Tuesday, November 29, 2005




The soul substances show in their composition an extremely fine structure that would strike man as magical if he could see them because there is nothing that is not present in this creation. Everything that the whole Creation has to show can be found in the soul in an infinite reduction, because the individual substances (of the soul) have given life to each Creation-Work, and therefore retain each passed Form -that multiply by continuous association and so the whole picture changes continuously into perfection.

Man's power of comprehension would not suffice to imagine all these Creation-Works, but overwhelmed by the Wisdom and Almighty of the Creator, some day he will contemplate the picture that reveals to him the most wonderful magnificence. The smallest and the most insignificant Creation-Work holds thousands of miniature Creations within, that again show everything that is represented in GOD' s grand Creation-Work. But the human soul is the carrier of all those Creations, i.e. it is composed of countless substances of which each one has already accomplished its task in the Creation, and therefore is allowed to merge for the last great task, to conclude as human soul the endlessly long path on Earth. There is no miraculous work in GOD' s Creation that is so exceedingly wonderfully produced than the human soul. A proof of its perfection is that the soul can contemplate itself as in a mirror and then recognizes its own magnificence, i.e. when it sees itself in the most radiant light in many thousand fold Forms. And thus the self-contemplation means for it an immeasurable Bliss, because the view of the whole Creation -Work is for the soul something overwhelmingly beautiful.

And it will never come to an end with its contemplations, because the picture forms itself anew time and again. Incessantly new Creation-Works appear that are always more enchanting because the Glories of GOD are endless, and therefore also all that which GOD' s Love offers to HIS Creatures, who are perfect and stay in the Light. They will feel at all times HIS Love and therefore will experience always more happiness. There will be no end, no boundary of what the spiritual eye is allowed to see. And nothing will remain unchanged, which means for the being a state of Bliss. But this bliss will steadily be increased and that pre- supposes a constant change of that which is offered to the spiritual eyes of the being.


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