Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Salvation has come from above.... How many lips utter this and how often is the heart unaffected, insofar as that the human being not even once seriously reflects on the meaning of Jesus Christ's coming down to earth.
A child was born, Whose soul descended from the kingdom of light because God wanted to embody Himself in this infant. The infant Jesus was a human being, born to Mary, the virgin, who conceived him through the strength of the spirit….
The human being Jesus started His earthly course of life like everyone else, yet the side effects of His birth were not those of an ordinary person but they indicated that an exceptional cover also sheltered an exceptional boy child…. that it should be the cover for the Eternal Deity Which was only able to manifest Itself in a pure and sinless human being, as was the boy child Jesus. For He had to carry out a mission of such immense significance that the requirements for it also had to be exceptional.
God Himself wanted to take abode in the infant Jesus and chose for Himself an immaculate form which also harboured an immaculate soul, in which the Eternal Deity was able to dwell in order to accomplish the act of Salvation for the whole of the human race. The fact that God Himself descended to earth was an act of overwhelming compassion, for Earth was covered in profound darkness and all its inhabitants too, they were controlled and gagged by the prince of darkness and languished under the pressure of slavery in sin and agony.
And God knew the hardship of His living creations which once had voluntarily separated themselves from Him and, entangling themselves in ever deeper darkness, no longer found a way out and cried for a Saviour to liberate them. God heard their cry and sent His Son to earth.... a Being Which likewise emerged from His might and love and Which remained in His abundance of light when His brothers plunged themselves into the darkness. Jesus' soul was devoted to God with boundless love but it also loved its fallen brothers and wanted to help them return into the Father's house because it knew that happiness and bliss are only possible in God's presence and that the distance from Him meant hardship, agony and darkness.
Jesus knew both conditions and His love for the wretched being motivated Him to offer Himself as a sacrifice in order to remove the guilt of sin which was immense, and the beings which became sinful would never have been able to make amends for it themselves.
Yet a pure and blameless soul wanted to sacrifice itself for their sins in order to redeem the guilt and to satisfy God's righteousness. For the soul was love…. And this love was God…. God or love permeated the man Jesus, so that He wanted to accomplish an act of greatest suffering and agony for the sake of these fallen brothers. And thus God Himself descended to earth in Jesus and entered a human form which corresponded to all preconditions in order to shelter the Eternal Deity Himself without fading away….
The infant Jesus was full of love and all hearts entering His ray of love became permeated by love, singing praise and giving thanks, for only people came to the infant's manger whose hearts were pure and devoted to God and who therefore felt the love emanated by the infant and who came aglow with burning love for the Jesus child. Although the events surrounding Jesus' birth are now only regarded a myth, anyone who is filled by the spirit of God, whose spirit is awakened, knows that everything which has been preserved as knowledge about the birth of Jesus is the truth.
Miracles upon miracles happened around the child Itself, in nature, in Heaven and on Earth, and all the angles bowed down on bended knees before the One Who had embodied Himself in the infant Jesus, just as men and animals were seized by holiest awe and silence when the greatest wonder, God's human manifestation in Jesus, was taking place. And the heart of anyone with an awakened spirit will also convincingly speak the Words 'Salvation has come from above….' For the light of love of the Saviour Jesus Christ likewise shines on him, he belongs to those for whom the Saviour came to earth to save them, he belongs to the redeemed, for whom the act of compassion on the cross was accomplished, because he wanted to become redeemed from sin and death.
And he will not just pay lip service to the birth of Christ, with his heart he will think of everything that happened during that night when the light of the world came down to earth, when the infant Jesus came into the world. And he will join in singing the hymn of praise 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will….' Amen
However, they were unable to see Him and therefore, despite better knowledge, followed the one who presented himself as God and Creator…. and they followed him because they were able to see him although they knew that he, too, was only a product of God's creative will and God's strength.
The magnitude of the guilt rests in the fact that the beings were illuminated by the light of realisation and in the face of it turned away from their God and Creator of eternity. And it was impossible for them to redeem this immense guilt, for they were no longer able to undo the sin, they remained burdened by it, and the only option was for God to redeem the sin Himself…. but this, again, could only take place within the framework of divine justice, because every guilt demands atonement so that it can be redeemed.
And in order to render this atonement for humanity, God descended to earth and accomplished the act of Salvation in the man Jesus….
God Himself was unable to suffer but He wanted to take the suffering upon Himself which the human race had deserved due to the sin of their past apostasy from God…. And this is why a human being, into Whose shell God Himself incarnated, took the suffering upon Himself…. the Eternal Love, Who thus wanted to offer the sacrifice, the sacrifice of atonement for the immense guilt….
A human being with a heart full of love allowed Himself to be nailed to the cross for the whole human race, and love alone motivated Him to accomplish this act of compassion. A human being with all human weaknesses and fears took a bitter earthly path and the love within Him consistently grew, for God Himself was in this human being and therefore the sayings and actions of the man Jesus were only ever motivated by love, just as love finally walked the bitter path of suffering and endured and died on the cross.
It was no arbitrary act by a human being Who sacrificed Himself for His fellow human beings for the sake of an advantage, He was merely impelled by love to accomplish the act of compassion, because He knew that their path to the kingdom of light was and had to remain closed to them if they were not released from their guilt of sin first….
He knew what the original sin consisted of and that they would never be able to make amends for this sin by themselves. And therefore He volunteered to offer God the sacrifice of atonement in order to redeem His fellow human beings…. In truth, however, love within Him caused Him to do so; it was the Eternal Love Itself, Which thus wanted to redeem people from their inconceivable guilt, for the Eternal Deity sheltered in the human being in full abundance.
And so God's human manifestation has to be understood such that the Eternal Love embodied Itself in a human being Who prepared Himself in a way that the Eternal Love was able to dwell in Him and that therefore everything the human being Jesus did in earthly life was in truth done by God Himself.... that 'love' determined the human being Jesus' every intention, thought and action, that the human being certainly suffered and died on the cross but that God Himself was in this man, that He therefore accomplished the act of Salvation for humanity.
Only when people comprehend that God is Love will they also comprehend the problem of God's human manifestation and they will understand that God and Jesus Christ are one, that they are not two persons, and that the divine Oneness may not be contested, because love permeated the human shell and therefore the external form of the human being Jesus was also the visible form of the divine Love Itself, that they were not separate Beings but only ever God Himself.
The problem of God's human manifestation can only be solved in this way, but then a person will also find it easy to acknowledge Jesus, and he will take refuge in Him and by calling upon Him he will call God Himself, thus acknowledging Him. And his original sin will be wiped out, because God Himself descended to earth for his guilt and has accomplished the act of Salvation, the act of atonement, on his behalf…. Amen
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