Thursday, July 31, 2008
Learn to restrain yourselves and become gentle and peaceful, for your time on earth is given to you as a probationary period during which you should reach full maturity, training and shaping yourselves for the benefit of your soul. You will hardly be able to fulfil your earthly task if you don't strive for this first, for all your soul's difficulties arise from your own lack of self-control. And thus hear what the Lord Himself is proclaiming to you:
You, My children on earth, have to make an effort to treat each other with love.... You have chosen this stay on earth in the knowledge of what you are lacking; you have many opportunities to combat your weaknesses and mistakes, yet you must also have the good will to make use of the possibilities offered and, through constant self-restraint, grow stronger and overcome your mistakes. Bear in mind, My children, with how much patience I have to overlook your weaknesses again and again, and yet My love for you does not diminish…. Consider how much more reason I would have to become impatient, and how I, nevertheless, in utmost patience and mercy, embrace My children again and lovingly forgive them when they have trespassed…. consider that My life on earth demanded an abundance of patience towards sinful humanity, which nevertheless did not recognise My love and repaid all the good I did for people with ingratitude, and finally made Me suffer so indescribably….
How much did they humiliate Me and devised all sorts of torments and, without any blame, handed Me over to be crucified…. And I patiently shouldered even this most bitter injustice and nevertheless did not withdraw My mercy from those who wronged Me…. I implored the Father in heaven to forgive them their sins and did not turn away from humanity but tried to win them over with patience and love and thereby bring them redemption. And therefore you should also practise the virtue of self-denial, one should live for the other and only ever endeavour to ease each other's suffering, so that you will become perfect and will not have lived your earthly life in vain. And sacrifice all your worries and pains to Me, and you will become as gentle as doves and communicate with each other patiently and with love, and inner calm will enter your hearts…. and I will help you if you are in danger of losing yourselves. Amen
BD 1003
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
All imperfect spirit causes some disorder in the world because all order is perfected spirit, it behaves in accordance with divine will, and God's will is order and perfection. The disorderly condition can never be something divine, therefore, the beings who are in God's ordained state… that is, who are within divine order, must carry the divine will within themselves, that is, they have to live in accordance with God's will first if they want to come closer to God. Immaturity, however, aspires towards God's opposite goal, it conforms to the will of the one who wants to destroy all divine order. However, this disorder can only be evoked when the imperfect spirit is in possession of free will, that is, when it is embodied in a human being, since prior to that divine will determines every activity of the being and therefore this activity has to be orderly too… which is expressed throughout the entire work of creation which exists in God's ordained order and cannot arbitrarily be transformed by a God-opposing will. Earthly life, however, is at the mercy of the human being… And thus the human being creates his own state of order or disorder, all depending on the attitude of his free will. A life in closeness to God with the surrender of one's own will must understandably proceed orderly, it must completely correspond to divine will. The human being obviously cannot violate God's will as long as he subordinates himself to it. Consequently his conduct also has to be in line with God's ordained order, he can't help himself but aspire to what God wants…
Hence, whatever is directed against this order has to collapse as a result, as it signifies disorder. All order incorporates within itself the guarantee of continuation whilst it is in the greatest interest of the representative of disorder, the adversary, to destroy everything, and for that reason he provokes an enormous disorder. It is now also understandable that human thought becomes completely chaotic when it expresses itself in some destructive form or another during earthly life. The impulse of preservation will always be divine, the impulse of destruction always satanic. Whoever complies with the inner urge to destroy, consciously submits his will to God's adversary who wants to annihilate God's work of creation and who uses the immature spirit to triumph against God. He besets the spirit, he tries to weaken the human being's will to act in a God-opposing manner, i.e. to disregard and attempt to destroy what God in His wisdom has created. And this is contrary to divine order. Everything in existence serves to mature the imperfect spirit. Every desire to destroy any kind of creation interferes with God's will, Who gave all spirit a certain length of time and will only release it from its form when the spirit within the form has matured, i.e. when it has become capable to live through the next stage of embodiment within God's ordained order.
A being which is prematurely disturbed in the process of higher development wants to escape its form or take its abode in an external form that is unsuitable for its state of mind and this, since it lacks the necessary maturity, would be the start of an unimaginable disorder which would have horrifying consequences on earth as well in the entire universe. Because everything would be at the mercy of the immature, God-opposing spirit. There would be an open contest against God which would rage against all divine wisdom if God didn't prevent it. For that reason, i.e. to maintain divine order, the will of the immature being prior to incarnation as a human being is constrained, whereas the danger in earthly life is that the opposing will results in an unparalleled chaos, a confusion of human thought which can cause the most incredible disorder.
And all virtuous spirits fight this disorder because God Himself uses no coercive measure as hindrance and allows the immature spirit complete freedom of will, nevertheless, it will always be a sin to oppose God's will. The being violates divine law... which in itself is order… when it enjoys changing this order into disorder. Because it then subordinates itself to the will of the adversary who longs to destroy everything that God has created… He will not succeed, nevertheless merely the determination to do so is the greatest offence against God's love, wisdom and omnipotence, it is rebellion against God and therefore results in the most dire consequences. The spirit who rages against Him cannot enjoy freedom as long as it defies divine will and divine order. As long as it refuses to fit into God's ordained order it is not free… Amen
BD 1469
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The spirit of unlovingness rules the earth and its inhabitants and the adversary has won the victory over countless beings whose lives are devoid of every love. And countless people are now being forced into the chaos which is His work and which was feasible by just this unlovingness which has created inconceivable hate and discord amongst people. All the good reasoning has left mankind because the spirit of darkness is guiding it and He also takes captive man's thinking or spoils it in such a way that they don't know what they're doing anymore. Probably rarely ever mankind has subordinated itself to the will of the adversary thus thoroughly as it is the case now, and the countermeasure will therefore have to be an exceptionally tough one too if there is a higher spiritual condition to develop again and the spiritual blindness of the present time to be removed. The spiritual need also requires a divine intervention and the divine love and wisdom allows for an incident for the sake of remedying this need which, it is true, leaves mankind in doubt about the divine love and wisdom but is yet the only possibility to snatch people away from the sure ruin.
People remain unteachable, they can't be persuaded to the acceptance of faith in another way, and even much less they follow the commandment of love for God and for the neighbor…. And man will again have to turn to proper thinking if the misery of the time to come is to be spared to him and his earthly life be left to him. For the divine mission will descend upon people with elemental force, nobody will be prepared unless combined with God before, and there will be a panic that only God himself will be able to turn away again if fervently asked for.
Yet there will be a lack of faith in God by people. For even those being found in faith and love will be overcome by anxious doubts because God's voice will be clearly audible to them as well. It is true, their spirit will flee to God, but the soul will be left worried and dishearted about the things [events] still to come. And they will barely be able to pass on comfort to the neighbors and will have to wrestle for faith themselves, yet God will grant them support so that they won't get inconstant in the faith toward Him. But those who don't know God seek salvation on earth and they won't find help. They'll have to change their thinking or else they'll become victims of the elements which God, the Lord Himself, advises to serve Him. And there will be an indescribable confusion for only the utmost need can yet bring about a change in stubborn sinners….
Just fear for one's earthly life makes people soft and submissive and willing to pray. Without prayer no assistance of help from above can come through, for only prayer assures guarantee of God Himself looking after His earthly children and redeems them from all the suffering. And the hour will appear dreadfully long to those people who'll see everything left for destruction that, up to then, was subject to one's desires. And yet, this hour cannot be spared to people since every love and kindness of God is turned down and a different way from out of the spiritual need is not feasible.
God's forbearance has postponed this event again and again but, finally, His prophecy is going to be fulfilled…. For the time has come where only greatest weakness of will and absence of faith can bring about this catastrophe. The time is near which the Lord has announced by His word, at the time of His earthly walk, pointing out to man the time of breaking away from God. For His word is eternal truth and will come true, down to the last letter .... Amen
BD 1464
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Monday, July 28, 2008
The teachers in the beyond always try to help you in the same way and seek to make you more receptive, yet your heart is not always willing to receive, creating obstacles which make the reception more difficult. Undivided attention has to be paid to the gifts of heaven and all earthly thoughts avoided, then the thoughts of the friends in the beyond will find easier access.
Divine love sends messengers to you who shall reinforce your willingness to receive. They bring you a revelation that describes in an understandable way the sequence of the catastrophes which shall decide the life and death of each individual person.
Only few people take notice of the signs of the coming time. They are indeed surprised about obvious changes or irregularities in nature but nevertheless dismiss it carelessly. They don't recognise therein an expression of God's will but merely put it down as a coincidence. And thus, to begin with they do not pay any attention to these manifestations when the natural event approaches. People will first be made aware of the advancing tempest by whirlwinds. This will happen so suddenly that men and animals will find themselves in great difficulty for they will barely be able to manage against the violent storm, and this will be the start….
Every now and then violent earth tremors will be felt and the sky will grow dark, a thunderous roar will be heard which will be so dreadful that it sends people and animals alike into panic so that they try to save themselves by escaping. Yet the darkness will stop them and as their distress becomes intense, the roaring grows ever louder, and the earthly tremors ever more violent, the earth will open up and huge masses of water will break through from within the earth. And as far as the eye can see…. water and darkness and an indescribable chaos amongst people who realise their horrendous situation with utmost distress.
The days before will be so glorious that people are to some extent light-hearted and the change will come so suddenly that no one can take earthly precautions, which will be entirely pointless anyway for no earthly power can defend against these elements. Only the devout person will feel the divine omnipotence now.... and entrusts himself to his Creator…. And although his heart will tremble and know fear when he sees the raging of the elements he will nevertheless wait patiently until help arrives, for he will continue to send his thoughts up to Him above.
Anyone who has grasped the meaning and purpose of life knows that now the time of decision has come for every individual person. And he will try to administer spiritual help wherever possible, he will comfort those who are miserable and refer them to God, he will help by kindling a small light in utter darkness…. For God will give them the opportunity to work for Him.... Those who have recognised Him and offer themselves to be of service to Him will be assigned a rich field of activity, and the seed will fall on good ground, for God spares those who look up to Him or find Him in greatest adversity…. Amen
BD 1538
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
The picture of spiritual disintegration will be visible in utmost clarity at the dawn of the day when the grand disaster will strike this earth. In times of trouble people will take refuge to God….But in this disaster only a fraction of the populace will remember Him, Who alone can bring rescue, and the spiritual low of the people will be clearly recognizable by their despair, not knowing of any way of liberation. And this is exactly why this affliction, happening unto man, is necessary through which the thinking of same perhaps can change some, whereas the despair is immeasurably great and earthly deliverance impossible.
The one living in faith won't be frightened by the disaster to the same extent as the unbelievers will be, since he is at any time willing to surrender himself to his God and Father. But such are few and those few are not capable of getting through to move the hearts of their fellow men to deep and fervent prayer. The stubbornness is so great and the arrogance even greater and these two are thus insurmountable obstacles for a humble submission and the asking for mercy.
The angrier the elements are raging, the harder and more stubborn the spirit of those will be who are in the center of it. And yet, in spite of it, the Lord will remember the few who remember Him….He will reward their faith, with them in return singing to Him praises of thanks, for the Lord does not leave His own and He guides them into peace and true everlasting life, if they have to give their earthly life up and acknowledge the Father and commend themselves to His mercy.
Therefore do not regret having to give up your life while in the faith….keep in mind that the One who gives life, can again take it…. and likewise, the One who takes it can give it back again, although much more beautiful and joyful, as the most enjoyable earthly life could ever be. Hence do not doubt God's love, compassion and righteousness…. Even though many innocent must suffer with the guilty ones, this sorrow will be reimbursed to them a thousand fold, having endured it for the sake of so many going astray. And the wise Divinity has in other ways created compensation that, through God's approval the land of affliction will become extraordinarily fertile through this very event ….and the humans who survived that episode through God's goodness, will dedicate their lives with deepest faith in their Lord and live in the Lord truly and also will fight for His name.
And now the time of the spiritual change begins, all will be united through love and will be functioning in love one for the other, and they will recognize God's love, wisdom and power, and their thinking and doing will be correct before God, and the Lord will rest His eye on those with pleasure, who found to Him through sorrow and now serve Him with all intimacy…. Amen
BD 1095
Revelations from God in regard to Mar 13:25
"And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken."
Autobiography of Bertha Dudde
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Yet all of you again and again stumble at the form, as to how My Word out of the height reaches you… This can be explained very simply, in that I make use of the marvellous (spiritual) grasp a person has, but must not be confused with general education, for I rarely find a person who is able to receive dictation of My Word, because with it comes the ability, thoughts that touch him, to grasp them lightning fast and to step by step write the dictation down… this however is not to be confused with the birth of once own thoughts… This could lead to the erroneous acceptance that it would be once own body of thought, what the individual received and now seeks to place as being spiritual. The persons mind at that moment does not work, but he rather hears it internally, what the Spirit out of God speaks to him…It never will be incomprehensible for you, what you receive as My Word, if you read it with the necessary open-mindedness, which stipulates an understanding… And an alteration is in this respect not in place, because you people also change constantly in your form of expression, therefore one should leave My Word, how it was received. For the content attest to the divine exit, and after his ability to capture things the receiver hears My Word, also if a light spirit radiates it to the earth, for this cannot radiate unlike My Word…
The dictation comes all the more clearly into being, the more intimate a person establishes the connection with Me, but he will never be incorrect, for where a mistake slips in by interference, there the recipient will soon be referred to, so that he himself can correct it. For just therein lies the danger that My Word is very easily exposed to such variations, because men according to his "state of development" wants to give it form, which is however absolutely inappropriate, for I know, how I can address each person in order to be understood by him. And the sense of My address is always understood, when only through the Love a certain degree of maturity has been reached, which is though not to be replaced by else kind of intelligible formulation. And the one thing you should always consider that in view of the near end My Word to you people is truly offered in such a manner, that you can without doubt accept it as truth, because I know, that only the truth alone means rescue for you people and that I do everything, in order to bring you the truth, however I would always warn you before hand, to undertake changes for yourself, even when this takes place with the best intentions... Amen
BD 9030
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Friday, July 25, 2008
Thus God's will was ignored and this resulted in a dire state of affairs which is seriously endangering the faith. Only few people understand the most important point, and these few certainly comply with the specified commandments but at the same time they are so in touch with the Lord that they are drawing strength from this bond which, however, is attributed by them to the fulfilment of those commandments. This misguided notion will not, in fact, harm their souls, but this strength can also flow to a person without outwardly recognisable ceremonies providing the heart seeks and initiates a union with God. Whereas ceremonies without a heartfelt union will not result in any kind of blessing.
It is also important to raise the question of childship to God. In accordance with dogma only a member of the Catholic Church can lay claim to calling himself a child of God. This is a completely wrong point of view which cannot be justified. Anyone who tirelessly works to improve himself and thus strives for perfection, anyone who is always strictly examining himself and his actions, who is always trying to fulfil divine will, takes the childship to God seriously and will be regarded by the Father as His child. But obligations and their fulfilment will never be as valuable as a voluntary joyful service to God. Coercion will never activate one's own will.
Fulfilling the commandments in a state of duress is not particularly commendable before God, but the least voluntary surrender to his Creator is an extraordinary step forward for a person's soul. And thus God has in fact always made His will known to humanity, but He has never commanded that His will should be fulfilled as a duty, because it is only of value to Him if the human being rises above himself and for the love of God accepts a certain amount. Because only then will the human will bend down and consciously strive to bond with the Father in heaven, only then will the child's relationship with his Father be initiated. The human being, like a child, will endeavour to be obedient to his Father in heaven, the child will love its Father and try to please Him and shape himself in a manner that the Father will affectionately draw him close to His heart, and thus the person is consciously striving for childship to God…. Amen
Think of the people who are always trying to be righteous and just but who do not belong to any particular school of thought. Their will is directed towards God, thus towards good, they merely lack the correct understanding, but this has to arise from deep within their hearts, and as with them, so also with every member of a particular school of thought. And this inner understanding is absolutely necessary for every human being, an outwardly manifested faith is of no use to him without it, alternatively however, inner understanding without such faith will also establish the person's correct relationship with God, the child's relationship with the Father. And this has to be striven for first. Although this requirement can probably be more easily understood and fulfilled due to the religious dogma of a church, non-affiliation to a particular church will not exclude it. Thus it should also be understandable that this relationship to the Father has to be established first in order to speak of a childship to God.... that the latter is not ensured by an affiliation to this or that church, but that the deep inner feeling of heart is always the crucial factor.
The concept of 'affiliation' can be very flexible but it cannot depend on mere appearances, such as the fulfilment of commandments which were added by people to the divine commandments…. the regular church visit, the stereotyped prayer, and the attendance of an act which can only have symbolic value unless it is brought to life by the most profound unity with the Father. However, it is considerably more valuable if the human being has a longing for God without being impressed by such formalities, because it will be easier for him to come closer to the Father. Trustingly, like a child, he will hand himself over to Him. He will not need to remove as many barriers as rigid teachings and mystical actions establish before a person's spiritual eye, which give rise to the sense of distance from God in the first place, that God can only be reached in a roundabout way….which is not easily overcome, when, in fact, a heartfelt thought of and the desire for Him will already give the earthly child the blessing of His loving affection. And besides, innermost emotion alone will reduce or increase the separation from the Father and not external actions which could also lack personal feeling…. Amen
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Whoever speaks My name in faith will receive the fullness of My strength and love in his heart. Behold, your body is earthly and everything surrounding you is also earthly in its outer form; but what is within you is, like that which is hidden in the outer form, divine substance, and this feels the input of My strength and experiences it as extremely benevolent. And for that reason you should always regard the spirit within you and disregard all outer appearances. After all, I gave you the form for the maturing of the spirit and will surely know how to maintain it as well. So why do you worry about it?...
Whoever thinks of his soul and concerns himself with its welfare, his body really need not worry about the things it needs… I gave you everything you can see in creation… I gave you everything for a purpose… If you fulfil this purpose you will have in abundance what you require for your body. And if you are anxious, call Me and mention My name with complete faith and you will not suffer earthly hardship… Whoever trusts in Me completely already lives from My strength and is also master of worldly things because I place all strength into a trusting heart to turn it fully towards Me so that I can take possession of this heart…
Understand this, My child… All people on earth are allowed to simply voice their requests and they will be granted fulfilment, providing they call Me in their hearts, believe in Me and sincerely love Me… Because he who loves Me bows to My will, he who believes in Me does not doubt My power and love, and if he calls on Me he confesses his weakness and, like a fearful child, trustingly comes to the Father… And I can fulfil his prayer, after all, I Am waiting for the call that arises from the valley of earth to Me. However, where one of these requirements is not fulfilled, where love, faith and trusting prayer are missing, the earthly child has yet to pass tests to find the path to Me.
You so often want useless things and if I then don't answer your prayer you doubt and don't query the reason; you don't question to what extent you yourselves may be to blame for not finding fulfilment. Behold, when My true children express their requests to Me they also leave it to Me how to deal with their prayer because they always know that I would not let them go without if it was not necessary for the benefit of their soul. Nor do they ask for anything but what their heart dictates… and are therefore already clearly guided by the spirit within themselves… Thus the prayer of such a child always meets My approval and consequently will also find fulfilment. And if you feel the need to ask for something that serves the preservation of your earthly body, the Heavenly Father will surely not deny your request. My children are taken care of with much love and are supplied with everything they require whenever their faith tells them to call My name and to confide in Me because 'Whatever you ask the Father in My name will be given to you…' Amen
BD 1082
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The buildings you humans created as permanent places for the worship of God hardly correspond to the Lord's will since thereby the actual worship of God within the human being's heart has been reduced to a minimum; far more importance is attached to external appearances in houses specially built for this purpose than to the internal contact of a person with the Heavenly Father. Yet this alone must be the foundation of all worship of God. Every action accompanied by a display of splendour lacks profound inwardness, and understandably so, since in so doing the human being is too involved with all earthly matter as to be able to form a simple and intimate bond with the Father in heaven.
Where a visual representation intends to motivate something of a spiritual nature there is always the danger that everything visible will be observed and the spiritual aspect neglected…. The earthly child can, in fact, only attain inner calm, inner spiritualisation, when all visual things and those which affect the senses are completely excluded…. Every person has to make an incredible effort and be constantly on guard that earthly longings and earthly thoughts will not gain the upper hand, for to the same degree as they increase the will for the spirit recedes, and then it will be extremely difficult to establish an innermost spiritual contact.
Therefore it is understandable that also all ceremonies, all rites, which effectively intend to illustrate to people something of a spiritual nature are especially suited to externalise a person or make him become superficial. If the human being aims to spiritualise himself of his own accord he will understand how persistently he has to fight against all external influences.... how he must time and again try to disregard everything that goes on around him in order to be able to completely entrust himself to the state of pure spirituality. And all this is not possible in a place where so many people congregate and where rites are regularly performed which require a person's complete attention but which, on the other hand, divert his attention away from that which alone is important before God….
The human being should not entertain the thought that it will count as a sin if he does not comply with these ceremonies…. The Lord only acknowledges the depth of faith, the degree of love and the earthly child's absolute submission to its Father…. and anyone who endeavours to do so need not fear the Father's Judgment either…. he will conduct himself as it pleases the Father and he will look for the core in everything but not for the outer shell…. The Lord takes no notice of the perfectly devised procedures which are nevertheless purely externally conducted but do not touch the core of the matter, because the internalisation of the soul requires a continuous connecting-oneself with the divine Lord and Saviour. And the designated times for the worship of God do not suffice in the slightest to achieve maturity of soul….
Instead, the earthly child has to show God the Lord his love, veneration and his gratitude every hour of the day and constantly strive for spiritual deliverance…. And specified ceremonies are truly not suitable for this, for they are more likely to make the human soul indifferent and even leave it in the mistaken belief that it has complied with divine will. And this is, in view of the spiritual standstill or regression, extraordinarily regrettable, since the human being should make use of every hour in order to work at improving himself and his soul for the purpose of attaining perfection…. Amen
BD 1083
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The longest path on earth is not difficult to travel if the human being doesn't have to cover it alone, for all distress and trouble are easier carried as a twosome. A lonely wanderer bears all burdens and troubles by himself, he has no loving heart to speak to, no one to lift him up if he is in danger of breaking down, and no one whom he, in turn, can reassure and support in difficult times. And many an earthly wanderer's fate consists of the fact that they always and forever walk alone even though they are surrounded by countless people. They exclude themselves from the world and reject all consolation and active help. And thus they have to cover an arduous, very long earthly path in constant isolation. Natural law connects people, natural law requires togetherness since it is, after all, the foundation of continued existence for creation and its living beings.
Everything in the human being longs for its alter ego, the human being naturally feels the instinct to bond with a similarly natured person, in every human heart dwells love which wants to express itself towards this other self, and therefore the union between a man and a woman is an irrevocable law ordained by the divine Father Himself. The foundation for all unions, however, shall be profound love, each one shall endeavour from the bottom of his heart to serve the other, to treat him with love and to start a relationship which utterly complies with divine will. Then God's blessing will also rest on such a union, travelling the path through earthly life will be easier for both because their love for each other will help them carry all difficulties, and this love also guarantees that the Father is likewise present where pure love unites two people.
For the eternal Deity's activity will be noticeable there, pure love will refine people and turn their eyes towards heaven, they will recognise God, the Lord, by virtue of their inherently active love which is divine after all, and from this realisation they will draw the strength to overcome all difficulties in life…. They are walking with God at the same time.... in blissful togetherness they have become aware of the fact that God has to be present where love exists, and this realisation makes them blissfully happy, since then the human being will know that he is safe under the Father's loyal guard…. Amen
BD 1021
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Monday, July 21, 2008
Take care of the sick and the weak, and consider that they are suffering and need your help. You should be compassionate and constantly consider the welfare of these poor people, whose physical afflictions make their life intolerable, you should try to alleviate this suffering and selflessly help them at all times. This is pleasing to God, and since you are all children of God, one shall also be concerned for the other and not allow heartlessness or indifference towards your fellow human being arise in you. How often do people pass by the sick and the weak without offering them a comforting word, it is very depressing for these sufferers. They are helpless in their state and grateful for every word granted by love.... And how often do they have to go without because no considerate word is spoken to them. They are lonely, and their soul is seized by profound sadness, for it hungers for love and is only scantily considered….
And the Lord teaches compassion.... and promises eternal bliss, for compassion presupposes love, and only a labour of love will bring salvation to the soul. Compassion is purest neighbourly love, for it wants to help and expects nothing in return…. A person can be ailing in body as well as in soul …. and bringing him help is always inexpressibly valuable…. speaking words of comfort to the physically weak and offering the psychologically sick and frail the right remedy out of kind-hearted neighbourly love… For the body's suffering will come to an end one day but not that of the soul unless it is approached by active neighbourly love bringing it help to escape its adversity.
The weak and ailing person, however, needs twice as much support, for the body's weakness often also lets the soul descend into helplessness, and it can only be helped by selfless love which, as it were, awakens the soul from its lethargic state and thus stimulates it to take care of improving its condition. Then the human being will also bear his physical suffering with patience, if only the soul has come to the right recognition on account of its fellow human being's active help which supported it during its adversity.
Any actively compassionate person can bestow untold blessings, for the earthly child will feel this both earthly as well as spiritually, and the thus considered person will have to feel relieved and, on account of the spiritual strength which shines across with every deed of love, turn his gaze upwards. And thus will love and compassion for sick and weak people result in twice as many blessings…. It will help to improve the physical condition of the sick and weak and simultaneously be extremely beneficial for the soul, and therefore, don't forget to grant them your help and kind-hearted sympathy, lift them up physically and spiritually, and thereby also let their time of suffering become a time of spiritual maturing for them…. and the Lord will bless those who are full of compassion towards their suffering fellow human beings…. Amen
BD 1032
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
The spirit of anyone giving the world reason to live under constant threat does not demonstrate the love he should harbour within himself. Rather, it is the tribute of evil paid by the person spreading discord and controversy amongst humanity. People are supposed to cultivate love and peace and all should be like brothers to each other…. In its place bitter enmity is taken into homes which ought to shelter peaceful people; and a whole nation will be unworthy if the citizen of a country lives in spiritual bondage…. Enslaving those who should be treated like brothers is not sanctioned according to God's will.
Those who arrogantly dare to put laws into place which restrict personal freedom…. and this purely to push through a preconceived idea, will soon discover that they went to too far and that destiny will reverse itself for those who believe themselves to be in charge of it. Admittedly, at first it will appear as if the worldly power is successful but not for long, for all signs of the time point towards the end of the period when force comes before mercy. And even so, if it remains unfeasible that the weak gain respect on earth, then it is permitted by God's wisdom so that God's righteousness, His love and His Omnipotence will clearly manifest itself one day…. for He will intervene when the time is right…. You must let Him rule alone and He will arrange everyone's fate such that it will be bearable for the individual and with God's blessing and help bring his life to the right conclusion.
And now get ready to receive a revelation, the meaning of which you will not be able to understand today, and yet it shall be explained to you: Hence the Lord will have to forcibly intervene in the spiritual chaos, and the world will already anxiously evaluate the scale of the eternal Deity's intervention. And therefore it is it is permissible that a troubled nation's ruler will first have to taste the miseries himself before he gets severely affected by world events. As yet he will still enjoy the height of his fame, as humanity continues to cheer him on, but once he has fallen no one will speak to him or on his behalf, for in times of hardship and most bitter adversity humanity forgets that it also owes him certain advantages, and thus it will come to pass that in the forthcoming time of hardship on earth a general uprising will be planned and implemented against the authorities, which will cause many a person's downfall, who saw himself in a leading position…. And the soul will make a decision.... it will let itself be guided by its sense of righteousness, it will recognise the mistakes and shortcomings but also the intention of those who long for an improvement of the whole situation and will content itself with less power in order to protect humanity from further calamities …. For the incredibly embittered people will demand their rights and request the removal of the one who brought such indescribable misery over humanity.
And the hour will come when rich and poor, young and old, high and low will recognise how much power this ruler had exercised and how level-minded those had been who had not let themselves be deceived by appearances…. And once this change of direction has taken place the earth will only remain as it is for a little longer, in order to then receive a completely new appearance as a result of a huge disaster, admittedly not everywhere but noticeably in all countries which were united by the world conflagration and which contemplate mutual destruction. And this will be a dreadful day followed by a dreadful night, for the Lord waits with utmost patience, but if it is ignored events will take place on earth and affect everyone…. according to merit…. For God's justice will not leave anyone on a throne who does not warrant his status…. and likewise elevate those who have always been faithful to Him, not for the sake of earthly reward but for love of the divine Creator…. Everyone's fate has been determined since eternity, and the Lord is merely implementing what is proclaimed in Word and Scripture, so that humanity may recognise the truth of these predictions and take them to heart…. Amen
BD 1103
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Saturday, July 19, 2008
A momentous work shall be achieved with your co-operation, and one day the strangest opinions will be formed about the origin of this work, and it will be assumed that all documents could only have come about in that through concentrating on a specific school of thought a literary talent developed and that the work created was effectively the result of this mental concentration…. and that the working of supernatural forces was simply due to the writer's disturbed imagination.
Now, however, the Lord is preparing something which will also make these doubters think. He determines the numerical extent of the work's total volume….
For the first time, 9000 (ninethousand) chapters will be offered to people, which will sufficiently explain everything needed for a person in order to teach the Unknowing. But after that, the work will receive a specifically prepared proclamation which presents to people something completely new and extraordinarily informative, for anyone who faithfully accepts this proclamation will also recognise a special mission therein, which will become the writer's task. The Lord Himself will dictate Words which never before were given to the human race.... These are the Words the Lord spoke to His Own in His most difficult hour but which were never made accessible to the world, since until now humanity has lacked the cognitive faculty for these Words. Jesus' activity on earth was recorded but not His very Words which are so profoundly significant that even a knowledgeable spirit cannot inspire them; instead the divine Lord and Saviour alone must be the Speaker of these Words….
And in order to receive this transmission an extremely willing heart is required whose sole desire consists of being able to accept the Saviour within itself and which directs all its senses towards this sacred experience, and only under these conditions can a gift like this be imparted to the earthly child. The more tenderly this heart beats towards the Saviour the more clearly and understandably can this Word be imparted to it, for this requires an extraordinarily willing and receptive heart as well as absolute faith. And once this transmission has been given to the earthly child a mission of such incredible significance will have been fulfilled which you humans are incapable of assessing.
This work shall survive for endless times and forever testify to God's infinite love and kindness for His children and to His forbearance, patience and mercy. After it is finished the battle against the divine Word will set in, and then it will become obvious and be revealed that no-one can refute this divine Word. And it will be willingly accepted where previously there was still opposition to it. And so the work will become established amongst humanity and convey strength and grace to all who do not close their mind to the proclamations and thus willingly receive God's grace. Amen
B.D. 1086
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