Saturday, April 08, 2006




It is a futile fight the world is leading against each other because it will not lead to a satisfactory result. It was decided by the Lord of heavens and the earth that it [the fight] be brought to an end in a different way than the world hopes for. Yet, this end will be indescribable. The din of the battle will yet be drowned by the voice of God sounding from above. It will cause an excessive confusion amongst people, for no human order will be able to stop it and people will powerlessly have to let the afflictions of the Lord come upon them. And now it will be left to every single individual to recognize the hand of the Lord and to either submit to it or else to rebel against the fate concerning oneself. For man’s thinking is to be forcefully directed towards God and blessed be the one who finds this way and recognizes God as the Originator of all happenings and commits oneself to Him and His mercy.

There will be only a few, however, for the human spirit is blind. Their modern education for them has caused them to loose faith into a Being Who decides everything on earth, and in their modern attitude it is difficult for them to find their way back to God and this spiritual arrogance is their ruin. Only the one who feels insignificant, small and powerless and asks God for help will keep ones life, even though earthly speaking, he/she may loose it. Yet the one who thinks he does not need God’s help has given away his life, earthly and spiritually. And in the case of God granting to keep one’s earthly life, it is in fact merely an act of greatest mercy for him/her to still find insight on earth, if possible. For the Lord knows the hearts, He is able to look into the most hidden corners, He notices every stirring and does not let perish that which is still possible to be saved. And whoever in the midst of horrors calls upon the Lord for help will experience a wonderful calmness enter the one’s heart; that one will suddenly realize the worthlessness of the earthly life when not accompanied by a strong faith, and this knowledge now lets the one willingly pass on that which appeared desirable to the one before. He/she willingly commits oneself to the Lord and now receives from His hand….life or death….[In the case of one’s death], however, he/she only passes on one’s body in order to wake up to the real life in the beyond.

And thus his/her departure from this world is not the one’s ruin but the resurrection to a better life.

The divine will allocates everyone’s place, it will remove from the earth the one who’s time is finished and will return to the world the one whose earthly life is not finished yet. For nothing that happens is arbitrary but everything is determined by God’s love and wisdom. However, whoever still does not, at this point, recognize the hand of God that one’s soul is in deep trouble for there’s no means for salvation for it. It has endlessly increased the distance between God during its earthly presence and has again a tendency towards the captive condition; therefore, its walk on earth is completely useless since it does not recognize God. And for the sake of such types of souls, God lets sound His powerful voice. But if this call, too, went unheard, the lot of these souls is consequently just eternal damnation. Amen

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