Saturday, February 24, 2007



Spiritual substance matures during every developmental period, and one period can in fact suffice for the spiritual substance to progress through the creations to the point that it is able to embody itself as a human being and successfully pass its last test of will…. But several such periods may be needed for this spiritualisation of hardened soul-substances if resistance is so strong that its higher development is too slow and the existence as a human being carries an added risk of the soul descending into the abyss again. For free will, which is tested during the stage as a human being, is decisive. 
But prior to this, free will is constrained…. Although the hardened spiritual substance is no longer subject to God’s adversary’s will due to this process of development through the creations of earth…. the individual substances are nevertheless unable to use free will, instead they are controlled by God’s will, that is, their process of development takes place in a state of compulsion, they are subject to God’s will, Who assigns a task to all spiritual substances within the works of creation. By accomplishing this task within the law of compulsion they gradually progress, i.e. their resistance lessens; they carry out a helpful function and are able to slowly reach the state when their free will can be returned to them. And this process of development requires constant changes of the external shape.... it is a slow ascent, it is an integration with the laws of nature and therefore a submission to God’s will, if only due to a certain amount of coercion which, however, only helps to relieve the being and one day is meant to provide it with the freedom to think, want and act using its own will again. 
And this process through the works of creation cannot be avoided if the spiritual being is to return to God again, from Whom it had distanced itself to such an infinite extent as a result of its apostasy that it would never be able to overcome this distance of its own strength, and would never be released by God’s adversary to return either if God did not remove the spiritual substance from him for the very purpose of banishing it into matter, into the creations on this earth. God’s adversary is entitled to the fallen spirits because they had voluntarily followed him into the abyss.... But God has the same right because the beings emerged from His strength. Hence God is justified in removing them from the adversary’s control, but in return the latter was given the right to influence the soul again when it lives on earth in the stage as a human being. And to this end the spiritual substance must have attained a degree of maturity again when it is able to use its will in order to freely decide which lord to choose. 
But God cannot place the spiritual substance into this state instantly, it has to cover the process of ascent in the same progressive stages as it had descended, it has to relinquish its resistance slowly, as it cannot forcibly be broken. And this requires innumerable changes of form, through the world of rocks, plants and animals to the human being…. Every change of external shape also lessens its resistance, for the being has been of service in a state of compulsion by which it gains increasingly lighter forms…. But the sin of apostasy from God is so vast that the distance from Him is therefore vast as well, which means that untold changes of shapes are needed to reduce this distance in order to come closer to God again, when only the last free decision of will is required for the last form to fall off…. for the being to return to the Father again from Whom it had originated....
And this whole process of development within the creations of earth is a continuous battle…. The spiritual substance tries to burst the external shape because it experiences it as a constraint, but each time it also experiences the rupture of the form as a relief irrespective of its level of maturity…. And this is why the struggle, which you humans are able to observe in the animal kingdom, only seems cruel in your eyes, whereas time and again every animal experiences the change of its external shape as a relief. For this reason God permits or even wants the weaker to succumb to the stronger, the stronger to terminate the life of the weaker and, in a manner of speaking, is thereby even able to serve the spiritual substance to continue its development. Therefore, as long as the being is subject to the law of compulsion everything is determined by God, its end as well as its new formation…. However, as soon as the being has reached the stage of a human being and has received its free will again, God withdraws His will.... And then the human being is given laws which he has to observe if his earthly life is to be successful…. On the one hand he is tied to the laws of nature, and on the other hand he is informed of God’s will, to which he has to submit if his development is to progress and reach a conclusion, for the goal is to become free of every external shape and to enter the kingdom of light as a free spirit…. to return to the Father’s house, to God, from whence the being once originated…. Amen 

Friday, February 23, 2007



Don’t fail to appeal for My blessing in whatever you start, for thereby you demonstrate that you have chosen Me as your leader, that you don’t want to do anything without Me, that you thus want to be in contact with Me…. And this assures you of My blessing and My guidance wherever you go…. And believe that you need not fear any setbacks if you have appealed for My blessing beforehand, that this request will truly protect you from failure…. for even what you possibly consider failure will then, in truth, only benefit your soul. You should only ever think of Me, that is all I expect of you; but you often exclude Me from your thoughts, and then you always run the risk that My adversary will intrude and influence you unfavourably.
I want to caution you of this, otherwise you make your earthly path more difficult, because you can have a far easier life if I Am and remain your constant companion…. And time and again you have to request My assistance, for the bond with Me is necessary in order to be protected from My adversary who will not stop bothering you. He has much power during the last days before the end which only you can reduce, for your will and thoughts when they are turned towards Me are a substantial shield in the battle against him, it is the best weapon you can use to oppose him, since then you will call Me to you, from Whom he takes flight and thus lets go of you too.
He causes much confusion even amongst My Own, because he will put everyone belonging to Me under extreme pressure by squeezing between people and turning them against each other. And then you only need to make contact with Me and he will set you free. For you and your will are the decisive factors as to whether he can take possession of you. This is why you don’t need to be afraid of him, because he is completely powerless if your will applies to Me and thus you give yourselves to Me with complete confidence and appeal for My protection. But he has great power over you if you walk alone, without Me and My illuminating guidance. Then he can be effective in his domain, and he does so in truly satanic style.
This is why I keep telling you, do not start anything without first appealing for My blessing, and thereby proving to Me your resolve to be connected with Me, and you truly will finish your day’s work with My blessing, it will be successful, you will walk along calmly and with inner peace, you will no longer be a target for him, for I will be walking by your side, and he will take flight from Me, because he cannot bear the bright radiance of My light that surrounds you now…. Amen



The time given to you for your earthly life is not long, compared to the infinitely long time of your preliminary development, the duration of which cannot possibly be estimated by you. And your earthly life can even be shorter if you are called back into eternity prematurely. Therefore you should eagerly consider your soul, you should provide it with as much nourishment as possible so that it won’t have to starve if it only lives for a short time on earth…. You should constantly provide it with ample food and drink and never rely on a very long earthly life, for you don’t know the day and hour of your physical death…. But your soul will also be able to mature in a short period of time if you are of good will and help it to mature. No-one can determine or know how long he will live, and precisely this lack of knowledge ought to encourage him into actively improving his soul, his way of life should be such that he can calmly consider every day to be his last without having to worry about his soul’s welfare.    
And a great many people will lose their lives during the last days, for a large appraisal will still take place and many people will yet be recalled prematurely for the sake of their soul’s salvation, because they had neglected their psychological work but nevertheless shall not fall prey to the merciless fury of God’s adversary who would only draw them ever deeper into the abyss if these souls were not saved from him before. Especially people without spiritual aspirations don’t consider an early death and live irresponsibly although they cannot be called bad. God takes pity on them and wants to help them to develop further in the beyond, which will in fact be far more difficult but not impossible, whereas on earth the fate of souls who live without a sense of responsibility could easily result in a complete descent into the abyss. You are offered enough opportunities on earth to reach full maturity in your earthly life, but if you don’t take advantage of them you are not making the most of your life as a human being either, although it was only given to you for the purpose of your soul’s maturity. If you don’t use the grace of your embodiment as a human being and help your soul achieve final maturity then it is also irrelevant whether you live for a long or just a short time on earth. Yet even if you reach old age, earthly life can still be regarded as brief compared to the time of your preliminary development. Nevertheless, even a very short time on earth will suffice to fulfil your purpose on earth. And thus your maturity is not dependent on the length of your earthly existence but purely on your will of making expedient use of this existence.
Through the Word of God you are shown time and again the right path in order to achieve your soul’s perfection…. you are repeatedly reminded of the divine commandments of love, the fulfilment of which is the only purpose and goal of your existence as a human being…. And you can always practise love even if your life is short, your soul will derive a benefit if you live a life of love…. However, if you don’t keep these two commandments your life will be in vain and your responsibility even greater the longer you live on earth; in which case you can only be thankful if your life will be shortened and you still have the opportunity to develop further in the kingdom of the beyond, so that you will not go completely astray at the end of the day when everyone will be judged according to his efforts …. Amen

Thursday, February 22, 2007



You all are able to listen to My voice within yourselves and it will speak to you.... Yet how rarely do you humans establish such an intimate bond with Me and keep constantly thinking of Me. How rarely do you give Me the opportunity to speak to you by consciously entrusting yourselves to Me in order to talk to Me personally, by withdrawing from the world and involving yourselves in thoughts solely of Me. You do this so seldom because you don’t seriously believe that you will be able to hear Me, that I will speak to you like a father speaks to his children. You have not yet established the relationship of a child to its father, I Am only ever the distant God to you, Whom you dare not address and Who therefore cannot talk to you like a father to his child…. But you can try it at anytime.... You only need to withdraw from the world, you only need to quietly enter into contemplation and take the path to Me in your thoughts…. You need only wish to hear My voice and your desire will be fulfilled when you listen attentively and observe the thoughts which arise in you more distinctly, because the more intimately you are giving yourselves to Me, the more you will desire to hear Me. For I will answer you.... because I do nothing more gladly than talking to My children who are now bound to Me by a strong bond of love, the Father’s love to His child. And if you would make this attempt more often, you would be delighted by the inner peace permeating you, for you would feel My nearness and in this nearness you would also know yourselves to always be protected. Every one of you could attain this blessing of My communication, even if he is not conscious of the fact that it is this intimate contact with Me which provides him with inner tranquillity. But soon he will not want to miss these hours which he gives to Me, which he spends in quiet contemplation, and his soul will mature, for he will never be without a flow of strength when he has looked for and found Me.

Every thought of Me is a blessing…. All people should avail themselves of this and time after time turn to Me in thought, for then he will have already addressed Me and I can answer him if he listens to this answer, that is, if he waits quietly and then takes notice of his arising thoughts. Then he draws Me to himself, and thus I can always be with those whose thoughts are with Me.... They induce My presence themselves, and My presence always has to be of benefit for your souls. Hence you should often give yourselves the blessing of My presence, for it requires your will to withdraw from the world and lift yourselves into spiritual spheres, where you will always be when your thoughts are with Me. And then your soul will truly not suffer anymore, for it will be strengthened by Me Myself, Who has access to it now, Who can now speak to and give it what it needs to fully mature during its time on earth. For I want that it should achieve perfection while it is still on earth, and as soon as I can influence the soul directly its perfection will also be guaranteed. And therefore I want to be able to address it directly, yet your will has to decide that you will intimately devote yourselves to Me and desire to hear Me…. Then I will surely be with you and I will talk to you like a father to his child whose love I want to win forever…. Amen




Monday, February 19, 2007






There is not much time left until the end.... even if you believe that the announced end will be in the distant future…. you will be surprised how the signs will increase and the point in time you live in will become only too evident. But everything will always proceed within the framework of natural progression, and that will raise your hope time and again that the end is still far away. However, your will shall remain free until the last day, for you cannot reach your goal by force which consists of establishing your bond with Me, of voluntarily raising your hands to Me and thereby acknowledging Me, Whom you did not want to acknowledge until now. Earthly life will therefore make great demands on you, you will have to endure many adversities and always have the opportunity to turn to Me…. But everything will take place entirely naturally, although the awakened person will recognise it as the last signs before the end.


And if I repeatedly proclaim that you are shortly before the end…. that you are only granted a little time longer on this earth, then you should take this declaration very seriously and not always relate it to the future in line with people’s point of view…. You ought to understand the words as they are given to you, you ought to take them literally, and you will do well by doing so…. For the time is close at hand when the earth will be cleansed and a new earth will arise again…. But regardless of how urgently I speak to you, you don’t want to believe it, and I cannot provide you with any other evidence that My Word is truth than that you will soon be shocked by a natural event and that you then can equally surely count on the end. Yet do you know whether you will survive the former or fall victim to this natural event?


Hence you should likewise consider it an end, for many people will thereby find their demise, and their life will not last much longer anymore. So don’t be thoughtless and prepare yourselves, even if earthly life around you shapes itself as if only progress and prosperity exist…. Just one day, and everything will have disappeared and fallen prey to the destruction of natural forces, and the survivors will be presented with dreadful sights, because it is My will that they should come to their senses and still use the remaining time of grace they have left until the end. For everything I announce to you humans through seers and prophets will come to pass word for word, and you will soon experience the truth of My Word, and blessed is he Who accepted My Word and then found his path to Me, for in great adversity he will always find a way out, he will manifestly experience My help which I have promised to all of you who call upon Me….


For this reason I speak to you, so that you can appeal to Me for strength in advance and then in utmost distress, when you will only have My help to rely on…. you will receive it, for I do not forget My Own… Therefore take care that you are counted amongst My Own….Call upon Me in times of need, and I will answer your prayer…. Amen




Sunday, February 18, 2007



I want to lead you through every adversity.... if only you entrust yourselves to Me, if you submit to My will, if you don’t resist Me with your own will or wrong actions. I will place it into your heart what you shall and shall not do, and you can always believe that it is My will, and you can at all times unreservedly do what you inwardly feel impelled to do. Time and again you will experience moments when you will seemingly lose your inner calm, but equally you will also find it again, for this, too, is part of your soul’s spiritual maturing process, that in times of distress it turns to Me for help, that time and again it seeks the bond with Me anew, as not to become indifferent to its psychological task. And this shall be a comfort to you, that I know all your adversities.... and that I will put an end to them when the time is right…. You don’t need to be disheartened once you have handed yourselves over to Me and My guidance; you can be assured that I will guide you well and that your every path is predetermined by Me Myself, that you thus can follow it and it will always lead you to the goal.
Yet your life cannot pass you by without struggle and suffering or you would not achieve any spiritual progress, but this is your reason for living on earth after all. However, I will always be your protection and shield; I will always take care that you will not break down under the cross with which I burden you for your salvation…. It will not be heavier than you are able to endure, and it will also be taken from you again when it has achieved its purpose: to gain your soul a degree of maturity which heightens its bliss when one day it can discard the body and enter the spiritual kingdom. The cross will be taken from you again as soon as the purpose has been achieved, for I will not let you suffer any longer than necessary, and I will also help you carry it when it seems too heavy for you at times....
You can truly live your earthly life without worry and it will be endurable for you, you will be able to master it with My help, for you have granted Me the right to walk by your side as soon as you had chosen Me as your guide. And this shall always be your guarantee that you will not take any wrong paths, for I will prevent it because I love you and because you have turned to Me of your own free will. Just sacrifice to Me whatever weighs you down and it will be a blessing to you. But don’t allow yourselves to get depressed by minor disagreements which will confront you time and again but which are not long-lasting….
Just renew your heartfelt bond with Me again, which is the purpose and goal of all earthly adversities, and you will soon experience a chan ge, once again you will gladly and cheerfully go through life, you will be released from your burden and ever more learn to love Me as your Father, Who will protect and guide you through every adversity…. Amen

Friday, February 16, 2007



You shall proclaim My pure Gospel.... There is great spiritual hardship amongst people who no longer hear My pure Word because they don’t believe, because their faith is not alive or it would enable them to understand My Word wherever it is offered to them…. For if they requested it with a living faith then they would also truly receive the Word such that they could understand and draw strength from it. But people lack this living faith, just as the messengers lack the strength of spirit which would enable them to accept My Word directly from Me, or even allow Me to speak through the messengers to people Myself. For only the Word that is conveyed by Me has the strength to penetrate a person’s heart and become effective. And thus you should mention everywhere that My Word is sent to you directly from above and that it can truly give you the blessing of the Gospel if you accept it gratefully and are not just hearers but true doers of My Word.
You should proclaim My Word wherever the opportunity presents itself, for people have to know about My Gospel, they have to know about My divine teaching of love, they have to know My will in order to live on earth accordingly, in order to fulfil My commandments of love and always use My Gospel as a guiding principle for their way of life. For only then can a change of character occur in the human being, only then can he shape himself to love and fulfil the purpose of his earthly existence. Hence I convey My Word from above to you humans time and again, hence I use every opportunity to reveal Myself to a human being in order to get access to all people through him, in order to inform everyone of My will and My commandments.
And whatever you humans can do in order to spread My Word, in order to carry it into the world, should be done by you, and your fellow human beings’ attention should be drawn to the extraordinary grace bestowed on people by receiving My Word. You should acquaint them with the living God with Whom you should associate, Who wants to be accepted into your hearts and Whom you have to approach by yourselves if you want to unite with Him. You should inform them that I Am people’s eternal Father and also want to be acknowledged by them as their Father…. You should encourage them to acquire a living faith and thus proclaim the commandments of love, the fulfilment of which will awaken in them a living faith and their spirit, so that they then will strive towards Me of their own accord and establish the union with Me because their nature has changed into love, and love thus strives towards love…. For it is the Eternal Love which reveals Itself to you humans, it is the Eternal Love Which longs for Its children, it is the Eternal Father Who bends down to you in order to inform you of His will. And the messengers of My Gospel will be blessed; they will experience My grace and My protection as long as they live on earth and also one day in the spiritual kingdom, for they have been faithful servants to Me who will receive their reward…. Amen

Thursday, February 15, 2007



People who still languish in matter also desire it in every sense. But the purpose of the human being’s earthly life is to overcome matter, to detach from it, to eradicate everything the world can offer to people, because only by overcoming the latter will the soul achieve the necessary maturity in order to enter the spiritual kingdom. To desire worldly things need not be a sin, although it hampers the person’s higher development, but it can easily result in sin because greed tries to acquire the object of its desire and this frequently by dishonest means. The greater and stronger the passion for things which give the body a sense of well-being, the more the person’s mind will focus on it and can trigger bad instincts and characteristics in him which will result in harming other people. 
For that reason I gave you the commandment ‘You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, house, servant, or anything that belongs to him….’ Everything that belongs to your fellow human beings should be sacred to you, you should not attempt to seize any possession from your neighbour and even the thought of taking it is a sin, because it betrays your will, your darkness of soul, which as yet does not know love. And although you try to hide your cold hearts from other people they are obvious to Me due to your longing, and as soon as you greedily think about your neighbour’s possessions you do not see the other person as your brother whom you should love as yourselves. You should grant him the same right that you demand for yourselves, to respect your wealth; you should be pleased when your neighbour is successful and help him to increase his wealth; then you are winning the fight of overcoming matter, then you will acquire more riches than you could ever take away from other people, because your love for your neighbour will be rewarded by My love, and this will truly give you an everlasting treasure of grace which offsets all worldly possessions and joys. 
Hence you should also respect and protect your neighbour’s possessions and distance yourselves from greed if you don’t want to infringe against the commandment of love for your neighbour, which I only gave you to make your ascent easier, because only through loving your neighbour can you gain My love and only through love can you become blessed…. Amen

Wednesday, February 14, 2007



For My child, who is serving Me with loyalty and steadfastness, another sign of My love and grace: You were also given the commandment: ‘Your shall not steal.’ If you take whatever belongs to him you are quite obviously disregarding the commandment of love for your neighbour. You should respect your neighbour’s possession, indeed even protect it against his enemies, otherwise you do not feel the love for him that I require of you. You should love your neighbour as yourselves…. and you will be grateful to anyone who respects your possessions; hence you should do the same in order to gain your neighbour’s love too. Whatever you acquire unlawfully will not result in any blessing to you, rather it will burden you and weigh your soul down which wants to ascend. You shall not steal.... This does not just concern earthly commodities, which you should not take from other people. You can also cause him spiritual damage by denying him that which benefits his soul and what My grace is giving to all people and what can be given to him by each one of his fellow human beings. Thus, anyone who owns spiritual wealth has received this from Me.... However, your fellow human beings also have the same right to partake in it.... and you should not diminish this right by withholding from him things which are also intended for him. In that case you are more than less taking what belongs to him too, even if he has not yet taken possession of it. Your behaviour will then reveal no love for your neighbour and even less love for Me, your God and Creator of eternity. Any reduction of spiritual or earthly wealth is therefore covered by this commandment, and any negligence of love for other people will reflect on yourselves, who shall receive as you give, and who shall lose what you take away from people. And thus, psychologically and earthly you shall receive the reward you deserve ….
And in the same spirit you should understand the following commandment ‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.'; Your mouth should always speak the honest truth, you should never damage your neighbour’s reputation, his standing amongst his fellow human beings, by telling lies. Any defamation is a sin against this commandment, with every lie the person is causing damage to other people and acting heartlessly and unfairly, to which he will have to be answerable. When you are asked to bear witness to your neighbour be truthful and full of love for him. Try to understand his faults and kind-heartedly point them out to him but do not take advantage of his weakness by trying to belittle him for your personal gain. You can damage the other person with a thoughtless word and awaken thoughts of retaliation in him which will stifle all love and make the person sinful. You should certainly remain truthful, thus not praise an undeserving person contrary to your better knowledge and conscience, but distance yourself from every act of unkindness, distance yourself from all belittling of o ther people for your own advantage. Any judgment of your neighbour that does not correspond to the truth is a flagrant violation of this commandment for it lacks all love and brings no honour to you humans. Every lie is to be condemned but when it is plainly intended to damage another person it becomes a double sin, a sin against the other person and a sin against Me, Who is the eternal truth Himself…. It is a violation against the commandment of love against Me and against your neighbour.... Amen




Tuesday, February 13, 2007



You shall be given the guiding principles by which you should live on earth and fulfil My will: You always have to keep My Commandments of love in mind and then you will never be able to sin, because a life of love is at all times a life within My eternal order and then it is impossible to sin. My Commandment of love towards God and your neighbour incorporated the laws and the prophets, hence the Ten Commandments given to Moses were not eliminated by My Commandments of love but merely confirmed. The Ten Commandments were integrated at the same time in My Two Commandments, wherein I required love for Me and your neighbour…. You shall give all your love only to one God, thus only one Being should represent to you what you wholeheartedly aspire to, what you love and worship, what you strive to reach. Nothing shall exist to you that could replace or displace this most perfect Being, your God, because all else a person still deems desirable are gods which reduce the love for your God and therefore cannot be tolerated beside Me. Your love shall fully and completely relate to Me, your God, Creator and Father of eternity. Because as a result of this love your conduct in life, your will and your knowledge will be shaped. Anyone who loves Me more than anything else has gained everything, Me Myself, My love and eternal life close to Me…. This commandment is the first commandment, nevertheless it also includes the second commandment, love for your neighbour. Because the love for what I created is also an acknowledgment of love for Me, and therefore both commandments are not to be separated from each other. So that you will learn to believe firmly and steadfastly you shall sense My nearness and feel that I Myself Am speaking to you and take notice of all your thoughts and requests, even if they are not voiced. I will always share your inner life, I will know your questions and always will want to answer them just as soon as you give Me the opportunity, i.e. as soon as you mentally present the question to Me and patiently wait for the answer…. You will always receive the reply as soon as you attune yourselves to receive it, thus by listening within yourselves, from where the answer will emerge.
And thus hear the explanation of the commandment: Second Commandment.
 ‘You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain….’ I Am and remain the highest and most perfect Being for you, Whom you nevertheless can contact at any time. I want you to unite with Me, to strive for unity with Me; I want you to call for Me because by doing so you inform Me of your will; I want you never to exclude Me from your thoughts, I want to be the First and the Last to you, I want you to share with Me everything that moves you, I want you to come to Me for advice and  completely confide in Me, and humbly submit to My will…. But I do not want you to take My name in vain without the involvement of your heart.... I do not want you to live a life of pretence, I do not want you to appear to the world as My children who are sincerely devoted to their Father and in reality are very distant from Me. I do not want you to speak My name before the world and make the connection with Me absolutely impossible due to your attitude, due to your conduct which does not correspond to My will but which remains hidden from other people because you are constantly using My name in order to deceive them. You are using My name in vain when your heart and mouth do not agree with each other, when you mouth speaks differently than you heart feels. Then it is truly better for you to openly turn away from Me, because then you would lack all knowledge, whereas by mentioning My name you are admitting to know Me although you still dislike Me in your heart. You don’t mislead Me but you certainly mislead your fellow human beings, and thus you are playing a game of falsehood and deceit with Me. You should become conscious of the fact that the deceptive mentioning of your God’s name will double your sin, that you are more or less using Me as a cover for your wrong way of life, that you want to cause confusion amongst those who still believe and to whom I Am the highest and most perfect Being. I should punish you for every call to Me and every mentioning of My name from your mouth but I acknowledge your free will and put up with your sacrilege which, however, at times makes the believers wonder and doubt their faith. Therefore every mentioning of My name without sincerity is a temptation for the believer for which I will hold you to account one day. It is belittling Me, Whom you do not acknowledge and yet use to veil your true nature, Whom you thus try to turn into an accessory otherwise you would openly turn away from Me and not try to conceal your way of life. The deceptive mentioning of My name is a lie which will avenge itself badly when all sin will be revealed one day, it is a flagrant violation of the commandment of love for God and the next person…. Amen

Monday, February 12, 2007



‘You shall keep the Sabbath Day holy....’ This commandment is meant to make you conscious of the fact that you are indebted to Me, that earthly life was given to you for a specific purpose, that you should sincerely strive to make contact with Me…. that you should cross the bridge to Me, that you should leave the world behind and, through contemplation, heartfelt prayer and silent dialogue with Me, move yourselves into the spiritual kingdom: …. That you thus keep a true Sabbath Day, that you take a period of rest from the rushing and racing of the world, in which you certainly live but which should not turn you into slaves. In Me alone should you recognise your Lord, and it is Me Whom you should serve and thus you should frequently stop for an hour of rest, when your thoughts are with Me even when you perform your earthly duty and are constantly active. The more you can detach yourselves from the earthly world, the more often you connect with Me in thought, the more convincingly will you recognise Me as your God and Father of eternity and thus, by fulfilling this commandment of keeping the Sabbath Day holy, you once again simply fulfil the commandment of love for Me. But your love shall also apply to your neighbour. Who, however, is your neighbour? All people with whom you come into contact.... your love shall belong to all of them…. When I, through Moses, gave people the Ten Commandments it was necessary to make people particularly aware of their mistakes and bad habits, because their love had grown cold for all people in their surroundings. Even the children no longer practised love, it was a state of wickedness, depravity, and selfishness…. For this reason the commandment of love for your neighbour had to be presented to them in every detail. They ignored all divine order, and thus they had to be given several commandments which, indeed, are all included in the commandment of love for your neighbour but which also need to be observed by people today if they don’t want to infringe against love.
'You shall honour your parents', offer them the love of a child and always be obedient to them. You should always remember that they, with selfless love, are preparing you to become human beings and thus enable you to live earthly life for the purpose of higher development, that they were given this task by Me, that you should thus repay the innate love they give to you and which is motivating them to physically and psychologically take care of you. You owe them your life and thus should honour them and return their care for you until the end of their life. Then I, too, will look upon you with pleasure and give you My love because by loving your parents you show a warm and loving heart which will also love Me, once it has recognised Me as the eternal Father from Whom all living creations emerged, who He wants to shape into His rightful children. Only love will turn you into My children, and anyone who loves and honours His parents will also love the Heavenly Father and be blessed by Him…. Amen
‘You shall not kill....’ This commandment also fulfils itself if your neighbour is looked upon with love. Because love will never damage him and even less endeavour to take his life. It does not merely concern the human being’s life on earth which the heartless person intends to take; it concerns the opportunity of development which can only successfully change the human being into a child of God on earth. You therefore burden yourselves with an irresponsibly severe guilt when you violate a human being’s life, when you forcibly end it and by doing so unlawfully rob the soul of My gift of grace. You are committing a double sin, against your neighbour as well as against Me, as in fact every offence against the commandment of love for other people is an offence against your love for Me, because you also indirectly refuse to love Me, Who created your neighbour. To end an earthly life should never be endorsed even if honourable motives give cause to it. Because once again it is decisive that the soul only received the body’s life for the purpose of higher development.
You should not consider earthly life, the life of the body, as the most important and consequently only take the body’s life into account. But far less should you deem earthly life so unimportant that you think you may end it arbitrarily. The person who unlawfully takes another person’s life will be pursued by an inconceivable vindictiveness on earth and even in the spiritual kingdom and, furthermore, due to such acts of hatred and heartlessness he will lapse into deepest darkness himself for he will have devoted himself to Satan who, in order to prevent all higher development, endeavours to destroy the life that I awakened. He has transferred his willingness to sin to the person and thus has used him to commit an evil act which, however, the person could have refused to commit of his own free will. He was not forced to sin.... But when earthly rulers bring force to bear, when a human being acts in self-defence in order to protect his own life, when his inner being resists an act of most blatant heartlessness and yet is unable to oppose earthly law, the attitude of the person acting against this commandment will always be taken into account. However, if the person violates the commandment wholeheartedly he will be held fully responsible because he ignores My commandment of love and belongs to My adversary…. Amen
‘You shall not commit adultery....’ This area is particularly significant because it incorporates everything in relation to carnal desires. It concerns the sensual orientation, the active expression on the sexual level. Indeed, I Myself gave the right for this with the Words ‘Be fruitful and multiply….’ I Myself created humanity such that the bodies of a man and a woman long to unite, nevertheless the final purpose of the latter is just procreation. And since the human being has free will it is up to him to control himself or to fully express himself without self-control. What on one hand is blessed by Me can, on the other hand, be a most welcome opportunity for the adversary to entice the person into sin, although he will always be conscious of it because every sexual activity, every fulfilment of carnal lust pulls the human being down and even places him below the animal, which only acts out its instinct in accordance with natural law.
But the human being has his freedom of will because he should learn to control himself, because he should suppress his body in order to help the soul to ascend. The sensual instincts are the greatest obstacle for the spiritualization of the soul. And yet I created the human being such that carnal desire can pester him greatly if he allows himself to be controlled by it…. if he has no will to resist the temptations which are always caused by My adversary. The commandment I gave to you, not to commit adultery, is a serious one.... And adultery is every impure way of life which in truth signifies an unlawful conduct against My law of order…. a misuse of the natural process of procreation for the purpose of awakening human life. Two people should find each with other pure, unselfish love, and a subsequent conception as a result of such love will never be a sin because it complies with My eternal law of order.
However, all sensual passion without love is of utmost danger for the soul, which will lapse into spiritual darkness and only with utmost difficulty will be able to lift itself out of it. Carnal desire is selfish love to the highest degree which stifles all unselfish love for a fellow human being, because nothing is sacred to such a person, he does not honour and respect his fellow human being but merely takes advantage of him…. He takes what does not belong to him, and thus sins against the commandment of love for one’s neighbour in many different ways. Anyone whose soul genuinely endeavours to ascend also knows that he should not enjoy life entirely uninhibited because he will feel that his soul is pulled down and that it will have to make an incredible effort in order to lift itself up again. A right kind of marriage will never find My disapproval or I would not have created humanity to reproduce itself, however, boundaries can easily be exceeded, and every excess is a breach of the marriage wanted by Me through natural law…. the coexistence of man and woman for the purpose of humanity’s reproduction …. But I know people’s nature, I know their weakness of will and My adversary’s extremely powerful influence…. I do not condemn those who sin but I Am giving them the commandment for their own benefit, and anyone who follows it will also love Me and his neighbour, he will travel the path of ascent easier than those who give free reign to their bodily instincts at the expense of their soul…. Amen

Sunday, February 11, 2007






And even if the work of return will continue for eternities…. one day I will achieve My goal that everything I once had created and which had fallen away from Me will return to Me of its own free will and thereby ‘living creations’ will have become ‘children’, as it had been My plan since eternity. The duration of the process of return entirely depends on the spiritual being which, during its last test of earthly life as a human being, has to prove its will. And since free will so often fails because it cannot pass the final test, one period of Salvation is not enough, and time and again new developmental eras are required. And therefore one can speak of eternities until this process will have been accomplished one day.


Yet the processes of development are times of adversity and torment…. And for this reason alone I aim to shorten them for you, and My constant concern is to influence you such that you will preferably reach your goal during one such developmental process, during one period of Salvation…. that you will improve your nature and sincerely look for unification with Me, because then you will also be close to your perfection and close to the goal. To Me a thousand years are like a day…. I personally don’t mind how long you will take to return to Me, yet you are the ones who will suffer if you excessively prolong your time of return and thus also have to endure immeasurable agonies and adversities…. And since I love you I take pity on you, and only for this reason I try to win you over sooner, for only I know how much time lies behind you and subsequently also ahead of you, if you will fail in this earthly life…. I know your process of development and would like nothing better than that it should be finished when you leave your last form as a human being on this earth…. I don’t want you to suffer even longer; I would like to make you all blissfully happy in My kingdom…. But I will only be able to do so if you have shaped yourselves such that you are close to your original state. If this transformation has not taken place during your earthly life I cannot spare you a repeated process through the creations, and then it will take eternities again until you have to make your decision of will again as a human being on this earth. For only free will can take you close to the goal, even if My love for you is infinite I nevertheless cannot ignore your will and provide you with a fate which you do not deserve as a result of your will, which is still against Me and therefore you cannot be called perfect either. And fate corresponds to maturity.... or, only the will determines the fate of the soul, the once fallen original spirit, who shall return to his source by himself…. to Me, Who is God and Creator to all of you, but also your Father. One day I will reach My goal, one day you will return to Me again….


But how much time it will take is determined by you yourselves in the stage of a human being…. Hence you are burdened by a tremendous responsibility during the time of your earthly life, and you should always remember this and do what I ask of you through My Word. For in My Word I Myself come near to you in your earthly life and inform you of My will. If you comply with it, you will also be close to your perfection, and you will still reach your given goal before your earthly life comes to an end. And then the dreadful torments and adversities will be over for you, and you will enter into My kingdom, which is a kingdom of light and bliss and which you will recognise as your true home. And I only would like to call on all humans: Take care that you will reach your goal during this earthly life, use your will correctly, and then you will live in accordance with My will, then you will also change your nature and become once more what you had been in the beginning…. beings, which are allowed to take pleasure in light, strength and freedom close to the Father’s heart…. beings, which are infinitely happy…. Amen




Saturday, February 10, 2007



A great campaign of redemption is in progress, for wherever beings of light were allowed to incarnate on earth they also advocate the proclamation of the Gospel amongst their fellow human beings. And their efforts are supported by the beings from the world of light which influence people’s thoughts in every way, making them receptive for the divine Word as soon as it is offered to them. At the same time a great work of redemption is also taking place in the beyond, where beings of light dare to descend increasingly more often and aim to carry light into the darkness. Nevertheless, it always depends on whether the beings’ are willing to accept the light or turn away from it if time and again flashing sparks of light intend to show them the path to a source of light…. If they follow this path then the darkness could quickly recede and radiantly bright light would surround them…. but if they ignore it they will still be engulfed by thick darkness for eternities, and they will be banished again in the creations of earth. But whatever can still be done to save all these souls will truly be done on part of the world of light.... and wherever on earth there is still a chance to bring people light, the bearers of light will truly not pass it by, since they are embodied all over the world during the last days in order to work for the benefit of people and to show them the path to redemption….
Nevertheless, it is not an easy beginning, since the voice of the world is much louder. Where God’s Word is proclaimed there will only ever be just a few people, whereas the world has countless more followers who rather choose darkness than light and therefore cannot find redemption during their earthly life either. But all souls will be fought for, since every effort is also being made in the kingdom of light above to direct people’s thoughts towards the kingdom that is not of this world. The world of light in the spiritual kingdom is constantly trying to radiate light onto the darkened human race, and thus time and again contacts are being established from the spiritual realm to earth, and people willingly fulfil the light beings’ suggestion as to what is necessary and beneficial for their fellow human beings’ salvation. And they will comply with the light beings’ influence…. which is recognisable by their diligent work in the vineyard of the Lord, by the proclamation of the Gospel, by the distribution of the divine Word, by spiritual conversations, explanations and constant references to Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer.
His name will be mentioned time after time, and their enthusiasm will not lessen but increase, because everywhere some seed will also fall on good ground…. because Jesus Christ Himself will seize the people who direct their steps towards Him, who turn their eyes upon Him and thus wish to be redeemed by Him. He will never leave these, be it on earth or even in the beyond.... a heartfelt call upon Him will always be heard and the soul will be granted what it desires. A heartfelt call is evidence to Him that He is acknowledged by the soul, and then its fate in eternity will be assured…. This is why every work of redemption is blessed by Him, and Jesus Christ Himself is participating in every work of redemption, Who only requires the person’s free will in order to accomplish His act of Salvation on the soul, so that it will be released from sin and death and in this freedom be able to enter eternal beatitude…. Amen

Friday, February 09, 2007



Active spiritual work increasingly releases you from the material world and you become its conqueror as well as its master. The more you occupy yourselves with spiritual work the more the soul releases itself from its physical form even though you live on earth, yet it raises itself into other spheres, it enters the path to its true home, it is just a guest on this earth which has not forgotten its true home but steadily strives towards it. But what does the ‘spiritual work’, which lifts you from the earth’s sphere, consist of? …
Every thought concerning the spiritual world initiates such spiritual work because as soon as the soul grasps the thoughts which come from that world the beings of light enter into contact with it and, as you might say, enter into conversation, i.e. one thought develops into another, the thoughts lead to God and in turn open the dialogue with God and the effect is that the human being now talks to his fellow human beings about spiritual matters, that he is no longer content with worldly knowledge, that all his thoughts reach precisely into that spiritual sphere from where he is now taught, from where his soul now receives spiritual nourishment. In this manner the soul matures fully, it will persuade the body to conduct itself during earthly life in accordance to its spiritual insights, the human being will work on himself, he will live consciously, i.e. he will be conscious of the purpose of his existence and his goal and make an effort to achieve this goal. Although he continues to live his earthly life he won’t consider it the most important issue but his thoughts will repeatedly lift themselves into the kingdom which is not of this world. And he cannot help himself but work on behalf of this kingdom by seeking to encourage his fellow human beings to take more notice of the spiritual kingdom than of worldly life, he will draw their attention to the emptiness of a worldly orientated life… he will have conversations with other people about the cross of Golgotha… he cannot help himself but mention the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ time after time because the spiritual kingdom captivates him as well as Jesus Christ Himself, Who takes pleasure in His children who love and strive to follow Him.
You will learn to appreciate the value of an earthly life which enables you to be spiritually active and which offers spiritual success for your soul… Because you are guided by beings of light to whom you are assigned for care during your earthly life. And their influence will not cease and only ever relate to your soul which can only profit from spiritual activity, which will mature fully during earthly life and also is a shining example to your fellow human beings. Because a spiritually striving soul is outwardly recognisable by constantly working for the kingdom of God and always performing labours of love in God’s vineyard as it feels the inner urge to serve God and to lead other souls back to Him, because its inner love expresses itself at all times in work for God and His kingdom … Amen

Thursday, February 08, 2007






The question of immortality.... the concept of eternity.... cannot be solved by the human being because on one hand he cannot understand something that reaches beyond earthly concepts, but on the other hand he cannot be given a spiritual explanation which he could adequately understand either. Only on entering the regions of light can the being be given a partial explanation but even then it remains a problem which, like the eternal Deity, can never be completely solved and comprehended. This has to be said first in order to explain the following:


In times of great spiritual adversity people are inclined to believe that they can put an end to their lives at will, and thus an end to their existence, because they believe that they only exist for a limited period of time and hence feel entitled and qualified to shorten it. They simply lack understanding for immortality, for endlessness of time, for eternity…  That they will never cease to exist cannot be proven to them, but the thought of knowing that life will end one day is far more comforting to them.…  And although from time to time the human being feels uneasy about the temporal ending he nevertheless rather accepts this thought than the thought of a continuation of life after death because he knows that everything on earth is temporary and therefore he cannot and will not believe in the immortality of his Self.  To explain the concept of ‘eternal’ to such a person would simply be impossible.… The idea that something so intimately related to him should never cease to exist worries him and awakens his sense of responsibility because, understandably, life has to be viewed quite differently as soon as a permanent existence has to be taken into account.


Consequently, people who consciously deny life after death will not hesitate to end their earthly life themselves since they believe that by ending their earthly life they will dispose of everything, and fail to consider the consequences of their action if they are wrong. They only destroy the outer shell but not life itself and therefore they have to continue living it… since it cannot be destroyed, neither on earth nor in the beyond … it is, in the true sense of the word, immortal, i.e. of eternal duration. It is not possible to end it because the Creator has created the being out of Himself and everything of divine origin cannot possibly perish. For that reason the Creator, in His wisdom, has ordained that there shall be no limit for the being to reach its state of perfection … that even in eternity it can steadily advance and thus be constantly active and give as well as receive.… without ever becoming exhausted or ever having received the ultimate from the eternal Deity.  The earthly human being can barely conceive the concept of ‘eternity’, neither can immortality be completely explained to him since nothing on earth is everlasting, and since the immortality of soul cannot be proven to him he has to believe it.  Likewise, human intellect cannot analyse the time concept of ‘eternity’ either. This attempt cannot possibly lead to a result as long as the human being cannot apply the same comparison to a physical medium.  He only accepts something as true when he has conclusive evidence.  And therefore there remains only faith again… The human being has to believe what cannot be demonstrated to him, and thus the immortality of the being throughout eternity must precede all other reasoning… Amen





Wednesday, February 07, 2007



You all should know that you cannot deliberately repeat your earthly progress as a human being, you have to make use of this unique opportunity if you don’t want to be plagued by bitter remorse one day because you entered the spiritual kingdom in an immature state. The assumption that you can repeat earthly life as often as you like until you have reached the degree of perfection lets you strive half-heartedly for perfection. As a result, this teaching is detrimental for your soul’s salvation, it is a danger, as due to this teaching many people neglect to improve their soul in the hope to make up for their failure in another life. But this teaching is misguided….
Your embodiment as a human being is a gift of grace which you should fully utilise, because your process of development is finished once you enter the kingdom of the beyond, and any further development depends on your attitude in the spiritual kingdom, which can vary considerably…. With good will, the light beings’ active help and effective intercession by people you can still progress in the beyond and achieve beatitude, but you will need to employ far more strength than on earth…. however, you can also descend if you are completely obstinate and ill-willed at heart.
In this state it would be a truly undivine act to allow you another embodiment on earth which would never assure your spiritual progress, because free will is always decisive, and because of free will you lose your past memory. But with good will you can also attain this maturity in the spiritual kingdom, which will guarantee you a transmission of light and thus a degree of happiness, which can constantly be increased…. And then you will have no more desire for life in the flesh and to experience another incarnation on earth....
It can happen in individual cases for very special reasons, but they should never be considered to be the norm and used as justification for the doctrine of re-incarnation. For the issue is not that people could not attain a particular degree of maturity…. because Jesus Christ died on the cross so that a human being can gain complete freedom from the form during a single life on earth as human being. It is just that the human being’s will has failed and therefore he also has to accept the consequences…. a miserable state in the spiritual kingdom, which he can neither stop nor change as he likes. Besides, in accordance with God’s will everything ascends, only the human being’s will can be regressively orientated…. And thus it would contradict God’s plan of divine order if a being would be placed by His will into a previous form which it had not used correctly. This is a misuse of a gift of grace for which the being has to give account and accept the consequences.
Re-incarnation can certainly take place in special cases, when souls of light embody themselves on earth in order to render helpful services, who express their immense love for suffering humanity by accepting another life on earth as human being in order to help people in spiritual distress. Hence it can be indeed believed that there are people on this earth who descended from above, but they themselves do not know it, and although their fellow human beings might suspect it they cannot say so for sure. But far less believable are assertions that people without any discernible spiritual mission have incarnated several times on earth already ….
The teaching of re-incarnation is dangerous for people because individual cases are being generalised, and the person’s responsibility during the short time of his earthly life will be ignored and gives way to carelessness in someone who believes that he will always be able to make up what he neglected to do…. The realisation in the kingdom of the beyond will be a heavy burden to him one day, because no human being will ever be able to make up for his neglect during his earthly life due to his own fault. He can certainly still achieve a degree of light there and increase it continuously, but he will never be able to attain the degree of childship to God, which can only be attained on earth…. And in addition, he also runs the great risk to descend even further in the spiritual kingdom if he does not take the opportunity and endeavours to ascend with the help of the beings of light…. Amen

Tuesday, February 06, 2007






There will be indescribable chaos amongst people after I have spoken through the forces of nature, for they all will fear that the event might repeat itself and thus live restlessly and afraid amid the ruins caused by the elements of nature and yet due to My will, which had expressed itself therein. People will have to go through an appalling time, a time which was hardly ever experienced by people inhabiting this earth.


Yet it is the time of the end when everything takes place to an exceptional extent in order to still awaken people. But again, even the natural disaster will only make a few people think, whereas the majority of people will indignantly dismiss every belief in a God and Creator, Who allows such destructions to happen as can be seen by everyone. Yet no-one considers his own behaviour or how he should behave before God, before Me, to Whom they had merely paid lip-service without, however, having a living faith in Me or having made contact with Me.... And only a few will then turn to Me in their great distress, but these few will also visibly get a taste of My help, I will so obviously support them that it will strengthen their faith in a Power Which holds their destiny in the palm of Its hand. Everything only happens in order to let people find the bond with Me but only ever a few will derive a blessing from the forthcoming event, for humanity is already too enslaved by My adversary to turn to Me and appeal for My help. And therefore I cannot reveal Myself to them either, but I will most certainly do so with those who subsequently take refuge with Me in their adversity. The severity of suffering will let many pray more sincerely which makes the fulfilment of their prayers much easier for Me, because their belief in a God capable of help is evident and because they will then so beseech Me that I will truly come to help them in their distress. And then My servants will have ample opportunity to convey My Word to the people, who will so hungrily accept it as will rarely be found.  The disbelievers, however, will be filled by even more hatred than before towards the preachers of My Word as well as towards those who visibly experience My help…. But they will not allow themselves to be converted, instead their unkindness will merely testify to their affiliation with My adversary and will clearly resist Me and My love, which also wants to win them over but cannot get through to them. 


There will be much adversity and yet, it will not be hopeless, because I can always be approached in prayer with a request to improve matters and because I will grant a true prayer in order to reveal Myself to those who are not entirely enslaved by My adversary. But it has to be left up to people to call upon Me, and therefore everything has to happen within a natural framework, yet easily perceptible to people who still harbour a glimmer of faith and to whom I will reveal Myself so that their faith will not be lost but gain in strength and intensity. The occasion is ahead of you and cannot prevented by you since you yourselves don’t endeavour making the effort to change your ways, and since due to your disposition and activities you will bring the time to fruition…. because you yourselves will hasten the end as a result of your attitude and because the time is fulfilled which you were granted for the maturing of your souls…. Amen

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