Saturday, February 10, 2007
A great campaign of redemption is in progress, for wherever beings of light were allowed to incarnate on earth they also advocate the proclamation of the Gospel amongst their fellow human beings. And their efforts are supported by the beings from the world of light which influence people’s thoughts in every way, making them receptive for the divine Word as soon as it is offered to them. At the same time a great work of redemption is also taking place in the beyond, where beings of light dare to descend increasingly more often and aim to carry light into the darkness. Nevertheless, it always depends on whether the beings’ are willing to accept the light or turn away from it if time and again flashing sparks of light intend to show them the path to a source of light…. If they follow this path then the darkness could quickly recede and radiantly bright light would surround them…. but if they ignore it they will still be engulfed by thick darkness for eternities, and they will be banished again in the creations of earth. But whatever can still be done to save all these souls will truly be done on part of the world of light.... and wherever on earth there is still a chance to bring people light, the bearers of light will truly not pass it by, since they are embodied all over the world during the last days in order to work for the benefit of people and to show them the path to redemption….
Nevertheless, it is not an easy beginning, since the voice of the world is much louder. Where God’s Word is proclaimed there will only ever be just a few people, whereas the world has countless more followers who rather choose darkness than light and therefore cannot find redemption during their earthly life either. But all souls will be fought for, since every effort is also being made in the kingdom of light above to direct people’s thoughts towards the kingdom that is not of this world. The world of light in the spiritual kingdom is constantly trying to radiate light onto the darkened human race, and thus time and again contacts are being established from the spiritual realm to earth, and people willingly fulfil the light beings’ suggestion as to what is necessary and beneficial for their fellow human beings’ salvation. And they will comply with the light beings’ influence…. which is recognisable by their diligent work in the vineyard of the Lord, by the proclamation of the Gospel, by the distribution of the divine Word, by spiritual conversations, explanations and constant references to Jesus Christ, the divine Redeemer.
His name will be mentioned time after time, and their enthusiasm will not lessen but increase, because everywhere some seed will also fall on good ground…. because Jesus Christ Himself will seize the people who direct their steps towards Him, who turn their eyes upon Him and thus wish to be redeemed by Him. He will never leave these, be it on earth or even in the beyond.... a heartfelt call upon Him will always be heard and the soul will be granted what it desires. A heartfelt call is evidence to Him that He is acknowledged by the soul, and then its fate in eternity will be assured…. This is why every work of redemption is blessed by Him, and Jesus Christ Himself is participating in every work of redemption, Who only requires the person’s free will in order to accomplish His act of Salvation on the soul, so that it will be released from sin and death and in this freedom be able to enter eternal beatitude…. Amen