Thursday, October 19, 2006
“ no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” The extreme importance of these words explains also the necessity of leading to the faith in Jesus Christ those people who are not yet believers, or exhorting those to a living faith to which the knowledge of Jesus Christ is already present. For no one can reach Me who does not recognize Myself in Jesus Christ. There are indeed people who pretend to believe in a God because He proves Himself through everything that surrounds man, but they do not want to admit Jesus Christ as the "Son of God" and "Redeemer of the World", and they do not consider themselves as unfaithful. But those people are still very far from their God and Creator. They are not yet in close contact with Me and therefore cannot be enlightened in their thinking.
They still carry the burden of the sin of the ancient turning away from Me. And this sin binds them to My opponent; they will not get free from him without Jesus Christ - but very few people know about this sin of the ancient turning away from Me, and therefore they are not conscious of the signification of JESUS and of his Redemption-Work.
Since men now know the teaching of the Gospel and the words that Jesus spoke on Earth, they could also meditate about those words: "No one can come to the Father except through Me." And would people be eager to learn more about it, they would surely get clarity, and the thoughts about those words would never leave them. There is only one road: through Jesus to Me - for the sin- guilt must first be cancelled before you, can be accepted by Me. Without Redemption through Jesus Christ, no being that acted sinfully in free will can approach Me. This is a law, which even My endless Love cannot revoke.
Also, no man will feel in his heart a quiet security in the face of God, Whom he indeed recognizes, but only with words or superficial thoughts. A serious meditation would reveal to him through his feelings that he has missed the right relationship with his God and Creator since Eternity.
He will never embosom himself to Me like a child to its father; he will only believe that there exists a God, without establishing a close connection with Me that presupposes Love. For Love would illuminate his spirit - Love would sharpen his spiritual outlook - Love would make him ask, but never let him make statements that are erroneous. A slight uneasiness will trouble every man who devotes himself to spiritual thoughts and has not yet found contact with JESUS CHRIST. He will know about the passion-way, and the death on the cross will be nothing new to him. Again and again he will start to converse with his fellow-men, or be reminded by them of Jesus Christ, because I direct his thoughts constantly towards the "man Jesus" Who walked upon the Earth and ended in agony.
Even if he himself has not yet acknowledged Jesus, he knows, however, about His time on Earth, and I bring Myself in Jesus Christ to his remembrance. And depending upon the level of love in which man finds himself, there will be acceptance, or defense.
But where Love is, I Myself take hold of that man, and his resistance will gradually diminish, and finally he will also see the man Jesus in quite a different light from the way he felt in the beginning when he still stood, in full defense, opposed to Him.
But if he cannot be taught - if his will is still hostile in the hour of his death - then he cannot expect any Bliss in the spiritual world, for, despite a correct conduct in life, he will enter only into that realm where dwell all those who deny Christ. Because he did not permit himself to be redeemed on Earth, he therefore enters bound in the world beyond.
But even so, he can still find there his divine Savior and Redeemer. And this is again a great Mercy on My part: that I face all those also in the spiritual world that had theretofore rejected Me - that I hear each call that will be sent to Me, as the Redeemer - and I then take the caller by the hand and lead him from that sphere in My divine planes.
Because I still fetch souls from the depths if I am only acknowledged - if only one soul has found its way to Jesus Christ, Whom it rejected on Earth, but without Whom it cannot reach Me.
The realm of Light is closed to every soul as long as Jesus Christ does not open the door for it - but it is understood that He must be acknowledged as the Son of God and as the Savior of the world, in Whom THE ETERNAL DEITY ITSELF is incorporated, to free humanity from the violence of the enemy.
Man is too weak to free himself alone; he needs the help of Jesus Christ - and he can get it only if he himself asks Him for it. However, this requires the acceptance of Myself in Him.
Therefore, the man Jesus spoke the words- "No one can come to the Father except through Me" - because I Myself spoke to them through the man Jesus. I Myself wanted to be acknowledged within Him, He Who served only as cover for Me, during the time of His walk on Earth; that I also kept in the spiritual realm in order to be a visible God to all My creatures, though I was indeed a Spirit and am a Spirit from Eternity to Eternity - Who, as such, was not visible to the created beings.
In order to be a visible God for you, I Myself chose a form, and in this form I accomplished the Redemption-Work. Therefore, you must also acknowledge the form in which I hid Myself. Then you will take the right path to Me, to your Father in Eternity. Without Jesus Christ, My opponent will not set you free, because you are still his, through your will!