Wednesday, November 30, 2005




The separation of the soul from the body is usually a painful experience for the body, because a certain grade of maturity is necessary for a painless separation, which is seldom reached by people. The hour of death will always give the still immature man a conscious incentive to strive for such a maturity of the soul before the end, because he cannot achieve this with his own strength after he has left the human cover. Depending on the state of his soul, the hour of death will be of greater or lesser difficulty.

As long as man is on this Earth he has the possibility of purifying himself, and in the beyond the soul will thank its Creator for having been given this opportunity before death, so that it does not have to suffer so much in the beyond. Because God is just, the soul must face up to its lot in the beyond, and the need for greater sufferings to reach maturity. Without this, it is not possible to enter the spheres of Light. Suffering and anguish must produce in the soul this higher degree of maturity. Therefore, a longer struggle be fore death is always to be seen as a means of spiritual ascent of the soul.

It is true, man see only the suffering of death, which contributed to their fear of death and the hour looks to them unbearable. Yet this is all ordained by His great Love for mankind, so as to provide for them a brighter Light in the beyond. This great Love is the foundation of everything.

Suffering and pain is sent by God over the Earth only so that mankind may overcome the longing for the physical things, and thinks more about the soul and try to form him to perfection. Each suffering, which has this as a result is blessed by God. Your time on Earth will soon be over and with the right will, this can be accomplished by avoiding worldly pleasures. The soul is then formed to the will of God and has no need of unusual suffering at the end of its earthly walk, to enter the realm of Light.

Suffering always leads to a higher maturity. This is a blessing for the people since they would otherwise have to overcome their weaknesses and failures in the beyond, which is extremely painful. Suffering cannot be avoided even if the hour of death goes by seemingly quiet and pain- less. God knows about the state of the soul of each person. He knows also about the soul's willingness to fight against everything that is impure. So He meets the people to give them the opportunity to accomplish their goal, by giving them in the hour of death still a last chance to cleanse them and to enter purely into Eternity.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005




The soul substances show in their composition an extremely fine structure that would strike man as magical if he could see them because there is nothing that is not present in this creation. Everything that the whole Creation has to show can be found in the soul in an infinite reduction, because the individual substances (of the soul) have given life to each Creation-Work, and therefore retain each passed Form -that multiply by continuous association and so the whole picture changes continuously into perfection.

Man's power of comprehension would not suffice to imagine all these Creation-Works, but overwhelmed by the Wisdom and Almighty of the Creator, some day he will contemplate the picture that reveals to him the most wonderful magnificence. The smallest and the most insignificant Creation-Work holds thousands of miniature Creations within, that again show everything that is represented in GOD' s grand Creation-Work. But the human soul is the carrier of all those Creations, i.e. it is composed of countless substances of which each one has already accomplished its task in the Creation, and therefore is allowed to merge for the last great task, to conclude as human soul the endlessly long path on Earth. There is no miraculous work in GOD' s Creation that is so exceedingly wonderfully produced than the human soul. A proof of its perfection is that the soul can contemplate itself as in a mirror and then recognizes its own magnificence, i.e. when it sees itself in the most radiant light in many thousand fold Forms. And thus the self-contemplation means for it an immeasurable Bliss, because the view of the whole Creation -Work is for the soul something overwhelmingly beautiful.

And it will never come to an end with its contemplations, because the picture forms itself anew time and again. Incessantly new Creation-Works appear that are always more enchanting because the Glories of GOD are endless, and therefore also all that which GOD' s Love offers to HIS Creatures, who are perfect and stay in the Light. They will feel at all times HIS Love and therefore will experience always more happiness. There will be no end, no boundary of what the spiritual eye is allowed to see. And nothing will remain unchanged, which means for the being a state of Bliss. But this bliss will steadily be increased and that pre- supposes a constant change of that which is offered to the spiritual eyes of the being.


Monday, November 28, 2005



Word of God


Portentous is the fight for spiritual supremacy, which shall flare at a level not experienced by the world heretofore. The spiritually evil intend to displace the spiritually good by violence, and this is a daring which divine love can no longer watch dispassionately, but brings the fight to its proper conclusion. The aim will be to oppress the spiritual seeker to the point of giving up, thus giving in to a world which is to claim victory, so to speak. IF the world were to succeed in extermination all faith in an actual Deity and Divine Saviour Jesus Christ, then it would also snatch victory from the faithful, and the repercussions should be incalculable, since mankind in aggregate would then be doomed, because all spiritual advancement would be severed.

Often this fight had been conducted already, but never as ruthlessly as projected now. Because the adversary himself is now at work, i.e., he shrinks back from nothing in order to assume lordship over mankind, and he finds willing representatives, i.e., men who also will stop at nothing; and the affliction into which the faithful are precipitated is immense. The most severe and unfounded measures will be seized upon to make life intolerable for those who in their hearts still carry faith in God and the Divine Saviour.

Because the latter have the edge over the unbelieving and can counter every deprecation; and since God avails Himself of able-bodied volunteers on earth, who are particularly exposed to worldly onslaught, He shall not permit the tormenting of those offering their services to the point of dropping their faith; on the contrary, He shall convey great power to them and strengthen their faith, and they shall for their part enter the fray and fight for the glory of God, and both camps shall find their adherents.

And then the fight flares with full intensity, the good spiritual world struggles for ascendancy over the bad elements, and the world apparently prevails, to intimidate men to the point where they negate the possibility of bearing up to the proceedings. And during this extremity, God's love is especially concerned with mankind. He shall faithfully watch over His small flock and not let them become victims of powers, which have manifestly taken up the fight against God.


Sunday, November 27, 2005



Word of God


Whoever entrusts himself to the Lord Jesus Christ in the ensuing time need not fear abandonment when confronted by difficulties. The adversary's power has indeed never had a more destructive influence upon believers than is now the case. Incredibly harsh measures shall be aiming at man's abandonment of the Christian faith - at his denial of Jesus Christ and at his adopting of a new agenda, which has completely different teachings to those of Jesus Christ.

And much shall be accomplished by these measures, to the extent of many people losing knowledge, to the extent of many people losing knowledge of Him, if they do not stand up bravely to those who deem themselves mighty. There is One Who is much mightier, and those who entrust themselves to Him meed not worry. The Lord will give them everything, they shall be and speak shrewdly and wisely, and from fullest conviction for their Lord where necessary, and they shall be able to counter every challenge; because the spirit of him who fights for Christ is wakeful and shall manifest itself in the hour of need.

Because even if everything earthly threatens to pass, God's Word, which HE Himself gave to men on earth, indubitably remains. For did not God say, "My Word shall not pass into all eternity". On account of this Word a pitched battle shall flare, but a battle that has nothing to do with worldly happenings. It is a battle exclusively about the confessing of Jesus Christ. This battle indeed shall also call for sacrifices, yet whoever wants to be strengthened through divine grace shall receive the power to also willingly bear yonder sacrifices.

He shall stand up for Jesus Christ full of zeal and not fear, and face events undaunted. And the Lord has need of such people, who sacrifice themselves for Him and are ready to do God's will at all times. Because it is a grave time and requires full commitment. It brings events which can be borne only through faith in Jesus Christ, but which also cause man to ripen in his soul and bring him the greatest reward; because only the man of faith unites with the divine Spirit, and this will teach him and lend him strength through God's Word, and repeatedly exhort him to remain faithful to the Lord and Redeemer, the divine Saviour, when the world opposes Him and wants to displace Him from men's hearts.


Saturday, November 26, 2005



Word of God


Man's earth-walk corresponds to his predisposition, i.e. defects and shortcomings adhere to his souls of which the latter is to free itself through its life-style on earth. These defects and shortcomings are not the same for every person, and this because every soul substance had activated a different external form, within which certain distinctive properties good or bad were developed, to a greater or lesser degree. Consequently men also will be different in their natures, necessitating diverse upbringings, in order to advance what is good and overcome what can be regarded as deficient and bad.

It would be completely wrong therefore to assume that at the moment of incarnation on earth, all souls are of a similar nature. There are on the contrary diverse differences, which man however traces back to "heredity". It may indeed externally appear as though children had to take up a certain burden for their earth-walk, and properties at that which can be either conducive or a hindrance to their spiritual development; for which nevertheless they could not be held to account because, according to the hypothesis, the inheritance as an integral part strength to combat and overcome such inborn defects.

Man, in order to attain to soul maturity, must combat all his defects, and work on himself. And if peculiar drives predominate within him, he should be cognisant of the fact that it is not the parental disposition which determines man's nature, but that it is those very drives which during his endlessly many embodiments before the human stage, caused him to obtain a nature which the being felt salubrious, doing nothing to rid itself of such defects and shortcomings. - He (man) regards his shortcomings as a right, because he regards them as given him without his doing.

And yet it nevertheless was his own free will to join up with beings of a homologous nature, for his earth-walk. These complementary beings constituted an attraction for the soul seeking incarnation; consequently their is superficial talk about heredity, notwithstanding the fact that parents have no share in the nature of the souls under their care during the time on earth.

Hence every soul has to tackle the task of upward development on her own. She never can be relieved of this even by her physical parents. Due to this, the parents are not responsible for the predisposition of their children, even though it may seem as if the children are weighed down with parental heredity.

Each being is burdened with responsibility for itself, although man, while still under parental tutelage, should be instructed to work on himself. Because the work on the soul every man has to accomplish for himself, otherwise he cannot be freed from his primordial sin.


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Friday, November 25, 2005



Word of God


Everything must proceed towards dissolution in order for it to go the path of higher development. That spirit substance now having overcome matter separates itself from matter. But the spiritual substance is still not so completely matured that it needs no further earthly cover, where it can again take a new abode in a new form, which is also matter. So now the soul, the spiritual man, separates from the body and ends its earthly development. The soul thus escapes the last earthly form, is free from all matter and enters a new realm totally different from the Earth.

Then the body, the last earthly form is destined again for disintegration. In other words: the spiritual substances, of which the earthly body is made up, must go through the path to higher maturity, because they are still in the beginning stage of their development. And to this end the Divine Creation joins in, the goal being the higher development of the spiritual.

Now this can happen in various ways, although it must always be given the possibility of a serving activity. These substances themselves must join such a creation work, where they are given one or another task to fulfill, for through the fulfilling of this serving task, and only through serving, the spiritual substances can develop. If that possibility is taken away, then the higher development path is interrupted, which for that spiritual means a painful condition.

The time of the spiritual suffering may well be shortened, but such spiritual will not thank anyone who intervenes in its path of development by hindering its serving.

Whenever the natural decomposition of a man's body is hindered, when the dissolving process is hastened by cremation or by chemical means, then the spirituality must go a much more painful way, for this process violates the Divine Order and is contrary to the natural order, which God has ordained for each creation work. This is a contemptuous action of man, which is contrary to God’s Will. The human body should be returned to the Earth as is its destiny: "From the dust you have been taken, to the dust you shall return"...Unless God determines otherwise by ending a human life in ways other than man's natural bodily death.

The soul itself has yielded up the body, so the obligation of the body, as well as the spiritual substance, of which the body is made up, toward the soul is fulfilled. But until this spiritual substance has completely freed itself, it is given further opportunities to be active in serving. But man seems to have so little understanding that hastening the dissolving procedure leaves very little scope for serving activity. It is certainly very wrong to believe that the body of man joins itself with the soul through such a purification process. The spiritual substance of the exterior form has this same destiny, to eventually join itself with innumerable other soul entities, to go the last path of development on Earth, as a human soul. However, this will not take place, as people wrongly think. A certain time is set for the development of the spiritual entities, which eternal process man should not hasten in their own judgment.

The possibility of man to obtain maturity on Earth is through his life's walk, his attitude to God, his faith, and through his deeds of Love. He can also shorten the earthly way for his physical cover, although it must always be entrusted to the Will of God, Who will assign to it its serving task.


Thursday, November 24, 2005



Word of God


The teaching of the immortality of the soul is not accepted by many people, because they compare it always with the earthly, that is perishable. Nothing on Earth is permanent. According to the opinion of these people everything passes away, and therefore they believe that no exception should be made of this natural law. The earthly body indeed decays, i.e. it seemingly disintegrates and passes away. But man does not consider that the apparent disappearance is solely the means of transition to a new forming. On same reflection man has to recognize that all earthly must serve a purpose, and he will observe that even the smallest and most insignificant Creations are related somehow to one another and therefore are not purposeless.

If such a Creation -Work fades away, then numerous other Creations absorb the remainder of the first-one and therefore serve in this way the new-one, and continue to live in the new Creations. Man has only to observe seriously an outward transformation and then he must admit also that the inner life cannot vanish. And this inner life he has to grant also at least to man. He has to make it clear to himself that the soul of man - the emotional life - is not just somehow ended - that this emotional life is the true sense of every embodiment. The outside form serves for nothing, unless the inner core is recognized by mankind. The construction of a human being requires always the same components: body, soul and spirit. The body - the outer cover - carries out the functions which the soul decides. Therefore the body is only the organ through which the will is realized. At the moment of death the soul no longer needs any of the organ that serves it as on Earth, - that means in the visible Creation-Work - because it changes its present residence and passes into regions where nothing has to be done that is apparent to the outside. The body that was only the means for the earthly course where the soul should have formed itself to be the carrier of the divine Spirit, becomes null and void.

The Spirit, the third component of the living Creature, lies indeed dormant in every man, but becomes active only when the will of the soul pays more attention to it than to the body. Thus, when the soul does not take the earthly demands so seriously then the claims of the Spirit, that always means a neglect of the earthly needs. Body, soul and spirit indeed belong together, but they may have separate goals. The soul can direct its will more towards the demands of the body, but it also can disregard them and instead make its will useful only to the Spirit within itself. It is just this direction of will that decides its life in the hereafter, that means, the state in which the soul lingers after the earthly life, which can bring to it Bliss or harm.

Therefore the earthly life - the function of the body - is only a temporary state in which the soul finds itself. The soul impels the body to all actions on Earth, but it must not in any way be thought extinct, so the body can no longer carry out its function. The soul has indeed left the body because it moves into regions where it no longer needs an exterior cover.

But to consider the soul as something finished would be completely wrong, because the soul is something that cannot pass away. Indeed, it can no longer influence the body to its functions when man's body is dead. It can fall into a state of indolence through lack of maturity, i.e. if it has not given enough consideration to the Spirit within itself. But never does the soul cease to exist. Because it is something spiritual that is everlasting, while the body consists of earthly stuff, of matter, and therefore is subject to constant changes that finally disintegrate into its components as soon as the soul has left the body.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005



Word of God


It is an exceedingly wrong assumption that the Word of God is to be kept closed and that every revelation is to be rejected as a concoction of the forces of evil. Both good and evil powers try to exercise their influence on the people. All the forces of good perform the will of God, but the evil forces work against the Divine.

Unknowing powers, beings from the middle kingdom cannot transmit any good thoughts to you because they are in their darkened state, still under the power of God' s opponent, thus more susceptible to his influence than to the influence of Light-beings. But as soon as these ignorant spirits realize their blindness and yield themselves to the Light-beings, submitting to the Divine Will, from then on they pass on only what they have received from these Light-beings.

This must first be clarified to disprove that the powers of the beyond arbitrary, express themselves where people are given Divine revelations. The Lord Himself taught on Earth and brought this word to men. It was His Will that this Word was written down for the succeeding generation to preserve. He has, however, proclaimed to mankind by His Spirit working through His Word, giving them, as it were, the promise to stay with them in His Word through all Eternity. He Himself has said: “I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth”.

There are many places in the Book of Books from which you can conclude that God will always speak to His people, but there is not one statement of the Lord from which you can conclude that His Word is closed off. It must be considered that His Word shall certainly remain unchanged, as shall the gospel that He Himself brought to mankind. Not one word is to be added, not one word to be taken away, so that the meaning of His Word could be changed. But this does not mean that His Word or His revelations are concluded.

Nothing should be changed, not one word added to the words the Lord once spoke on Earth. But human wisdom has attempted to change and improve them. The Word of God is often distorted by people of good intention trying to make it more understandable. This has led to even the work of His Spirit, proclaimed by Him, being less understood and therefore not recognized. The knowledge is completely lost to men, that God will speak to people again and again and that all people on Earth must try to listen to His Word given directly.

Instead however men draw back from the expression of the Divine Will. God Himself comes close to people in His Word, but they no longer recognize Him. His written word is no longer alive in people. They still read the Word alright but they no longer grasp the meaning. A spiritual drought has set in because the well of Living water has been stopped by the people themselves.

But God has taken pity on men. So He has allowed a stream of Living Water to break forth from the rock. He lets streams of Living Water flow from the innermost being of those who long for His refreshing drink and open their hearts and ears to receive His Divine Word. With this the Holy Scriptures are fulfilled. However, if He no longer revealed Himself, and if He no longer was close to the people, or among them, then the Word of the Lord through His Earthly walk would have been in vain.

So man is not justified to consider the working of God as closed. If he does this he only demonstrates his ignorance or in- comprehension concerning the written Word.

Because of the innumerable references to the working of the Divine Spirit, which he would thereby make invalid he reveals that he really does not grasp the meaning. Such a one belongs to those who err and puts on their error to other people. He will then not recognize the pure Truth and therefore also withhold it from his fellowmen.

But God' s Love is unlimited always giving and never exhausting. God will therefore express Himself through His Love giving His Love so that everyone who abides in Love themselves may receive it. God is Love and God is the Word. Whoever desires the Love of God receives His Word, and receives it through all Eternity.


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Tuesday, November 22, 2005



Word of God


This is given to you as a confirmation that everything will be fulfilled, exactly as the Spirit out of God has predicted you. The world will not believe that it stands so close to the fateful hour, for man believes that the time for it has not yet come, for that which the Lord has mentioned on earth, and therefore he will not be prepared to withstand the catastrophe. And therefore God points out repeatedly His reminders, so that man will not forget Him.

The Spirit out of God does not err, and where it is once established, everything God says is to be believed implicitly and can be spread without fear because it is God’s language that the messenger of it announces, and he reproduces only what is His Will. And the ones He chooses are those who have the right knowledge. They accept and repeat as He wishes it. Their human thoughts will be led in such a way that they see things corresponding to the Truth. Their power of judgment will be keener, and their love for justice and truth will guard them against thinking erroneously, and when they speak now, every word corresponds to the Truth.

And so write down the following:

Every world event is connected with the spiritual condition of mankind. There are indeed only worldly moot points the cause of it, and therefore will be viewed the origin and its effect purely as a worldly matter. The events of the world are in a certain way only the consequence of the spiritual lowness of mankind, and at the same time it should be a means of elevating people higher; but that is beyond the understanding of men with their earthly thinking. Therefore, they will not believe, despite all indications. And thus unprepared, will the catastrophe in nature reach them, and they will not be able to protect themselves, or to flee. And consequently it is stupid to close the mind towards God’s warning when it is offered to mankind. That the conflict in which half of the world is involved at this time remains undecided, is the Will of the divine Creator because not through the weapons of force shall mankind reach its supposed right.

God gave people the commandment to love each other, and this commandment is being disregarded. Mankind inflicts on itself all imaginable wickedness and therefore as a consequence, it will be punishes hard. God Himself has to take over the office of judge so that man recognizes a Master above Him, One Who knows about all injustice.

For that reason you people should not make the voice of God invalid: you should not desire to question the veracity of the belief, and should not attempt to decide for yourselves the time when these prophesies are to be fulfilled. Because the world is in great misery and can only be saved through this immense catastrophe in nature, that will immediately follow the great offensive, and consequently will bring indeed the real decision in the vast fight of nations, which is devoid of every noble motivation, and is only a struggle for might and power. And this fight will be ended by higher power, and will come about as prophesied.


Sunday, November 20, 2005



Word of God


It is indisputably better to declare oneself for Christ’s church before the world, than to be in the opponents will and to deny Christ. For whoever is powerful in the world, has not yet the power to delay what God sends against him.

He who denies Christ, denies God, and even if he speaks His Name to present proof of his faith… For if he is a deep believer, he also recognizes the divinity of Christ, for then he stands in the Love, and the Love affirms Jesus Christ as Son of God and Savior of the world.

This perception (this realization) is a sequence of a deep believes. Unbelief however makes the person incapable of recognizing the deity of Jesus. Therefore if Jesus Christ is being rejected, the proof is hereby given for the person’s unbelief and such a person belongs to the world, who places it self openly against Jesus. And it will require to reject Him completely; it wants that His Name no longer be mentioned, and it wants to extinguish every memory of Him and the coming race to be raised in ignorance; it wants to destroy whatever refers to Him, and therefore stop the knowledge around Him and His cause.

Because of this the battle becomes inflamed…. Who attach them self to Him, will be representatives for His Name, confessing Him before the world and speak full of zeal for Him and His teachings….

They will be pursued and yet patiently endure the pursuit for His Name sake, and strength will come their way from above so that they, with more enthusiasm proclaim His teachings, the more they are attacked. And the power of God will be visible with them, His love will cover them, and the mighty of the world will have to recognize Him that their force cannot come against it.

They will have to acknowledge a more powerful One; Whose effect is more obvious. And this makes them angry, and they now seek with all personal means and their will to carry through and the hand of God will, upon that, punish them… For as long as people presume, they want to fight against God Himself, they are in the worse force of the adversary, and then God orders a stop to this…

And therefore the time will come where laws upon laws will be released and the people will be placed before them to decide for or against Christ…

And the followers of the world will give Him away to gain vain rewards; they will obtain earthly advantage and sell their soul. And there will be many, who will give away what should be their most Holy possession, the divine Savior and Redeemer of the world…

Yet those who suffer pursuit for His Name sake will be blessed a thousand fold, for them He moves close and He leads them into the dispute and the victory will be where He Himself is the commander-in-chief. And it may seem as if the enemies’ intentions might succeed, the battle only lasts a short time, but those who fight for the Name of Jesus will be the victors …

Saturday, November 19, 2005



Joh 8,32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Word of God


Accept in all humility every gift from Above, offered to you. You will then fulfil God' s Will and serve Him. What He gives you demands obedience to Him and your full surrender. Innumerable souls on Earth are searching for knowledge but cannot find their way to God alone and need your help. You must bring this help to them by bringing to their attention God' s Love and Goodness, which is so obvious to see. And as you give so you will receive.

Your soul will receive abundant nourishment so that you yourself will never have to go hunger. As long as you feed the needy soul your bread of Heaven will never be taken from you. God will impart new strength again and again and make you constantly happy, so you can continue to give His Word to your fellowmen. The Earth is dry and barren indeed, if it remains without that living water. Empty and joyless is the life of the soul if it goes without this refreshment from Heaven.

You must help all thirsty souls. You must offer them a refreshing drink and use each opportunity to share this precious gift of God. Then a great need can be removed, the Truth will be spread, the Light will shine brightly and draw to it souls seeking to escape the darkness. God will bless your efforts, He will give you strength to fulfil your mission. He will lead you in your task and provide you with all that you have need of to work for Him.


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Friday, November 18, 2005



Word of God


People live with the believe, to serve a good purpose when advocating a complete downfall of a nation, which in their opinion adds damage to the other nations. This particular point does without the view of individual reasoning and goes against all justice. People only see what they want to see, and prior to judging, they refrain from reasoning and seriously reviewing, as to how far the public opinion corresponds with the truth.

It is an incredibly cruel principle wanting to destroy, what no longer suites them, and therefore direct all measures serving the annihilation against fellow men, against beings, that likewise were created by God to live through the embodiment on account of their spiritual development on earth. And beings, that should serve one another in love, draw together to annihilate each other. This is so terrible and quite marks the spiritual low of humanity, which does not realize the great injustice, and only thrives on unleashing the greatest barbarism against fellow human beings. People lack a sense of justice, and logical thought has deviated far from true justice. Justice, they claim, is something that serves ones earthly well being, that enlarges power and property and every powerful one believes he owns the right over the weak ones.

Every just thought has been fully lost by mankind; they are no longer capable of forming their own judgment, where the source of wrong is to be found, as to how guilty people themselves are of the disasters they are faced with… Only their hatred and lovelessness speaks, they want to practice retaliation and indulge in revenge for the sake of works, which goes against all human senses. People rage against each other, they outdo each other in cruelties and mutual extermination.

And yet the aggressor is to be condemned far more than the attacked, that must defend himself and therefore uses the same means. It is a work of destruction, which is led by Satan himself, because he drives hate and lovelessness to a frightening pinnacle, it is a rage against each other, which kills any human feelings…. people no longer fight against people, but a specific kind of deeply fallen spirit beings, and thousand upon thousands of people have to suffer and end their lives in ferocity.

But God takes revenge on peoples iniquity… He will condemn the rage against one another, He condemns this kind of militancy and His judgment is indeed just. It will hit the guilty one when the time comes. He will let the world know, who instigated the terrible evil, and He will brand them, that the world recognizes the abhorrent behavior of the one, so that the people think justly, and regard all fellow men as equally created beings of God, that they abhor their wrong behavior, reconcile and make an effort to do good for their sinfulness…


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Wednesday, November 16, 2005



Word of God


Who ever declares himself for Jesus Christ his-hers life rests in God's hand, and whether the world and its power declared to him a very bitter battle. For already a power emanates from the mere utterance of the divine Name. The Savior's Love blesses everyone, who has made Him their own, i.e. believes in Him, loves Him and keeps His commandments.

Few people only let themselves be served by Jesus Christ as plumb line in their life. Whoever endeavors, in all to follow the Lord, will soon stand in (His) Knowledge, and he will never give up the divine Savior and Redeemer, for His Love expresses itself in a piercing way and leaves in the person the longing after the Father in Heaven, increasing constantly and permanently. It is like an unceasing rain, that soaks the parched soil with His indispensable Word, guided from above to mankind on earth and constantly at all times motivating all people to recognize It, Whom the world will deny.

And the person should, who (evidently) visually senses the Power out of God, to advocate the Word, he should speak bold and free about everything, what the Lord Himself taught on earth. The person should do everything to first prepare the human heart to receive the Truth, which is mentally conveyed to the person from above. The Lord Himself says: "Whoever confesses me before men, him will I confess also before my Father.... And therefore Christ made it a duty to the person to stand up for His Name, so that he likewise receives divine assistance, because he desires the aid of the Father in heaven.

Who ever stands up for the divine Name, becomes involved in the battle against Him and one will try, to take every memory from the person about His Influence on earth. One will threaten the person with severe punishments, whose aim is to undermine the faith in Jesus Christ as Savior of the world.... And the person will have to fight tremendously, to stand tall against all the suggestive mean spirited powers.

And only the person who is free and strong and able to advocate for Jesus Christ, in believing prayer, presents to God their need and worry and ask Him for protection and power. For this, the Lord allows all His Advocates (who argue on His behalf), because they confess the divine Lord and Savior before all man. Here it will be the divine Force that delivers the visible proof, that it is stronger than all earthly power, it will watch over every kind of earthling, which ever way, in what ever form it confesses the Lord and Savior.

And it is therefore that the person does not have to worry, that the earthly force could cause him harm because of being a follower of the genuine Christianity. Though Jesus Christ can never be extirpated from the world of hate and hard-heartedness, even so the battle becomes obvious. Whoever loves his earthly life, their heart will beat anxiously, and he will pursue the law of worldly force and betray his Lord and Savior to obtain earthly success. But he, who does not fear death, often confesses the Name of the One, Who redeemed the world from all sins. And he will be obliged to atone this through earthly power....

But the Father in heaven holds His hands protectively over the person, and now it will appear to the opponent as if superhuman power is struggling against him, and he will on the Stillness which despite threats be unmistakable, recognize the power of the divine Word and the loving solitude of the Father in heaven, He Who protects His Own, the ones who confess Him before the world....


Tuesday, November 15, 2005



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Word of God


The question of immortality.... the concept of Eternity....cannot be comprehended by man, because he can understand nothing beyond earthly concepts. Neither can man be given a spiritual explanation that is adequate to their understanding. Only on entering the Light spheres an explanation to same extent can be given. Even then it remains a mystery because the Everlasting Divinity can never be comprehended. This has to be said in order to understand the following:

In times of great spiritual need people are inclined to believe that they can put an end to their lives at will, and with that, an end to their existence. Because they believe they exist only for a certain time, they feel that they are so justified and able to shorten their existence. They do not understand the concepts of immortality, endless time and eternity. It cannot be proven to them that their existence will never end, and it is more tolerable to believe that it will end same day. Those people are from time to time uneasy about the thoughts of the end of this age, but they would rather dwell on these thoughts than to think about life after death. They see everything on this Earth as perishable and will not therefore believe in an imperishable "Self". So it is impossible to explain the concept "Eternal" to them.

The thought that something that is close to them shall never have an end bothers them and arouses a feeling of responsibility in them. They will look upon life quite differently when they reckon with a continual existence. So those who consciously deny life after death will not be averse to making an end of their earthly life. They do not think of the consequences if their understanding is wrong. What they destroy is only the exterior form, but not life itself. Life must continue without interruption, because it cannot be destroyed, neither on Earth nor in the beyond. It is in the true sense of the Word of Eternal duration. To bring an end to it is not possible because the Creator Himself has created that being and whatever is Divine in its primal substance cannot perish.

And so the Creator has in His Wisdom ordained that there is no time limit for the being to reach his state of perfection. In Eternity he can strive upwards, be continually active, and give as he receives for the everlasting Divinity is inexhaustible.

The concept of "Eternity" is so little understood by man, neither can immortality be explained to him because on Earth there is nothing that is imperishable. The immortality of the soul cannot be proved but has to be believed in. Also, man cannot fathom the concept "Eternity" with his intellect, such an attempt can never be successful, because it cannot be proved neither is there any earthly comparison. Man will only accept as Truth that which has conclusive evidence. So, again there remains only faith. Man must believe what cannot be proven, and the immortality of the being through all Eternity transcends all comprehension.


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Monday, November 14, 2005



Word of God


A man must undergo an involuntary yet very beneficial life-test if he, because of physical condition, is unable to enjoy earthly pleasures, when because of some handicap, life's amenities are denied him and he is forced to give up earthly joys. He is now in great danger of thinking of his Creator in bitterness or completely rejecting Him because it is incomprehensible that the will of a Divinity, in his opinion should impart gifts to His earthly children so unjustly. But if he in spite of his misfortune keeps a strong faith spiritual progress for him will be much sooner possible, since it is easier for him to resist the world with all its temptations and in the absence of worldly pleasures he can occupy himself far more with spiritual matters, which will lead him all the sooner to maturity.

So these people are able to come to a proper understanding of their life's existence in a shorter time. They do not require complete fulfillment in this life but wait patiently for the end of their earthly existence convinced that only then can the true life begin and will work itself out in the beyond according to their walk on earth.

So their handicap on earth has a certain advantage in that it becomes easier for them to deny earthly pleasures than for the normal person who is constantly confronted with the temptations of the world, but only if he himself does his part in surrendering to the will of God, bearing the burden assigned to him, and thanking his Creator Who gave him life. If such a person is spiritually alive he will no longer consider his handicap as a misfortune but see in the spiritual life a desirable purpose. He will always be trying to increase his spiritual knowledge, love his fellowman, and not grumble at his fate or rebel against God. AMEN

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Word of God


With every task there goes a certain responsibility, and a child of the earth must strive with all energy to meet same and not allow mediocrity to creep in, because a work such as this demands deep commitment and is too immense to be lumped in with daily chores. And so let it be impressed upon you that you should summon all your willpower and commitment for this work, so that same may not be curtailed on account of trivialities. And so begin:

It will take three years for Christendom as a whole to pass its test, so as to then either stabilise or to completely abandon its faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. And in those three years a clear separation shall take place, because the world and its proponents shall endeavour to push through a total severance from faith, whilst the others shall gather together ever more firmly, with more fervent inner devotion to the Saviour and Redeemer than ever.

The latter flock shall indeed be much smaller, and hence a great depravation must come over the world still, in order to save what has not yet been fully bonded to Satan. The vast public denying the Lord is in for a terrible time. The Lord is merciless where no note at all is taken of His Word, and same is mocked and laughed off. It is of grave importance to realise how the Lord tries time after time to approach men with love and mildness, yet strikes upon ever more hardened hearts; how His concern is always for the return of His fallen children, yet this not being acknowledged; thus leaving only one means of making hardened hearts more pliable, all mildness and mercy being in vain, as these are not being taken note of.

Only through great tribulation and distress do men find their way back to their Creator, but then the heart must speak. For the Lord shall not regard lip-prayer, and with the simultaneous separation in progress could, in the last hour, give an ignorant, undecided bystander a false picture. A deep sigh towards the Father of Infinity shall suffice to deliver a child from gravest peril. But those not praying in Spirit and in Truth shall be calling in vain, as their call will not be heard; and thus there shall not be many who in the last hour acknowledge their adherence to the Father, but it shall verily be for a blessing to a few.


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Thursday, November 10, 2005



Word of God

There will be a blessed condition prepared for you in My Father's house. You will find there everything that gives you joy, when your soul is free from all earthly desires and is ready for the spiritual kingdom. You will begin to understand what this Bliss consists of in order to give so much joy to your spiritualized soul, when you stop looking to the world and its possessions.

There are spiritual pleasures, which give the soul unspeakable joy. There are pleasures, which touch the feelings of the soul as earthly pleasures touch the body, bringing great happiness. As on earth, in the beyond the soul experiences beauty and joyous feeling, but in a more profound way. The soul will feel an increased longing for spiritual things. It can hear and see indescribable creations and it continually draws from them wisdom and strength. It moves in delightful surroundings, for which on earth there is no comparison, because earthly creations are poor and barren. Mankind fails to comprehend the marvel of Divine Love, which the Father shows to His children. Because every being has contact with alike minded souls the bliss will increase considerably and the light will become steadily brighter.

The state of the imperfect beings in the beyond can well be pictured because it differs little from that on earth, for these souls still think they live on earth and this could go on for a long time. As the people on earth live only for material things and cannot understand how the spiritually minded separate themselves from the world and can still be happy, so the former live in the spiritual world with the same desires for material things that are still real to them, so much so that they cannot be happy until after a long time they begin to lose themselves of this thinking, when they see the unimportance of material things.

For that being, the spiritual kingdom of Light is closed territory, because it is another world of which they have no understanding. They could not exist there, because the fullness of Light would destroy them.

But among these beings are always beings of Light who try to teach them and try to direct their will into losing itself of earthly desires, and to strive for something higher, in order to be able to enter into the kingdom of Light, which often will take a long time. Souls may come into the beyond in the same grade of imperfection but still require different length of time to mature, depending on the Love in their heart, sometimes changing in the spiritual Kingdom quicker than on earth. But just the same, it requires a long time before they can overcome their shortcomings and failures.

Immature souls always set their eyes on known concepts. While in the Kingdom of Light the soul confronts unknown things, bringing them bliss that they never expected and that has no end.

Herein is the promise of Jesus fulfilled: "Eye has not seen and Ear has not heard what He has prepared for those that Love Him".


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FREE OF CHARGE..... NO COPYRIGHT.... FREE to distribute to anyone you feel appropriate... IN LOVE they should always be given away.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005



Word of God


So many happenings in life make one discouraged. It is like a bond, which binds, the heart. Again and again doubts in the goodness and mercy of God will arise when so much grief and suffering occur. But still it gives you an inner maturity, which would otherwise take a much longer time to accomplish. And because your earthly life last only a short time it is necessary that such painful and depressing occurrences must take place frequently, often one after another so that you may derive blessing from them and that you look upon your life carefully and earnestly, and that you turn more and more from the world and its attractions which are a danger to you.
For some life seems often unbearable and sometimes such an earthly child is so discouraged that he loses heart and gives up without making even an effort to change his disheartened condition. Yet it would be so easy when you have the right attitude toward God to be shown which way you have to go. But consider the many seemingly insurmountable obstacles in your life. Could you ever escape from then if you did not have help from above?But you do not always recognize this help as sent from above, yet every occurrence is a flow of the Grace of God whether good or bad it always has the same purpose; to have an ennobling effect on you, My Earthly children.
If you can see in every test a means of improvement then you will also recognize your own shortcomings and failures, and with this recognition comes the will to overcome them. Then each test will have fulfilled its purpose.... and then in all difficult circumstances you realize that they are necessary to achieve a higher level of maturity and that they are steps in the ladder, which lead the soul to perfection. A life without a struggle would truly mean to stay in the same track, and the battle within against oneself is far more difficult than the battle against the enemy which comes from without. Every awakening from a slothful spirit is a step forward. The awakened man will remember his spirit and not let it starve, for lethargy brings you down and in such a state you cannot be considered "alive". It will defeat every urge to be active and can never have a beneficial influence on the soul.
Therefore do not be alarmed when life's difficulties seem hard to bear.... for through these you have discovered your shortcomings and fought against them and then in not too long a time they will disappear, for the Lord only allows such testing until their purposes have been reached and have done their work of making better the hearts of men. It is not His will that you suffer except that through this you are made worthy of everlasting joy.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005




The ultimate end is preceded by a time when My Word and everything that refers to Myself as Creator and Sustainer comes under attack. They will try to destroy all faith in a Deity, signifying open battle against everything spiritual. Those most affected shall be the church organizations and their adherents, because everything outwardly identifiable as representative of My kingdom and teaching shall be proceeded against.

I will therefore cause representatives of My Word to arise outside these organizations that have received My call to spread My teaching, because these are in possession of the full Truth, and therefore enabled in the end-time to instruct their fellow men. Because it becomes increasingly urgent in the time prior to the end to strengthen or awaken men's faith, as they only then begin to question the consistency of teachings handed down to them by tradition.

And they shall recognise that I do not side with those who traffic with Me through the church - who consider themselves as especially advantaged through their adherence to a church.

I do of a truth love each of My children, but if a child does not do the Father's will to the extent of utilising the gift of the intellect bestowed upon it, for activating same and the heart in the discernment of My will and to recognise false prophets masquerading as My messengers, then such child distances itself from Me to the point of rarely finding its way back to Me. These too I steadily provide with My Word, approaching them directly to bring them knowledge, i.e., I send them My messengers to clear them up; but they do not accept instruction and hence are not excusable for losing their way.

If through the carrying on of My adversary however the people's church is taken from them, then only those of a true faith shall remain unshaken, and in sufficiently intimate union with Me to let Me be near them always. These shall not be affected by severity of measure or brutal decrees, because they know where to look for the true church of Christ and stand up for My Word with increasing fervour, even whilst also not safe against the persecutors of all faith. But all of you have yet to stand up, and the firmness of your resistance shall derive from inner conviction that you walk within Truth, supported by possession of My word which I Myself conveyed to you.

And then you and all those hearing you and wishing to serve Me shall speak with the tongue of angels, and everything bouncers off their backs, because then they know also that they shall have to hold on for only a short time of their blessedness. They know that everything external can shake but not the church, which Jesus Christ founded on earth - the true church, which the gates of hell do not overcome. Countless men nevertheless shall fall away from faith - they will not understand why I should not protect a church which they regard as "founded by God", and they do not p[robe themselves on whether they are members of the church I founded, because they are denied free thought about it.

And thus, something regarded by men as invincible disintegrates. It will collapse like a house of cards because it is the work of men, without substance. But Mine shall not be overcome, they shall have the power of faith, which stands firm because it finds My support. They shall draw power from Me because they believe in Me and hence belong to My church, which cannot be overcome by the gates of hell. Yet it shall be a difficult period, to which I refer time and again, to remind those of you belonging to Me to prepare, to repeatedly gain power from Me through receipt of My Word, and action in love.

The time for yonder conflict is at hand, and then you must be armed and stand fast when all those of armchair faith fail, deeming themselves within Truth without ever thinking about what they are required go believe. They shall waver and fall away, but you are to stand fast and deliver proof of inner, living union resulting in a living faith which provides the power for enduring to the end.



Free info from a german woman who wrote from God (german homepage)for english downloads contact:
432 revelations in numerical order
18 theme booklets
God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
The God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

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Monday, November 07, 2005


World Conflagration-Natural Catastrophe-FinalDecision

A message I was sent in my Email and told to pass along I will allow the reader to decide whether or not to heed the warning.

Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Word of God


Nothing shall be kept from those of you who have offered Me their services, because the final events are of such vehemence that you cannot be left in the dark about them - particularly if I want to speak to all men through you. And hence you ought to know that only a modest impact is needed to trigger a catastrophe which initially can be viewed from a merely worldly aspect, but which is a signal for the natural catastrophe that follows it; not precipitated by the will of man f course, but which nevertheless is a consequence of human will, in as much as same sparks a world conflagration which cannot be checked by other than My will.

And since men take notice of only worldly affairs, something has to occur which is inexplicable to them, the gaze of worldly men has to be visibly directed towards My intervention; and all human intentions must of necessity retreat in face of the discovery that something is afoot in the cosmos whereby ultimately everyone could be affected. Wherefore, men then must learn to " fear " God instead of their human adversaries. And whilst it is up to each individual whether to believe in a God or not, the aforesaid cosmic happening is greater and more life endangering than the world conflagration which then recedes into the background. Because then the spiritual stance towards God decides whether and how the natural catastrophe affects everyone.

Whether you believe it or not, this happening is approaching you with giant stride, and only a short time separates you from it. And those of you who know about it should make everyone of your fellow men aware of what lies ahead of them, even where you find no credence. But the coming events shall corroborate it because the end also moves ever closer - the natural catastrophe only is a sign of it.

But who wants still to be persuaded of it? Men will want to see only a natural catastrophe in it, and hence will not be able to see a connection with mankind's spiritual condition except for a few of a wakeful spirit, whose admonitions will not get through, and who therefore speak in vain before the ultimate end which they are then inevitably approaching. Do not let the signs of the times pass you by unnoticed because they are cautioning all of you that you are living in the end-time. Consider that only a short time remains to you for deciding to either find your way to Me, who wants to, and can save you from all affliction, or to strive towards the adversary again who wants to ruin you again for endless times.

Due to freedom of will you cannot know the day and hour, and I can only keep repeating to you with certainty that not much time is left you. But you are all so interested in worldly affairs, and therefore take little not of what I tell you. Whence the happening shall come over you with great violence, so that you will not know how to protect yourselves. But let yourselves be told only one thing that only I Myself can offer you protection; that you have to take refuge ion Me in order to be led through all dangers to body and soul.

If you men would only learn one thing there from that a higher Authority is at work, and that you need to invoke this higher Authority, otherwise you are irretrievably lost, as My adversary shall once more apply all power to get you in his hands. And whoever does not decide for Me in the short time to the end will also be bound in matter again, and will have to take the eternally long way again, through the creations of the new earth.


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