Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The spirit of unlovingness rules the earth and its inhabitants and the adversary has won the victory over countless beings whose lives are devoid of every love. And countless people are now being forced into the chaos which is His work and which was feasible by just this unlovingness which has created inconceivable hate and discord amongst people. All the good reasoning has left mankind because the spirit of darkness is guiding it and He also takes captive man's thinking or spoils it in such a way that they don't know what they're doing anymore. Probably rarely ever mankind has subordinated itself to the will of the adversary thus thoroughly as it is the case now, and the countermeasure will therefore have to be an exceptionally tough one too if there is a higher spiritual condition to develop again and the spiritual blindness of the present time to be removed. The spiritual need also requires a divine intervention and the divine love and wisdom allows for an incident for the sake of remedying this need which, it is true, leaves mankind in doubt about the divine love and wisdom but is yet the only possibility to snatch people away from the sure ruin.
People remain unteachable, they can't be persuaded to the acceptance of faith in another way, and even much less they follow the commandment of love for God and for the neighbor…. And man will again have to turn to proper thinking if the misery of the time to come is to be spared to him and his earthly life be left to him. For the divine mission will descend upon people with elemental force, nobody will be prepared unless combined with God before, and there will be a panic that only God himself will be able to turn away again if fervently asked for.
Yet there will be a lack of faith in God by people. For even those being found in faith and love will be overcome by anxious doubts because God's voice will be clearly audible to them as well. It is true, their spirit will flee to God, but the soul will be left worried and dishearted about the things [events] still to come. And they will barely be able to pass on comfort to the neighbors and will have to wrestle for faith themselves, yet God will grant them support so that they won't get inconstant in the faith toward Him. But those who don't know God seek salvation on earth and they won't find help. They'll have to change their thinking or else they'll become victims of the elements which God, the Lord Himself, advises to serve Him. And there will be an indescribable confusion for only the utmost need can yet bring about a change in stubborn sinners….
Just fear for one's earthly life makes people soft and submissive and willing to pray. Without prayer no assistance of help from above can come through, for only prayer assures guarantee of God Himself looking after His earthly children and redeems them from all the suffering. And the hour will appear dreadfully long to those people who'll see everything left for destruction that, up to then, was subject to one's desires. And yet, this hour cannot be spared to people since every love and kindness of God is turned down and a different way from out of the spiritual need is not feasible.
God's forbearance has postponed this event again and again but, finally, His prophecy is going to be fulfilled…. For the time has come where only greatest weakness of will and absence of faith can bring about this catastrophe. The time is near which the Lord has announced by His word, at the time of His earthly walk, pointing out to man the time of breaking away from God. For His word is eternal truth and will come true, down to the last letter .... Amen
BD 1464
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