Sunday, February 18, 2007
I want to lead you through every adversity.... if only you entrust yourselves to Me, if you submit to My will, if you don’t resist Me with your own will or wrong actions. I will place it into your heart what you shall and shall not do, and you can always believe that it is My will, and you can at all times unreservedly do what you inwardly feel impelled to do. Time and again you will experience moments when you will seemingly lose your inner calm, but equally you will also find it again, for this, too, is part of your soul’s spiritual maturing process, that in times of distress it turns to Me for help, that time and again it seeks the bond with Me anew, as not to become indifferent to its psychological task. And this shall be a comfort to you, that I know all your adversities.... and that I will put an end to them when the time is right…. You don’t need to be disheartened once you have handed yourselves over to Me and My guidance; you can be assured that I will guide you well and that your every path is predetermined by Me Myself, that you thus can follow it and it will always lead you to the goal.
Yet your life cannot pass you by without struggle and suffering or you would not achieve any spiritual progress, but this is your reason for living on earth after all. However, I will always be your protection and shield; I will always take care that you will not break down under the cross with which I burden you for your salvation…. It will not be heavier than you are able to endure, and it will also be taken from you again when it has achieved its purpose: to gain your soul a degree of maturity which heightens its bliss when one day it can discard the body and enter the spiritual kingdom. The cross will be taken from you again as soon as the purpose has been achieved, for I will not let you suffer any longer than necessary, and I will also help you carry it when it seems too heavy for you at times....
You can truly live your earthly life without worry and it will be endurable for you, you will be able to master it with My help, for you have granted Me the right to walk by your side as soon as you had chosen Me as your guide. And this shall always be your guarantee that you will not take any wrong paths, for I will prevent it because I love you and because you have turned to Me of your own free will. Just sacrifice to Me whatever weighs you down and it will be a blessing to you. But don’t allow yourselves to get depressed by minor disagreements which will confront you time and again but which are not long-lasting….
Just renew your heartfelt bond with Me again, which is the purpose and goal of all earthly adversities, and you will soon experience a chan ge, once again you will gladly and cheerfully go through life, you will be released from your burden and ever more learn to love Me as your Father, Who will protect and guide you through every adversity…. Amen