Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night…. the day when I will reveal Myself to humanity with a voice of thunder which will be heard by everyone and which no human being will be able to avoid…. For sooner or later the act of transforming the earth will have to take place, sooner or later order must be established once again; the earth must again become a place of education for the souls which should mature fully and reach perfection. And this day has been planned for eternity, My plan is based on the fact that a transformation like that will occur one day because the human race itself will provide the reason for it…. which was certainly recognised by My wisdom…. And thus My power will also implement the plan and you can expect this day with certainty.... it will bring one period of Salvation to an end and a new one will start, as it is proclaimed in Word and Scripture…. Time and again I point this out to you, but since you humans don't believe, since you don't take My Words seriously, it will take you by surprise, for even if My adversary reigns on Earth in the last days, even if he brings people so completely under his control that they lose all faith and in the end are true devils which oppress My Own and cause them utmost distress, they will nevertheless be equally horrified when My Own are lifted up before their eyes and they realise that they cannot be saved anymore, that they will fall prey to an act of destruction themselves, that there is no way out anymore and that the earth will devour them…. For there is no other way to purify the earth; all living creations will have to be dissolved and the spiritual substances within be placed into new forms…. a comprehensive cleansing work has to take place so as to re-establish order, which will also guarantee progression for the spiritual beings and which will completely exclude My adversary's activity for a period of time, on account of which he and his followers will be constrained for a long time.
This day of the end is proclaimed to you humans over and over again, yet only a few believe in it and even these few have no idea how close it is.... yet I will repeat My admonitions and warnings until the end, until the end I will address everyone and draw your attention to it, and until the end every one of you will still have the opportunity to avoid the horror of this end…. And therefore don't pity those who leave you, whom I take from this life prematurely…. don't pity them, for their fate is better than yours who live until the end and don't believe…. They still have the opportunity to attain light in the beyond, but the former continue to descend ever deeper, for I know that they would also choose the path to the abyss in the kingdom of the beyond, that they would not make use of the blessings of an early death; after all, I know the state of every soul and accordingly also shape its earthly destiny. And even if it is difficult to believe in an end of this earth, people will nevertheless have no excuse for they should only live righteously, then their end will not result in their banishment into hard matter, then they will either belong to My Own, whom I will return to the new earth, or they will still be recalled before and then they will not go astray either…. But it is better that they prepare themselves for an approaching end, that they take the possibility into account of being suddenly faced by an act of destruction from which there will be no more escape…. Anyone who reflects on these thoughts just once will certainly also find the path to Me, to the Creator of heaven and earth, Who brought everything forth from Him and therefore can also destroy everything again…. And I would like to rescue all of you from ruin; consequently I will bring the final work of destruction on earth home to you time and again …. And anyone who believes will not have to fear this day either, for he will prepare himself, and even if he is still weak and not perfect, he will nevertheless find a merciful Judge Who will not condemn him but help him attain eternal life…. Amen
Monday, July 30, 2007
Very soon you will know for certain that something is taking shape in the cosmos, for unusual events will worry you humans because you will be unable to find an explanation for them. Many speculations will surface, many opinions will meet with conflicting notions, yet only those people's points of view come close to the truth who suspect a connection between that which was proclaimed in Word and Scripture, which people were told by seers and prophets at all time.… Anyone with spiritual vision can find an explanation for all events, for everything has a spiritual meaning and is intended to fulfil a spiritual purpose: to draw people's attention to their actual purpose of life so that they prepare themselves for the imminent Judgment….
And science, too, will support this, for it will discover the unusual changes in nature first, the cosmic happenings, which will confound them, and the significant appearances which they will not be able to explain due to lack of knowledge. They will observe and marvel but they will not accept the only true answer that the earth will be shaken to its foundations, which could indeed be caused by these phenomena. They won't want to believe it and will therefore always argue against it if the Scriptures, the ancient prophecies, are pointed out to them, if they hear the opinion of the believers or if the messengers of My Word proclaim to them the approaching end…. And therefore it will be difficult to make the intervention on My part plausible to worldly people, because an attempt will be made to explain everything in a purely scientific way. And only a few will become aware of these unusual phenomena and therefore ever more assuredly draw people's attention to the end.
And I will so evidently support their words of admonition and warning that even the scientists will apprehensively admit their lack of knowledge…. And they will discover a star which will come constantly closer to the vicinity of earth and which will apparently take an irregular course…. By observing its path their attention is drawn to ever new peculiarities…. And they will recognise it as a danger to earth…. and at the same time they won't want to believe in its destruction because it will never before have been experienced…. But I will allow it to happen, because My eternal plan of Salvation necessitates something extraordinary which still intends to benefit humanity…. and because it shall be an warning sign of the work of destruction which will follow soon afterwards and which will bring this period of Salvation to conclusion….
The more the end approaches, the greater will be the irregularities which people will experience, because they are meant to take notice and begin to wonder about the correspondence with that which is quoted by the believers as the Word of God, as predictions by seers and prophets, and endorsed as truth…. And now My spirit also proclaims through My servants on earth the near end again and My loudly resounding voice of thunder before this event…. and these very phenomena will bear witness of the truth of My Word…. Pay attention you humans, and just look at everything as indications of the end, which I give to all of you so that you do not fall prey to ruin, for everything that happens is so important that it would be able to convince you if you were of good will.... The time is fulfilled and the end is near…. Amen
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
What I proclaim to you humans through seers and prophets must be taken seriously.... Such is My will, and if you want to comply with My will then you should not half-heartedly and indifferently accept what My love gives to you. But you are indifferent if you indeed listen to My Word yet fail to arrange your life in line with My predictions, if you do not seriously strive for a change in your character and fulfil My commandment of love. With My announcements I want to warn you not to waste your life, I want to admonish you to still make use of the time remaining to you until the end, I want to stimulate your spiritual aspiration and guide all your thoughts so that you fully mature while you still live on earth. But if you do not take My Word, My prophesies, seriously, you will let all these instructions pass your ears by unheeded and My admonitions and cautions will have been futile. And when the hour comes that you are called away you will only be able to claim a poor testimony, for you will have failed on earth by not taking hold of My loving Fatherly hand when it was offered to you. If you have a spiritual guardian you must also unconditionally entrust yourselves to him for he will surely guide you in the right direction. But now, during the time of the end, I Myself want to be your Leader and Guardian, and if you only grant Me a little trust you truly need no longer take care of yourselves, neither bodily nor spiritually, for I Myself will take care of you, you only have to make sure that you constantly accept strength from Me which guarantees you the path towards ascent. And you can only receive this strength in the form of My Word. So if I give you the knowledge about the forthcoming event it is a very great blessing for you, for then you will have the opportunity to gain My affection with your right way of life, to such an extent that I will never leave you again, that I will take hold of you and pull you up to the pinnacle.
However, I now make it a matter of specific urgency, because you don't have much more time left to change your souls. And this is why I come close to and call you with every revelation, with every proclamation, and if you recognise the Father's voice you will also respond to it, like little lost sheep you will pay attention to the voice of the good shepherd, you will follow His call and it will be to your greatest advantage. But anyone who does not take notice of My voice will hardly find contact with Me, and once the hour of the end has come he will be weak and not turn his eyes heavenwards because he will still be far too earthbound. And this is what I want to avert from you, I want to help you and therefore repeatedly send to you My Word from above and with it also the reason for My Word, so that you take it ever more seriously, so that you listen to and read it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Believe My Word, believe that you won't have much time left until the end, so that you very seriously start your psychological task, so that you still receive many blessings from it, for the time is gravely serious and it is urgently necessary for you to try to imagine that the end will take you by surprise and you will not have time anymore for your actual earthly task. Listen to Me and believe My Word and it will always and forever fill you with strength, I Myself will be able to take care of you as soon as you look for Me in thought. And you will be able to master all difficulties because it is My will that much strength shall be sent to those who keep their faith in My might and love, and I will help them to progress spiritually…. Amen
Friday, July 27, 2007
My coming in the clouds will be preceded by a time of the most awful suffering ever seen on earth, as proclaimed in Word and Scripture. I will constantly draw people's attention to this and have done so ever since the start of this era in order to strongly advise those who are not walking the right path to change their mind. For the sake of these humans I used to occasionally let plagues come upon earth to remind them of the approaching end so that they seriously consider their souls and change themselves. But the last days had not yet arrived, the period of redemption had not yet reached the time chosen by Me in accordance with My plan of eternity. The earth was not yet ready for the last work of destruction, neither were people's souls ready for their total downfall, i.e. for their banishment into the creations of a new earth…. But My prophecies would always fulfil themselves in times of greatest spiritual hardship.... when increased affliction and misery came upon earth, so that during each time of such hardship the approaching end had to be dreaded. And it was My intention that the precise time of the last days should always remain hidden from people …. Such times of need were also more or less successful for the people involved as they found their way back to Me and entered into a different relationship with Me than before. But they became ever more persistent, and their distance, their opposition, from Me grew ever larger….
And thus the time has arrived when no description, no admonition and warning will have an effect, when humanity remains unimpressed even in the light of utmost worldly suffering, i.e. when the latter does not lead to people recognising Me and entering into the right relationship with Me…. Their will remains opposed to Me, they are purely earthly minded and do not strive for any kind of spiritual progress. No adversity, irrespective of how harsh it is, will be able to change people's thoughts, and thus the time of the end has irrevocably come, as I have known since eternity…. The earth has ceased to be a place of spiritual education for its inhabiting humanity, and as a result it will be dissolved and its creations totally reshaped, so that a new period of redemption can begin…. And thus enormous suffering will come upon earth, so that the last people can still gather who recognise My voice therein. And even My Own will have to experience this suffering, although extraordinarily strengthened by Me but also affected by it so that they longingly anticipate My coming, which I always and forever proclaimed for the end of this earth. And when the hardship gets unbearable, when the believers find themselves in greatest distress and see no earthly way of rescue, I will come Myself….
And there will be rejoicing amongst My Own when they see Me in all glory, but for their physical eyes still veiled by clouds which soften the intensity of My light, so that My Own, who still belong to the earth, will be able to endure Me. They will be triumphant and shout for joy because My Word has come true.... But the immense hardship, which I have announced time and again through My seers and prophets, through My servants on earth, will have strengthened their faith. Because everything will come to pass as I have foretold, and thus they will wait for My coming in the clouds with complete confidence…. And yet I will arrive suddenly and unexpected even for My Own.... For I will shorten the days of suffering because they will become intolerable and I do not want My Own to grow faint-hearted in view of the immense difficulties. And thus I will take them into My realm at the right time, and then the end will come.... Because My Word is truth and will come to pass, and the time of the last days has arrived.... Amen
You all should know that I will return in the clouds.... that I will descend to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven…. that My Own will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and that I will take My Own from earth because the day of the end has come…. Admittedly, prior to that I Am already descending to earth in the Word, for I Am the Word Myself, and have given you the promise that I will stay with you until the end of the world…. but My obvious appearance will not happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new earth period ….
My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own will be able to endure seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold My might and glory…. And this shall be your hope in hours of hardship and affliction by hostile powers to God.... for in the end everything will be hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their side in the battle of faith. They all will take action against you, who want to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end…. They will put you under great pressure and then you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and lift you to a place of peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself when I come in the clouds in order to judge the living and the dead…. Then the great separation of the spirits will take place and My adversary will no longer have control over you…. For he and his adherents will be bound for a long time. Only few people sincerely believe that My return is imminent…. But the time is fulfilled and I no longer say: I will come when the time is fulfilled, but I say: the time is fulfilled.... You can only count on a very short time, on just a few days, compared to the long period of time that has passed since an 'end' was prophesied. You live in the last days even if you refuse to believe it….
My coming is soon about to happen to you.... Hence take care that you, too, will belong to the chosen ones who will experience My coming while still in the flesh, who may behold Me in all My radiance and glory, whom I will lift to heaven just before the end…. Just want to belong to them and, truly, I will give you the strength to turn your will into action. Let Me speak to you time and again and always strive to accept My will and you will establish the connection with Me, you will join Me and also be counted as My Own whom I will rescue before the end happens. For it is certain that I will come Myself …. And you should also believe without a shadow of doubt that all of you with a living faith and who approach Me with love, will be able to behold Me, for My Word is truth and will come to pass.
People who deny 'My coming', who only want to understand and explain this arrival figuratively, are not yet as profoundly devoted as to be united with Me, but the immense earthly hardship before the end will still strengthen their faith if they are of good will. And they themselves will pray for My coming, because they will realise that only I can provide the rescue which they cannot expect from another side any longer…. You should believe that I will save you from utmost adversity and await the hour when My promise fulfils itself. And then My adversary will be defeated, yet with him also his many followers, who will be taken in by the earth again…. Therefore hope and persevere, for the hour of your deliverance will come, the day of separating the spirits will arrive…. There will be an earthly and spiritual change which you will experience and which was constantly proclaimed to you in Word and Scripture…. Amen
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
You may take it for granted that you will soon enter the last stage before the end…. For the signs will be noticeable which were predicted in Word and Scripture…. However, under no circumstances will you be compelled to believe it, for every person is free to find his own explanation as to whether it corresponds to the truth or not…. Yet the spiritually minded person knows that a period is coming to an end, and he also knows that a new one will start again, because countless spiritual beings shall still be redeemed which travel the path across earth partly in a constrained state and partly as free beings for the purpose of their return to God…. Everything will take place in lawful order, both the disintegration of the creation as well as the reshaping of the earth, because God's plan of Salvation has been predetermined for eternity…. And due to your eternal God and Creator's immense grace you humans who live in the last days are permitted to be informed of what lies ahead of you…. You will be initiated into His plan of Salvation if you want to know the truth about it, and therefore you may receive His Word which in all truthfulness informs you of everything pertaining to the act of creation and deification…. For it is not His will that you should experience the end in complete ignorance because…. if you just possess a small glimmer of realisation…. you will make an effort to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life which entails that you will bring the act of deification to fruition in earthly life and thus reach your goal….
However, it requires your free will to know the truth, and then you will also be able to believe everything that is conveyed to you humans through the Word of God from above. Then you will also find it credible that the end and a total transformation of the earth is near, for your spirit will explain much to you and all correlations will fall into place…. And thus you will also be able to observe happenings in the world which will have alarming consequences for the whole of mankind…. You will watch how people proceed against each other and the measures all participants take in order to assert their authority…. You will get very frightened, for you humans will be threatened by an exterminatory war of immense proportions, there will be widespread fear which will only bypass the few who completely hand themselves over to their God and Creator, their Father of eternity, and who therefore will be led out of every adversity…. And His guidance will be truly remarkable, for He Himself will intervene…. Yet, instead of diminishing, the tribulation will become much worse, for then people will be faced by and find themselves at the mercy of a natural disaster, a raging of elements, which cannot be humanly prevented, because it is the expression of that Power Which is in control of all forces and Which the elements have to obey in accordance with Its will….
And this will be the dawning of a time which can truly be regarded as the greatest misery that has ever come across this earth…. but which, again, will not be quite so severely felt by His Own because they may receive God's extraordinary help at all times…. Yet those who are distant from their God and Creator, who do not believe in His love and wisdom, in His greater than great might, will have to suffer great hardship because they won't call upon the One Who can help them in their distress…. They will not acknowledge Him and are still of the same opposing spirit as they were at the time of their apostasy from God, and thus they will return to the abyss again, from where they had already raised themselves with the help of God and just had to pass their last test of will in order to be completely redeemed from all guilt. For in the last days a brutal battle will erupt against Jesus Christ, Whom you humans have to acknowledge as God's Son and Redeemer of the world in Whom God Himself became a human being…. so that you can then enter the spiritual kingdom in a redeemed state…. Yet God's adversary will declare war on all those who believe in Him, and therefore everyone will have to publicly profess Him before the world.... And only those who have accepted His Word which was transmitted to earth from above will be able to profess Him, for they will recognise the truth and know Who Jesus Christ was and why He has to be acknowledged, and they will remain faithful to Him until the end and belong to those who will be carried away when the day of the end has come…. The battle of faith will be the last test of endurance for you humans, but which you who know the truth will be able to pass…. This is why God time and again conveys His Word to earth, so that all people can partake of the truth in order to also uphold it before the world during the final battle of faith, for only the truth will provide them with the information about Jesus Christ, and only faith in Him will give you the strength to persevere until the end…. until He comes Himself to fetch you into His kingdom…. Amen
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
"I will reveal Myself to you", thus runs My promise which also you, who would like to disavow such revelations, cannot deny. But how can I reveal Myself to you if you do not believe that My Word is the truth which I Myself spoke to you as I walked on earth?!
I want to reveal Myself to you, and My sole condition is that you love Me and keep My commandments. However, you disregard My promise, otherwise you would faithfully listen and welcome My revelation.
You learn on the Scriptures, the book of books, but do not believe what is written there, for it contains many more promises announcing My working through the Spirit through which I want to reveal Myself.
How then do you interpret My Words:
"I shall send you the Comforter"...
"I shall be with you unto the end of the world"?
And the words:
"From your loins shall flow streams of living water"? And,
"I will pour out My Spirit over all flesh"?
Why do you not believe that the Father keeps talking to his children?
Why do you limit My activity to a measure that is admissible to `you'?
You should realise that with rational thinking you can do a lot of harm if you ignore your heart - if you do not allow your heart to speak and be a much better teacher for you.
You want to thwart My creatures' direct contact with Me and want to think of it as impossible that I Myself speak to My children, although I also said:
"My sheep know My voice".
Therefore, I must speak to them, I am doing it and shall be doing it through all eternity.
Only what issues from My mouth is the pure truth, therefore, you must accept also as truth that which is written is the Scriptures and which you call my Word.
I have to keep speaking to men in view of the fact that as a result of your imperfection you keep distorting or misinterpreting My pure Word.
Therefore, aspire first after the awakening of your spirit, endeavour to live My gospel of love which I taught on earth and then your thinking will become enlightened and clear, and you will desire that I reveal Myself to you.
You will be asking for evidence of My presence and you shall, indeed, receive it, for your faith will have become alive and a living contact with Me will have been established. What previously you were unable to believe will now be quite obvious to you, namely, that the Eternal Father, your God and Creator reveals Himself to His creatures because He wants to be known and loved by them. That is why He makes Himself known and `reveals' Himself as a God of Love, Wisdom and Might.
And if you people earnestly wish to come closer to this supremely perfect being, He will grant you enlightenment so that you need no longer walk in darkness as a consequence of your apostasy from Me. Even if you read the Scriptures eagerly, if you learned by heart every letter, it is only your intellect that obtains a knowledge which is of little use for your soul.
Only an awakened spirit will attain complete enlightenment, i.e., the adjustment of your whole being towards love; the fulfilment of My divine commandments of love alone can give you enlightened knowledge. Then will you also apprehend the Book of books correctly in its spiritual meaning, whilst until you have achieved this, it will remain for you nothing but "a knowledge of the letter", and it is only "the Spirit that gives life to the letter".
If you people earnestly want to serve Me and be good workers in My vineyard, then you must first of all establish a close contact with Me, your Father from eternity, and only then you will yourselves be enlightened and know that I reveal Myself to you as I have promised, for My Word is truth and must be fulfilled.
And it also comes true as soon as the necessary basis is given and you live a life in love longing for My presence. The you will listen inwardly and no longer doubt the love of the Father who reveals Himself to you through His Spirit.