Monday, April 10, 2006



Word of God


The spirit of unlovingness rules the earth and its inhabitants and the adversary has won the victory over countless beings whose lives are devoid of every love. And countless people are now being forced into the chaos which is His work and which was feasible by just this unlovingness which has created inconceivable hate and discord amongst people. All the good reasoning has left mankind because the spirit of darkness is guiding it and He also takes captive man’s thinking or spoils it in such a way that they don’t know what they’re doing anymore. Probably rarely ever mankind has subordinated itself to the will of the adversary thus thoroughly as it is the case now, and the countermeasure will therefore have to be an exceptionally tough one too if there is a higher spiritual condition to develop again and the spiritual blindness of the present time to be removed. The spiritual need also requires a divine intervention and the divine love and wisdom allows for an incident for the sake of remedying this need which, it is true, leaves mankind in doubt about the divine love and wisdom but is yet the only possibility to snatch people away from the sure ruin.

People remain unteachable, they can’t be persuaded to the acceptance of faith in another way, and even much less they follow the commandment of love for God and for the neighbor .... And man will again have to turn to proper thinking if the misery of the time to come is to be spared to him and his earthly life be left to him. For the divine mission will descend upon people with elemental force, nobody will be prepared unless combined with God before, and there will be a panic that only God himself will be able to turn away again if fervently asked for.

Yet there will be a lack of faith in God by people. For even those being found in faith and love will be overcome by anxious doubts because God's voice will be clearly audible to them as well. It is true, their spirit will flee to God, but the soul will be left worried and dishearted about the things [events] still to come. And they will barely be able to pass on comfort to the neighbors and will have to wrestle for faith themselves, yet God will grant them support so that they won’t get inconstant in the faith toward Him. But those who don’t know God seek salvation on earth and they won’t find help. They’ll have to change their thinking or else they’ll become victims of the elements which God, the Lord Himself, advises to serve Him. And there will be an indescribable confusion for only the utmost need can yet bring about a change in stubborn sinners .... Just fear for one’s earthly life makes people soft and submissive and willing to pray. Without prayer no assistance of help from above can come through, for only prayer assures guarantee of God Himself looking after His earthly children and redeems them from all the suffering. And the hour will appear dreadfully long to those people who’ll see everything left for destruction that, up to then, was subject to one’s desires. And yet, this hour cannot be spared to people since every love and kindness of God is turned down and a different way from out of the spiritual need is not feasible.

God’s forbearance has postponed this event again and again but, finally, His prophecy is going to be fulfilled .... For the time has come where only greatest weakness of will and absence of faith can bring about this catastrophe. The time is near which the Lord has announced by His word, at the time of His earthly walk, pointing out to man the time of breaking away from God. For His word is eternal truth and will come true, down to the last letter .... Amen

Saturday, April 08, 2006




It is a futile fight the world is leading against each other because it will not lead to a satisfactory result. It was decided by the Lord of heavens and the earth that it [the fight] be brought to an end in a different way than the world hopes for. Yet, this end will be indescribable. The din of the battle will yet be drowned by the voice of God sounding from above. It will cause an excessive confusion amongst people, for no human order will be able to stop it and people will powerlessly have to let the afflictions of the Lord come upon them. And now it will be left to every single individual to recognize the hand of the Lord and to either submit to it or else to rebel against the fate concerning oneself. For man’s thinking is to be forcefully directed towards God and blessed be the one who finds this way and recognizes God as the Originator of all happenings and commits oneself to Him and His mercy.

There will be only a few, however, for the human spirit is blind. Their modern education for them has caused them to loose faith into a Being Who decides everything on earth, and in their modern attitude it is difficult for them to find their way back to God and this spiritual arrogance is their ruin. Only the one who feels insignificant, small and powerless and asks God for help will keep ones life, even though earthly speaking, he/she may loose it. Yet the one who thinks he does not need God’s help has given away his life, earthly and spiritually. And in the case of God granting to keep one’s earthly life, it is in fact merely an act of greatest mercy for him/her to still find insight on earth, if possible. For the Lord knows the hearts, He is able to look into the most hidden corners, He notices every stirring and does not let perish that which is still possible to be saved. And whoever in the midst of horrors calls upon the Lord for help will experience a wonderful calmness enter the one’s heart; that one will suddenly realize the worthlessness of the earthly life when not accompanied by a strong faith, and this knowledge now lets the one willingly pass on that which appeared desirable to the one before. He/she willingly commits oneself to the Lord and now receives from His hand….life or death….[In the case of one’s death], however, he/she only passes on one’s body in order to wake up to the real life in the beyond.

And thus his/her departure from this world is not the one’s ruin but the resurrection to a better life.

The divine will allocates everyone’s place, it will remove from the earth the one who’s time is finished and will return to the world the one whose earthly life is not finished yet. For nothing that happens is arbitrary but everything is determined by God’s love and wisdom. However, whoever still does not, at this point, recognize the hand of God that one’s soul is in deep trouble for there’s no means for salvation for it. It has endlessly increased the distance between God during its earthly presence and has again a tendency towards the captive condition; therefore, its walk on earth is completely useless since it does not recognize God. And for the sake of such types of souls, God lets sound His powerful voice. But if this call, too, went unheard, the lot of these souls is consequently just eternal damnation. Amen

Thursday, April 06, 2006




You should intercede for the soul of your loved ones, who are departed from you, no matter what grade of maturity you think they are in, because they all are in need of strength and are thankful for all the help they are given. It is such a happy feeling to have helped souls upwards, which you will fully realize when you yourself enter the spiritual realm and see the suffering of many souls, because they are not remembered in prayer and have no one on Earth who thinks of them in Love, which would give them strength to strive upwards

As soon as they experience the power of Love these souls work with exceeding fervor using this power. But the first push has to be given them by the loving intercession of people, because that is what will touch them first, so they may change their thinking. This intercession should be made consciously, which will help the souls in their development.

You should know that your intercessions are helpful. You should make yourself familiar with the need of the departed soul. Pray for those souls with a loving heart. Pray for strength. This strength and Love will be felt as a blessing. They will be thankful and feel an urge to love other souls and to be a blessing to them.

If you have the desire you can be very busy lessening their need and misery. This desire causes you to send up heart-felt prayers, which has redeeming power. Do everything from the heart, not just with the lips because that would have no effect. Only Love has redeeming power, this has to be said again and again.

With Love you can reach inconceivably much. You can bring Light in the darkness with your intercessory prayers, because many souls will be gathered together and will be touched by this ray of Light, with the result that Love will be awakened in them and they will get the desire to become active.

Loving intercession is a great power the effect of which can never fail. Show all your love in your intercessions. Lift them up in your thoughts and tell them that you will help them, that they should listen in trust and accept your help without rebellion. Instruct them through your thoughts that for them as well ascent is possible, if they use the power they receive through your intercession. Direct them at all times to JESUS CHRIST. Only One can redeem them and this One can only be won with Love.

Therefore tell them that they must help other souls, who are also in great need, with the power they received, that they also through deeds of Love may themselves come nearer to JESUS CHRIST. He then will draw them all to Himself and lead them into realms of Light. If you help a soul to accept the strength it is given in the right way then their progress is assured. Then the weakness of will and powerless- ness will disappear and with fervor it will strive upwards, drawing innumerable souls with it, because it shares its knowledge with others. A single intercession brings unsuspected blessing.

You on Earth do not underestimate the power of intercession, but remember always that it has to be uttered with a loving heart to be effective. Put all your Love into it because they are all in need of strength and will thank you forever if you increase their strength when you think of them in Love.


Sunday, April 02, 2006




Whoever receives the extraordinary Grace of being taught by Myself, who receives and accepts directly transmitted revelations has certainly no need to gain knowledge elsewhere, for I will abundantly satisfy such a one with the Bread of Life. He need no longer accept spiritual condiments nor draw from the cistern when clear water streams to him from a far purer and better source. But when it is necessary to draw fresh water from a well, men must gratefully accept what is at their disposal, and carefully protect it from pollution.

Do you understand what I am saying? I would certainly not despise what is dear to you from the old, what has been sacred to you for so long, the Book of the Fathers which will never lose its value, from which those who in true Faith and Love for Me seek to draw their knowledge, because deep knowledge is hidden therein, recognizable only by those whose spirit is awakened.

When I Myself instruct you I give you both the teaching and the explanation, and adjust it all to your degree of maturity. I give you only what is understandable to yourself, first of all, making My Will known to you to enable you to fulfill My Will in your life's task.

I reveal Myself to you as the Creator of all infinity, but also as a Loving Father of My children, who must achieve Divine Son ship on Earth, for which they need much help and support. The meaning of My former Word has become incomprehensible to you. Therefore, I bring My gospel to Earth again as I foretold during My walk on Earth. I will not only be present as GOD in your intellect, but I want to live in your heart. I want you to believe in Me with a living faith and I want to teach you how you can obtain this living faith. You cannot gain a living faith through intellectual knowledge acquired in the Bible but only by a completely unselfish life of Love.

Your knowledge and faith will become greater, not through much study but through the fulfilling of My law of Love to GOD and your neighbor. Then you will truly be wise, closely united with Me, and able to teach your fellowman about the result of a true walk of life.

Then you will be My representative of Light on this Earth, a minister according to My Will, drawing all knowledge from within yourself. My Spirit within you will lead you into everlasting Truth, for you possess a knowledge that you did not receive elsewhere but from Me continually through My Grace. The fountain of Life is opened for you, from the fountain of My Love from which living water flows for your refreshment. But you must also reach out to your fellowmen with refreshing drinks, so that they also can taste that pure clear water, and if they are of good will they will never want to be without it.

Everyone can refresh himself at the source of Life but only a few will find it. These few will not be satisfied with what is incomprehensible to them, but will search for the Truth, and turn therefore to Me the Everlasting Truth, so that I can give them a refreshing drink which I certainly will not fail to do. Therefore, draw from the fountain of Life, accept with thankful hearts what My Love offers you. Appreciate the great mercy to be taught by Me, because you are going to need much strength which you can obtain only from My Word, which comes to you from Above, because I have blessed this My Word with My Power.


To those who are searching for Truth, each century since the Crucifixion had a NEW REVELATION

...... John of Jerusalem, Hildegard von Bingen, Therese of Avila, John of the Cross, Thomas de Kempis, Johannes Tauler,

..... in the 20th century it was given by God through the prophet Bertha Dudde (1890-1965), revealing His REDEEMING WORK and the END OF OUR TIME and BEYOND in accordance with the promise John 14/21, a total volume of 9030 revelations.
(german homepage)

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432 revelations in numerical order


18 theme booklets

God answers our Questions about the universe
God Himself beams the truth to earth
God's proclamation to the dying world
I will guide you into truth 1 - 3
Incarnation - Re-Incarnations clearance of false teachings
Souls in the beyond 1 - 3
Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
The Christ Problem
The Forerunner of the Lord
The Mystery of Man
The New Earth
The salvation plan of God
Thus it shall come to pass
Who was Bertha Dudde

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