will determines your fate in eternity; but you yourselves shape your lot by your own will: either glorious or terrible! You can, however, at any time, change a terrible condition, and when you want to do this, you will experience My support at any time. However, as darkened as you are, light will be brought to you! Asking for light, you can always remain therein, for your will is responded to also in the domain of the beyond.
Do not hinder those who want to make you happy with a light. You will then feel better than you felt in the dark regions, from where everybody is expected to arise to the Light. This, however, must be done voluntarily.
You all, who dwell in dark regions - be it on earth or in the beyond - you are unhappy creatures without peace, light and power.
Those are the effects of sin, which burden you since eternities; during your earth life you still enlarged them by your loveless actions. Before you have not come free from this guilt of sins, your condition cannot improve. But you, yourselves, can have the will so that the guilt may be taken away from you, and then you can attain to light and happiness!
Therefore have the will to become freed from the fetter, which burdens you and is torturous for you. Resolve to trust in the One Who can make you free and ask Him to take charge of you.
You know about the One who has offered Himself on the Cross for the guilt of your sins. You all know about Jesus Christ, but not all believe in His work of salvation. - And yet He is the only One who can give you help in your distress, who can lift you up out of the depth, who can, and will give you light and life, but you yourselves must first call Him and ask Him for help. Who does not believe in Him will not address Him, and he will remain in darkness for eternities…. for, without Him there is no way to happiness!
Again and again you will be pointed to the One, again and again a light will be offered you – a gleam of hope, which you should heed. Turning your eyes to the gleam of light there will always shine a cross for you, in case you are not completely obdurate, this IS HIS great compassion that He comes to meet you in order to save you.
You may be sure that He saves you whenever you want it. Wherefore I repeat, I do not condemn you, My Will has not determined the lot for you, in which you feel unhappy, but you have created it for yourselves. Yet, you yourselves can also change it when you take refuge to the One who can free you: to Jesus Christ, with Whom I Myself have become one, Who therefore is your God and Father from eternities.
Whether you are still living on earth or whether you already had to shed your earthly envelope - remember - only after finding Jesus Christ, there is light within and around you. Without Him, you dwell in darkness. Without Him you are distant from Me who had embodied Himself in the man Jesus in order to die for you on the cross, expiating your gui1t of sin.
Only the one who in full belief renders his guilt to Me will be freed of it, an act, which alone depends on your will. My Love cannot do more than repeatedly send you light-bearers, who announce My Will and engender a light within you.
Suffer to become enlightened, change your attitude and come to Me in Jesus Christ! Then darkness will recede, brilliant light will appear, and all the terrors of darkness will fall off from you.
You will arise into spheres of light and become and remain everlastingly blessed.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Word of God
Death is only the entrance into a life, which lasts forever. No one needs to fear death. If you walk on Earth according to My Will and complete this walk in the Divine Order, then you will have no fear of facing death. Your soul would only rejoice to be able to escape from the body to enter its homeland, where the earthly body is superfluous, and where the Light of abundant Life is waiting for it. Man cannot speak of this as "passing away”.
Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, demonstrating to you that there is no disappearing after the death of the body, bringing you proof that a proper life walk results in only a change from an earthly body to a spiritual body, so that the man continues to exist, only his cover has experienced a change, which is necessary to live in the spiritual realm.
You all can bring this transformation to yourselves. Death has truly lost its sting. However, because you do not believe in life after death you neglect to prepare yourself for living in the spiritual realm. And because your soul has no hope of putting on a bright spiritual garment, you fear death, as so you should, because you will not cease to exist but continue to cling to the earthly, which is not a very happy condition to be in after the death of the body.
But you will awaken and discover that even though your soul is thus defectively formed, it has not ceased to exist, neither can it disappear. Whoever fears death will unconsciously fear such a lot. But you must remember that I have overcome death. Jesus Christ wants to awaken you and give you eternal indestructible Life that you can never lose.
Accept this gift of Grace. Remember Him in your fearful hours, dedicating your soul to Him, asking Him to have mercy on your soul and not let it fall prey to death but rather help it to Life, and you will truly not make such a request in vain. Your fear will vanish to be replaced by a blessed peace that only Jesus Christ can give. Living faith in Jesus Christ drives away all fear of death, because then you know that this means you shall rise as Jesus Christ rose on the third day. However, those who do not possess faith in Him will fear death or believe that they will vanish away to oblivion, where they supposed they came from.
It will come as a rude awakening for such souls, as well as for all who lived without Christ on Earth. And it will take a long time before they are convinced that they have not perished, before they can find their way out of their condition, before they are willing to call on Him whom they would not acknowledge on Earth, Who alone can restore them to Life.
Death needs only to be a passing on to a new immortal Life. But no one needs to worry for Jesus Christ has overcome by completing His redemptive work to set man free from this condition, into which His opponent has brought them.
But this redemptive work of Jesus and His resurrection are not highly valued by man. Many know about them but fail to derive any benefit from them, because they do not believe in them. But a living faith gives man strong confidence and removes all fear of death.
Such people will blissfully fall asleep in the Lord and joyfully awaken with Him in the realm of Light and Happiness. For them there will be no more death. For them there will be only Life everlasting.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
It is an undeserved gift of Grace when I speak to men directly, because seldom do people on Earth acquire the degree of maturity, which brings them so near to Me that I can touch them with My Love-rays. Therefore in this last time before the end I am speaking to men in such a manner that they can recognize Me even though it may not be in a direct manner.
To do this I require a vessel who will allow My direct working in himself, who wants to devote himself to Me. I will use such dedication in an unusual way because people need help urgently. I may well choose such a vessel to become an instrument for Me, if he has reached a certain degree of maturity, but even a degree of maturity would not be sufficient to receive My direct rays of Light. Only a true child of God can receive My revelations, one who leaves this Earth completely spiritualized to be received by Me as My child, with all rights of a reinstated child, with whom I can commune as a Father with a child.
You must understand that such a degree of maturity is required for My Love-rays to touch a being directly, and from there be further led out to wherever there is a desire for Light. That is why I call it an undeserved gift of Grace when I use a human vessel which does not have such a high degree of maturity to lead My Love-rays directly to the people. In view of the nearing end the flow of Grace must increase to help mankind for what otherwise would be impossible, can only be achieved with an unusual supply of power.
I accept therefore even the slightest earnest desire to serve Me, which permits the working of My Spirit in man.
I have promised that I will send you the Comforter, The Spirit of the Truth. He will guide you in all Truth and bring to your remembrance all that I have told you.
So My Spirit works in each one who, through Love, has become a vessel for My Spirit. He will be led to the right knowledge, enlightening his thoughts, and giving him a true insight to remain in the Truth.
It will be the Light in him which enables him to transmit his knowledge to his fellowmen. He will be filled with My Spirit and can therefore truly speak of My presence.
This working of My Spirit in men requires a certain degree of Love which everyone with good will can reach while still on Earth. But this degree of Love can increase and can lead one to such a close union with Me that I can touch My child with My complete glow of Love, so that he can "hear" My voice in his inner being in indescribable happiness becoming so filled with My Love-force that he is compelled to proclaim My Word even further.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
“ no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” The extreme importance of these words explains also the necessity of leading to the faith in Jesus Christ those people who are not yet believers, or exhorting those to a living faith to which the knowledge of Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can reach Me who does not recognize Myself in Jesus Christ. There are indeed people who pretend to believe in a God because He proves Himself through everything that surrounds man, but they do not want to admit Jesus Christ as the "Son of God" and "Redeemer of the World", and they do not consider themselves as unfaithful. But those people are still very far from their God and Creator. They are not yet in close contact with Me and therefore cannot be enlightened in their thinking.
They still carry the burden of the sin of the ancient turning away from Me. And this sin binds them to My opponent; they will not get free from him without Jesus Christ - but very few people know about this sin of the ancient turning away from Me, and therefore they are not conscious of the signification of JESUS and of his Redemption-Work.
Since men now know the teaching of the Gospel and the words that Jesus spoke on Earth, they could also meditate about those words: "No one can come to the Father except through Me." And would people be eager to learn more about it, they would surely get clarity, and the thoughts about those words would never leave them. There is only one road: through Jesus to Me - for the sin- guilt must first be cancelled before you, can be accepted by Me. Without Redemption through Jesus Christ, no being that acted sinfully in free will can approach Me. This is a law, which even My endless Love cannot revoke.
Also, no man will feel in his heart a quiet security in the face of God, Whom he indeed recognizes, but only with words or superficial thoughts. A serious meditation would reveal to him through his feelings that he has missed the right relationship with his God and Creator since Eternity.
He will never embosom himself to Me like a child to its father; he will only believe that there exists a God, without establishing a close connection with Me that presupposes Love. For Love would illuminate his spirit - Love would sharpen his spiritual outlook - Love would make him ask, but never let him make statements that are erroneous. A slight uneasiness will trouble every man who devotes himself to spiritual thoughts and has not yet found contact with JESUS CHRIST. He will know about the passion-way, and the death on the cross will be nothing new to him. Again and again he will start to converse with his fellow-men, or be reminded by them of Jesus Christ, because I direct his thoughts constantly towards the "man Jesus" Who walked upon the Earth and ended in agony.
Even if he himself has not yet acknowledged Jesus, he knows, however, about His time on Earth, and I bring Myself in Jesus Christ to his remembrance. And depending upon the level of love in which man finds himself, there will be acceptance, or defense.
But where Love is, I Myself take hold of that man, and his resistance will gradually diminish, and finally he will also see the man Jesus in quite a different light from the way he felt in the beginning when he still stood, in full defense, opposed to Him.
But if he cannot be taught - if his will is still hostile in the hour of his death - then he cannot expect any Bliss in the spiritual world, for, despite a correct conduct in life, he will enter only into that realm where dwell all those who deny Christ. Because he did not permit himself to be redeemed on Earth, he therefore enters bound in the world beyond.
But even so, he can still find there his divine Savior and Redeemer. And this is again a great Mercy on My part: that I face all those also in the spiritual world that had theretofore rejected Me - that I hear each call that will be sent to Me, as the Redeemer - and I then take the caller by the hand and lead him from that sphere in My divine planes.
Because I still fetch souls from the depths if I am only acknowledged - if only one soul has found its way to Jesus Christ, Whom it rejected on Earth, but without Whom it cannot reach Me.
The realm of Light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the door for it - but it is understood that He must be acknowledged as the Son of God and as the Savior of the world, in Whom THE ETERNAL DEITY ITSELF is incorporated, to free humanity from the violence of the enemy.
Man is too weak to free himself alone; he needs the help of Jesus Christ - and he can get it only if he himself asks Him for it. However, this requires the acceptance of Myself in Him.
Therefore, the man Jesus spoke the words- "No one can come to the Father except through Me" - because I Myself spoke to them through the man Jesus. I Myself wanted to be acknowledged within Him, He Who served only as cover for Me, during the time of His walk on Earth; that I also kept in the spiritual realm in order to be a visible God to all My creatures, though I was indeed a Spirit and am a Spirit from Eternity to Eternity - Who, as such, was not visible to the created beings.
In order to be a visible God for you, I Myself chose a form, and in this form I accomplished the Redemption-Work. Therefore, you must also acknowledge the form in which I hid Myself. Then you will take the right path to Me, to your Father in Eternity. Without Jesus Christ, My opponent will not set you free, because you are still his, through your will!