Saturday, October 21, 2006






It is an undeserved gift of Grace when I speak to men directly, because seldom do people on Earth acquire the degree of maturity, which brings them so near to Me that I can touch them with My Love-rays. Therefore in this last time before the end I am speaking to men in such a manner that they can recognize Me even though it may not be in a direct manner. 


To do this I require a vessel who will allow My direct working in himself, who wants to devote himself to Me. I will use such dedication in an unusual way because people need help urgently. I may well choose such a vessel to become an instrument for Me, if he has reached a certain degree of maturity, but even a degree of maturity would not be sufficient to receive My direct rays of Light. Only a true child of God can receive My revelations, one who leaves this Earth completely spiritualized to be received by Me as My child, with all rights of a reinstated child, with whom I can commune as a Father with a child.


You must understand that such a degree of maturity is required for My Love-rays to touch a being directly, and from there be further led out to wherever there is a desire for Light. That is why I call it an undeserved gift of Grace when I use a human vessel which does not have such a high degree of maturity to lead My Love-rays directly to the people. In view of the nearing end the flow of Grace must increase to help mankind for what otherwise would be impossible, can only be achieved with an unusual supply of power.


I accept therefore even the slightest earnest desire to serve Me, which permits the working of My Spirit in man.


I have promised that I will send you the Comforter, The Spirit of the Truth. He will guide you in all Truth and bring to your remembrance all that I have told you. 


So My Spirit works in each one who, through Love, has become a vessel for My Spirit. He will be led to the right knowledge, enlightening his thoughts, and giving him a true insight to remain in the Truth.


It will be the Light in him which enables him to transmit his knowledge to his fellowmen. He will be filled with My Spirit and can therefore truly speak of My presence.


This working of My Spirit in men requires a certain degree of Love which everyone with good will can reach while still on Earth. But this degree of Love can increase and can lead one to such a close union with Me that I can touch My child with My complete glow of Love, so that he can "hear" My voice in his inner being in indescribable happiness becoming so filled with My Love-force that he is compelled to proclaim My Word even further.








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