Monday, November 14, 2005



Word of God


A man must undergo an involuntary yet very beneficial life-test if he, because of physical condition, is unable to enjoy earthly pleasures, when because of some handicap, life's amenities are denied him and he is forced to give up earthly joys. He is now in great danger of thinking of his Creator in bitterness or completely rejecting Him because it is incomprehensible that the will of a Divinity, in his opinion should impart gifts to His earthly children so unjustly. But if he in spite of his misfortune keeps a strong faith spiritual progress for him will be much sooner possible, since it is easier for him to resist the world with all its temptations and in the absence of worldly pleasures he can occupy himself far more with spiritual matters, which will lead him all the sooner to maturity.

So these people are able to come to a proper understanding of their life's existence in a shorter time. They do not require complete fulfillment in this life but wait patiently for the end of their earthly existence convinced that only then can the true life begin and will work itself out in the beyond according to their walk on earth.

So their handicap on earth has a certain advantage in that it becomes easier for them to deny earthly pleasures than for the normal person who is constantly confronted with the temptations of the world, but only if he himself does his part in surrendering to the will of God, bearing the burden assigned to him, and thanking his Creator Who gave him life. If such a person is spiritually alive he will no longer consider his handicap as a misfortune but see in the spiritual life a desirable purpose. He will always be trying to increase his spiritual knowledge, love his fellowman, and not grumble at his fate or rebel against God. AMEN

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