Saturday, October 28, 2006






A complete ignorance still exists of certain problems that cannot be solved by man's intelligence alone, but where God' s Spirit must be at work Whose influence is in fact seldom acknowledged. He alone is able to give a clear answer to questions that concern unsolved problems.


The result of such "Spirit activities" is doubted too, regardless of the fact that these are alone according to the Truth. No matter what the questions may be, only the answer that God Himself gives to men, through His Spirit, will always be correct.


"Spirit" should not be confused with intelligence, because the intellect can move as well in a wrong direction. There is no guarantee that intellectual results correspond to the Truth. Otherwise, so many varied opinions and points of view would not exist. All of them claim to be the "Truth" but all of them have been won solely by intellect.


But the "Spirit" is the beam that originate in the eternal Truth itself, which gives Light i.e. the knowledge of something that the intelligence only accepts, though no proof can be brought up for it. Therefore only the "Spirit out of God" gives the fullest and innermost conviction. He gives complete instruction, also without laying special claim to the intellect.


No man will comprehend the concept "soul" unless he has already acquired a certain spiritual wisdom, because the soul is something spiritual; it is not earthly-material and therefore can only be explained spiritually. The soul is the fluid that gives life to the body -to the material Form. The soul is the true "I" of man that hides in a material cover. It cannot be seen, but is always present as long as any kind of Force expresses itself in this outer Form.


Man would not be an "self"-aware being if the soul did not exist inside him. The soul is a Force that once emanated from God, which He put outside of Himself as a spiritual being which He gave an independent life. And this being was endowed with free-will and with an ability to think.


This, and why this "spiritual being" - the soul - hides itself during the Earth-life in the human body, is a knowledge by itself. But first of all it must be shown to you, that the soul makes it possible for you to think, feel and want. Furthermore, it should be said that the soul is also the giver of life for all organs. Thus all activity of the body, every will-agitation and each feeling is the expression of the soul that inhabits the body; indeed it is in itself something spiritual, which cannot be seen by human eyes. And if it could be seen, it would be equal to its human outside cover.


The soul is what remains after the death of the body, and what then can be seen also by equal other souls in a certain grade of maturity that enables a spiritual viewing. Therefore the soul can never be explained as a substance belonging to the material body; it is and remains a spiritual substance, and therefore a spiritual radiation of God that should accomplish its purpose on Earth.


It cannot be injured and it is everlasting, but it can distinguish itself from other souls through the Light-radiation. And the purpose of life is to increase the Light-grade, which the soul once, in free-will has darkened.


Nobody can explain the "essence" of the soul in a purely scientific way because the soul is nothing tangible nor explicable with the human senses, but is a Force out of God' s Force - whose essence is as well inexplicable and remain so, but who however cannot be denied by thinking people.


And thus is the soul the true "I" of man, which cannot be defined…. something that is, but yet cannot be proven. Indeed it gives instruction to the bodily organs about their functions, but can also exist without the body. While the body without the soul is only quite lifeless matter even if all organs are still unchanged.


But the life is missing as soon as the soul leaves the body, and what is missing is that which activates the body and urges the organs to their functions; that in free-will decide- My influences the thinking-organs and that releases each feeling, impulse in man.


And this thinking, wanting and feeling something - the soul - moves after death into other spheres, but always as the same entity that dwelled before in the human body. And therefore it can be perceived in the beyond realm, to which a certain grade of ripeness is indeed required.






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