Tuesday, October 24, 2006






Not My Will determines your fate in eternity; but you yourselves shape your lot by your own will: either glorious or terrible! You can, however, at any time, change a terrible condition, and when you want to do this, you will experience My support at any time. However, as darkened as you are, light will be brought to you! Asking for light, you can always remain therein, for your will is responded to also in the domain of the beyond.


Do not hinder those who want to make you happy with a light. You will then feel better than you felt in the dark regions, from where everybody is expected to arise to the Light. This, however, must be done voluntarily.


You all, who dwell in dark regions - be it on earth or in the beyond - you are unhappy creatures without peace, light and power.


Those are the effects of sin, which burden you since eternities; during your earth life you still enlarged them by your loveless actions. Before you have not come free from this guilt of sins, your condition cannot improve. But you, yourselves, can have the will so that the guilt may be taken away from you, and then you can attain to light and happiness!


Therefore have the will to become freed from the fetter, which burdens you and is torturous for you. Resolve to trust in the One Who can make you free and ask Him to take charge of you.


You know about the One who has offered Himself on the Cross for the guilt of your sins. You all know about Jesus Christ, but not all believe in His work of salvation. - And yet He is the only One who can give you help in your distress, who can lift you up out of the depth, who can, and will give you light and life, but you yourselves must first call Him and ask Him for help. Who does not believe in Him will not address Him, and he will remain in darkness for eternities…. for, without Him there is no way to happiness!


Again and again you will be pointed to the One, again and again a light will be offered you – a gleam of hope, which you should heed. Turning your eyes to the gleam of light there will always shine a cross for you, in case you are not completely obdurate, this IS HIS great compassion that He comes to meet you in order to save you.


You may be sure that He saves you whenever you want it. Wherefore I repeat, I do not condemn you, My Will has not determined the lot for you, in which you feel unhappy, but you have created it for yourselves. Yet, you yourselves can also change it when you take refuge to the One who can free you: to Jesus Christ, with Whom I Myself have become one, Who therefore is your God and Father from eternities.


Whether you are still living on earth or whether you already had to shed your earthly envelope - remember - only after finding Jesus Christ, there is light within and around you. Without Him, you dwell in darkness. Without Him you are distant from Me who had embodied Himself in the man Jesus in order to die for you on the cross, expiating your gui1t of sin.


Only the one who in full belief renders his guilt to Me will be freed of it, an act, which alone depends on your will. My Love cannot do more than repeatedly send you light-bearers, who announce My Will and engender a light within you.


Suffer to become enlightened, change your attitude and come to Me in Jesus Christ! Then darkness will recede, brilliant light will appear, and all the terrors of darkness will fall off from you.


You will arise into spheres of light and become and remain everlastingly blessed.






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