Wednesday, November 23, 2005



Word of God


It is an exceedingly wrong assumption that the Word of God is to be kept closed and that every revelation is to be rejected as a concoction of the forces of evil. Both good and evil powers try to exercise their influence on the people. All the forces of good perform the will of God, but the evil forces work against the Divine.

Unknowing powers, beings from the middle kingdom cannot transmit any good thoughts to you because they are in their darkened state, still under the power of God' s opponent, thus more susceptible to his influence than to the influence of Light-beings. But as soon as these ignorant spirits realize their blindness and yield themselves to the Light-beings, submitting to the Divine Will, from then on they pass on only what they have received from these Light-beings.

This must first be clarified to disprove that the powers of the beyond arbitrary, express themselves where people are given Divine revelations. The Lord Himself taught on Earth and brought this word to men. It was His Will that this Word was written down for the succeeding generation to preserve. He has, however, proclaimed to mankind by His Spirit working through His Word, giving them, as it were, the promise to stay with them in His Word through all Eternity. He Himself has said: “I will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth”.

There are many places in the Book of Books from which you can conclude that God will always speak to His people, but there is not one statement of the Lord from which you can conclude that His Word is closed off. It must be considered that His Word shall certainly remain unchanged, as shall the gospel that He Himself brought to mankind. Not one word is to be added, not one word to be taken away, so that the meaning of His Word could be changed. But this does not mean that His Word or His revelations are concluded.

Nothing should be changed, not one word added to the words the Lord once spoke on Earth. But human wisdom has attempted to change and improve them. The Word of God is often distorted by people of good intention trying to make it more understandable. This has led to even the work of His Spirit, proclaimed by Him, being less understood and therefore not recognized. The knowledge is completely lost to men, that God will speak to people again and again and that all people on Earth must try to listen to His Word given directly.

Instead however men draw back from the expression of the Divine Will. God Himself comes close to people in His Word, but they no longer recognize Him. His written word is no longer alive in people. They still read the Word alright but they no longer grasp the meaning. A spiritual drought has set in because the well of Living water has been stopped by the people themselves.

But God has taken pity on men. So He has allowed a stream of Living Water to break forth from the rock. He lets streams of Living Water flow from the innermost being of those who long for His refreshing drink and open their hearts and ears to receive His Divine Word. With this the Holy Scriptures are fulfilled. However, if He no longer revealed Himself, and if He no longer was close to the people, or among them, then the Word of the Lord through His Earthly walk would have been in vain.

So man is not justified to consider the working of God as closed. If he does this he only demonstrates his ignorance or in- comprehension concerning the written Word.

Because of the innumerable references to the working of the Divine Spirit, which he would thereby make invalid he reveals that he really does not grasp the meaning. Such a one belongs to those who err and puts on their error to other people. He will then not recognize the pure Truth and therefore also withhold it from his fellowmen.

But God' s Love is unlimited always giving and never exhausting. God will therefore express Himself through His Love giving His Love so that everyone who abides in Love themselves may receive it. God is Love and God is the Word. Whoever desires the Love of God receives His Word, and receives it through all Eternity.


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