Thursday, February 08, 2007
The question of immortality.... the concept of eternity.... cannot be solved by the human being because on one hand he cannot understand something that reaches beyond earthly concepts, but on the other hand he cannot be given a spiritual explanation which he could adequately understand either. Only on entering the regions of light can the being be given a partial explanation but even then it remains a problem which, like the eternal Deity, can never be completely solved and comprehended. This has to be said first in order to explain the following:
In times of great spiritual adversity people are inclined to believe that they can put an end to their lives at will, and thus an end to their existence, because they believe that they only exist for a limited period of time and hence feel entitled and qualified to shorten it. They simply lack understanding for immortality, for endlessness of time, for eternity… That they will never cease to exist cannot be proven to them, but the thought of knowing that life will end one day is far more comforting to them.… And although from time to time the human being feels uneasy about the temporal ending he nevertheless rather accepts this thought than the thought of a continuation of life after death because he knows that everything on earth is temporary and therefore he cannot and will not believe in the immortality of his Self. To explain the concept of ‘eternal’ to such a person would simply be impossible.… The idea that something so intimately related to him should never cease to exist worries him and awakens his sense of responsibility because, understandably, life has to be viewed quite differently as soon as a permanent existence has to be taken into account.
Consequently, people who consciously deny life after death will not hesitate to end their earthly life themselves since they believe that by ending their earthly life they will dispose of everything, and fail to consider the consequences of their action if they are wrong. They only destroy the outer shell but not life itself and therefore they have to continue living it… since it cannot be destroyed, neither on earth nor in the beyond … it is, in the true sense of the word, immortal, i.e. of eternal duration. It is not possible to end it because the Creator has created the being out of Himself and everything of divine origin cannot possibly perish. For that reason the Creator, in His wisdom, has ordained that there shall be no limit for the being to reach its state of perfection … that even in eternity it can steadily advance and thus be constantly active and give as well as receive.… without ever becoming exhausted or ever having received the ultimate from the eternal Deity. The earthly human being can barely conceive the concept of ‘eternity’, neither can immortality be completely explained to him since nothing on earth is everlasting, and since the immortality of soul cannot be proven to him he has to believe it. Likewise, human intellect cannot analyse the time concept of ‘eternity’ either. This attempt cannot possibly lead to a result as long as the human being cannot apply the same comparison to a physical medium. He only accepts something as true when he has conclusive evidence. And therefore there remains only faith again… The human being has to believe what cannot be demonstrated to him, and thus the immortality of the being throughout eternity must precede all other reasoning… Amen