Thursday, July 26, 2007
An unusual roar will fill the air as the Day of Judgment arrives. And this will be the last sign for people, yet it will only be recognised as such by the believers, which will cause them great joy. For then they will be anticipating the coming of the Lord…. It requires a strong faith to expect God to be coming in the clouds, for this is such an extraordinary process that godless people just ridicule and make fun of it when it is mentioned to them. They will indeed hear the sound, too, yet they won't see the Lord in the clouds and thus take little notice of the unusual noise in the air and won't let themselves be distracted from their lives…. exuberantly and without scruples they will continue to enjoy themselves.
The faithful, however, will get together and, with a happy heart, prepare themselves to receive the Lord. They will have reached the limit of their physical endurance and know that their time of suffering has come to an end, and in the final hour they will unanimously profess their faith in God although it will mean the loss of their earthly life, because they will be mercilessly attacked by the world.
Yet the appearance of the Lord will thwart the plans of their godless pursuers…. For suddenly they will see the believers being lifted off the ground and rising into the air…. At the same time there will be a sound of dreadful thunder and people will realise with dismay that something dreadful is going to happen. Paralysed by the unusual process of the rapture they will be unable to think, they will try to flee and see the same everywhere.... flames of fire bursting through the earth from which there is no escape. And their life will end in a most dreadful way, for the people who rage on earth like devils and are rife with sin cannot be saved.
But the flock of the faithful will witness the end of the old earth; the divine work of destruction will take place before their eyes, while they will have escaped and will be safe and secure in a place of peace, as promised by God. This will be the end of one period of Salvation and the start of a new one as soon as the old earth is shaped anew through God's will. Then the faithful will continue to live as the root of the new human race and the new period of Salvation will begin. The process of rapture is only understandable and therefore credible to a knowing and profoundly enlightened person, yet it will be the culmination of an anxious time of hardship and suffering, it will be the conclusion and the evidence of God's glory, Who will also prepare a fate for His Own which testifies of His glory…. It will be an act of profoundly divine love for His living creations who will recognise in Him their Father of eternity, who will have returned to Him and become as one with Him through love.... with whom He will then be able to stay because divine love meets with no obstacle once the human being has become love himself…. Amen
Only a small flock will be able to see Me in all My glory at the end of the earth, and this flock will be lifted to heaven before their fellow human beings' eyes, who face spiritual and physical death. For as soon as the former have left the earth it will fall prey to destruction, which means that everything that lives in, on and above the earth will be consumed by flames which burst through the earth and do not spare a single work of creation. Yet My Own will not be affected by this work of destruction, for I will take them away first, and the sight of their sudden departure will horrify people, for My Own will disappear to heaven before their very eyes. But only My Own will be able to see Me Myself when I arrive in all splendour and glory. For the others I will remain invisible, because no one enslaved by My adversary will ever behold Me in My glory. But by the time they regain their senses after the supernatural phenomenon of rapture, their end will already have come …. the earth will open and devour all those who are and remain disloyal to Me.
The event of the rapture is not comprehensible to people of this earth, for something entirely unlawful will take place, something unnatural, which will remain unbelievable to all those who do not believe in Me and do not know My eternal plan of Salvation…. And yet it will happen as I announce it to you.... I will move the bodies of living human beings to a place of peace in an instant, but they themselves will consciously experience this event and be full of joy and praise for Me…. For they will have passed the test of faith, then they shall receive the reward for their love and faith in Me, and I will open paradise for them…. A new period of Salvation will start and My Own will become the root of the new generation on the new earth…. Only faith can comprehend this, intellect, however, will resist it and doubt until the day comes…. Amen
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