Friday, July 25, 2008



Word of God



Thus God's will was ignored and this resulted in a dire state of affairs which is seriously endangering the faith. Only few people understand the most important point, and these few certainly comply with the specified commandments but at the same time they are so in touch with the Lord that they are drawing strength from this bond which, however, is attributed by them to the fulfilment of those commandments. This misguided notion will not, in fact, harm their souls, but this strength can also flow to a person without outwardly recognisable ceremonies providing the heart seeks and initiates a union with God. Whereas ceremonies without a heartfelt union will not result in any kind of blessing.


It is also important to raise the question of childship to God. In accordance with dogma only a member of the Catholic Church can lay claim to calling himself a child of God. This is a completely wrong point of view which cannot be justified. Anyone who tirelessly works to improve himself and thus strives for perfection, anyone who is always strictly examining himself and his actions, who is always trying to fulfil divine will, takes the childship to God seriously and will be regarded by the Father as His child. But obligations and their fulfilment will never be as valuable as a voluntary joyful service to God. Coercion will never activate one's own will.


Fulfilling the commandments in a state of duress is not particularly commendable before God, but the least voluntary surrender to his Creator is an extraordinary step forward for a person's soul. And thus God has in fact always made His will known to humanity, but He has never commanded that His will should be fulfilled as a duty, because it is only of value to Him if the human being rises above himself and for the love of God accepts a certain amount. Because only then will the human will bend down and consciously strive to bond with the Father in heaven, only then will the child's relationship with his Father be initiated.  The human being, like a child, will endeavour to be obedient to his Father in heaven, the child will love its Father and try to please Him and shape himself in a manner that the Father will affectionately draw him close to His heart, and thus the person is consciously striving for childship to God…. Amen





Think of the people who are always trying to be righteous and just but who do not belong to any particular school of thought. Their will is directed towards God, thus towards good, they merely lack the correct understanding, but this has to arise from deep within their hearts, and as with them, so also with every member of a particular school of thought. And this inner understanding is absolutely necessary for every human being, an outwardly manifested faith is of no use to him without it, alternatively however, inner understanding without such faith will also establish the person's correct relationship with God, the child's relationship with the Father. And this has to be striven for first. Although this requirement can probably be more easily understood and fulfilled due to the religious dogma of a church, non-affiliation to a particular church will not exclude it.  Thus it should also be understandable that this relationship to the Father has to be established first in order to speak of a childship to God.... that the latter is not ensured by an affiliation to this or that church, but that the deep inner feeling of heart is always the crucial factor.


The concept of 'affiliation' can be very flexible but it cannot depend on mere appearances, such as the fulfilment of commandments which were added by people to the divine commandments…. the regular church visit, the stereotyped prayer, and the attendance of an act which can only have symbolic value unless it is brought to life by the most profound unity with the Father. However, it is considerably more valuable if the human being has a longing for God without being impressed by such formalities, because it will be easier for him to come closer to the Father. Trustingly, like a child, he will hand himself over to Him. He will not need to remove as many barriers as rigid teachings and mystical actions establish before a person's spiritual eye, which give rise to the sense of distance from God in the first place, that God can only be reached in a roundabout way….which is not easily overcome, when, in fact, a heartfelt thought of and the desire for Him will already give the earthly child the blessing of His loving affection.  And besides, innermost emotion alone will reduce or increase the separation from the Father and not external actions which could also lack personal feeling…. Amen


BD 1376, 1377

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