Friday, July 20, 2007






"I will reveal Myself to you", thus runs My promise which also you, who would like to disavow such revelations, cannot deny. But how can I reveal Myself to you if you do not believe that My Word is the truth which I Myself spoke to you as I walked on earth?!


I want to reveal Myself to you, and My sole condition is that you love Me and keep My commandments. However, you disregard My promise, otherwise you would faithfully listen and welcome My revelation.


You learn on the Scriptures, the book of books, but do not believe what is written there, for it contains many more promises announcing My working through the Spirit through which I want to reveal Myself.


How then do you interpret My Words:


"I shall send you the Comforter"...


"I shall be with you unto the end of the world"?


And the words:


"From your loins shall flow streams of living water"? And,


"I will pour out My Spirit over all flesh"?


Why do you not believe that the Father keeps talking to his children?


Why do you limit My activity to a measure that is admissible to `you'?


You should realise that with rational thinking you can do a lot of harm if you ignore your heart - if you do not allow your heart to speak and be a much better teacher for you.


You want to thwart My creatures' direct contact with Me and want to think of it as impossible that I Myself speak to My children, although I also said:


"My sheep know My voice".


Therefore, I must speak to them, I am doing it and shall be doing it through all eternity.


Only what issues from My mouth is the pure truth, therefore, you must accept also as truth that which is written is the Scriptures and which you call my Word.


I have to keep speaking to men in view of the fact that as a result of your imperfection you keep distorting or misinterpreting My pure Word.


Therefore, aspire first after the awakening of your spirit, endeavour to live My gospel of love which I taught on earth and then your thinking will become enlightened and clear, and you will desire that I reveal Myself to you.


You will be asking for evidence of My presence and you shall, indeed, receive it, for your faith will have become alive and a living contact with Me will have been established. What previously you were unable to believe will now be quite obvious to you, namely, that the Eternal Father, your God and Creator reveals Himself to His creatures because He wants to be known and loved by them. That is why He makes Himself known and `reveals' Himself as a God of Love, Wisdom and Might.


And if you people earnestly wish to come closer to this supremely perfect being, He will grant you enlightenment so that you need no longer walk in darkness as a consequence of your apostasy from Me. Even if you read the Scriptures eagerly, if you learned by heart every letter, it is only your intellect that obtains a knowledge which is of little use for your soul.


Only an awakened spirit will attain complete enlightenment, i.e., the adjustment of your whole being towards love; the fulfilment of My divine commandments of love alone can give you enlightened knowledge. Then will you also apprehend the Book of books correctly in its spiritual meaning, whilst until you have achieved this, it will remain for you nothing but "a knowledge of the letter", and it is only "the Spirit that gives life to the letter".


If you people earnestly want to serve Me and be good workers in My vineyard, then you must first of all establish a close contact with Me, your Father from eternity, and only then you will yourselves be enlightened and know that I reveal Myself to you as I have promised, for My Word is truth and must be fulfilled.


And it also comes true as soon as the necessary basis is given and you live a life in love longing for My presence. The you will listen inwardly and no longer doubt the love of the Father who reveals Himself to you through His Spirit.




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