Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Call daily upon the name of Jesus....


I Appeal to You
... through Bertha Dudde   -  24.5.1958 



Call daily upon the name of Jesus....



With Me and in My name you shall start every day, deal with every undertaking and thus fulfil your daily tasks, and you can also be certain that your work will be blessed, be it earthly or spiritual activity. But as soon as you walk alone, that is, without having asked for My assistance, you will do a lot of pointless work, you will have to struggle with difficulties or it will not always be successful. Just a heartfelt thought of Me will already assure My assistance, and if you consciously call upon Me for My blessing and support then everything will turn out just right by itself, and you will be able to calmly carry out your day's work.

You should always know that you are besieged by dark forces which are able to access you if you fail to surround yourselves with a protective wall by calling upon My name, by appealing to Me for blessing your work. And once they have gained access to you it will be far more difficult to repel them again than it would be if you had refused access to them from the start. For they weaken you will, which can only catch up with what it had neglected to do by summoning all its strength: by calling to Me for help.

The battle for your souls is constantly fought, and your victory is often made difficult by these dark forces, but this is frequently up to yourselves, because you can request unlimited strength and should always do this through heartfelt prayer for My guidance, My protection and My blessing.... This is why you should never start your daily work without Me, you should call My name in your heart, appeal for reinforcement of your will and completely hand yourselves over to Me.... Then I can protect you from your souls' enemy, then you will be surrounded by countless beings of light who will refuse to admit him, then you will cheerfully and free of worry carry out your daily work in the awareness of strength and inner peace. And then nothing will be able to upset you anymore because you know that I Am always present and arrange everything.

The inner bond with Me is the best guarantee for bringing all your plans to fruition, be they earthly or spiritual affairs, for then I Myself can always influence you and your thoughts and direct your actions such as is right and beneficial for you. Yet as soon as you isolate yourselves from Me, as soon as you loosen the connection, different thoughts transmitted by My adversary will begin to dominate you and deprive you of your inner calm, they will worry you and leave you open to bad forces which will continue the work of inner disintegration and discord, so that even your daily work will not be blessed and your soul will be at risk of being captured by him.

And again, you can only release yourselves from this danger if you take refuge in Me, for I Am ready to help you in your spiritual difficulty at all times. But without Me you cannot free yourselves from him and his influence, without Me you are too weak and therefore at his mercy. However, you can avoid all such pressures if you hand yourselves over to Me and My protection time and again, if you always appeal for My blessing, if you commend your physical and spiritual wellbeing to Me and never neglect to call upon My name.... and thereby openly acknowledge Me in Jesus Christ.... Then you will be erecting a wall which My adversary will not be able to pull down, for he will take flight from Me and My name, and thus he will also let go of you if you just faithfully speak My name in every adversity and danger....



B.D. 7129

—  Published by friends of new revelations of God  —
Information, download of all translated revelations, theme-booklets at:


Free booklets for download, print and distribution:





..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy




001 Who was Bertha Dudde

002 God is still speaking today

003 The Question of God

004 The Christ Problem

005 The Mystery of Man

006 God's plan of salvation

007 Love - The highest Commandment

008/009 You between two worlds Part 1+2

010 God answers our Questions about the universe

011-013 Souls in the beyond 1 - 3

014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?

015 How can I become healthy

016 False prophets

017/18 God and the churches Part 1 + 2

019 The church of Christ

020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations

021 The Inner Voice

022 The Right Kind of Prayer

023 /024 Pre-Adamites + Adam

025 Intellect - Knowledge - Realisation

026 Thinking ability and Thoughts

027/028 Freedom of will Part 1 + 2

029 Belief - Disbelief - Superstition

030 Body - Soul - Spirit

031/032 Self-denial 1  + 2

033 Spiritual rebirth

034 Childship to God

035 The Origin of Evil

036 God's Intervention

037 Sequence of the Catastrophe

039 The Forerunner of the Lord

040 The Antichrist

044 New Banishment

045 The New Earth

051 Thus it will come to pass

052 God's proclamation to the dying world

058 - 062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1 - 5

064/065 Listen to the Inner Voice

066 Jesus' promises 'The measure you give'

067 The Adversary's Cunning and Trickery

069 Fateful course of Life

070a/b Return to God 1 + 2

102 Correcting an Error about speaking in Tongues

109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster

128 We are only guests on this earth

144 Calm before the Storm

152 Jesus Christ

154 Great Events are often Foreshadowed

220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded

E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth

E02 - 04 I will guide you into truth 1 - 3

S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days

S02 What will happen to the human race

S03-04 Information about distibuting the Word Part 1+2



Homepage http://www.bertha-dudde.info/english/index.html




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