Sunday, January 20, 2008
You should only possess a small amount of selfish love and then you will find it easy to fulfil My commandments of love for God and your neighbour. Selfish love cannot be small enough, for this alone prevents the human being from performing selfless neighbourly love which is, after all, the most important thing in earthly life if the soul is to reach perfection. But selfish love clings to every person as a legacy of the one who is devoid of all love, who loves himself above all else or he would not have become My enemy and adversary, who lays claim to everything himself and wants to take all authority away from Me. He alone wants to possess, and every kind of selfish love is a demand for possession, hence an acceptance of his plans and a distancing from Me, Who is Love Itself. As long as selfish love still prevails within the human being he will not care about his neighbour nor change his nature into love, which first of all requires curbing his selfish love.
And so you humans can only ever be informed of the fact that you are still subject to My adversary's influence as long as your selfish love is still predominant, and that should motivate you to fight against yourselves…. You should always place your fellow human being's hardship into opposition with your own wishes and try to consider your fellow human being consistently more and do without for his sake. Then your soul will progress greatly, in fact, only the degree of your selfish love enables you to assess the state of your soul, and you should never believe that your work of improving your soul is right as long as you haven't overcome your selfish love, which is the best indicator for your soul's maturity. But you can rest assured that I will help you overcome yourselves if only you have the sincere will to achieve this degree of maturity where your neighbour's fate is closer to your heart than your own. Then you will also receive strength, because I bless every sincere will and help you not to weaken in your determination to become perfect.
However, without this fight against your selfish love it is not possible, without this fight you will never selflessly take care of your neighbour, you will never experience the feeling of love which wants to please as long as you are still imbued by desiring love, which is My adversary's share. And he will keep you enchained until you have freed yourselves by being victorious over your selfish love, which is a major advantage for your soul and which can only mature if the human being eagerly improves himself, if he constantly tries to fulfil My will which is always merely expressed in My commandments 'Love God above all else and your neighbour as yourself….' Amen
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Booklets translated into english by 12/2007:
..... no copyright.... free to distribute to spiritual needy
001 Who was Bertha Dudde
002 God is still speaking today
003 The Question of God
004 The Christ Problem
005 The Mystery of Man
006 God's plan of salvation
007 Love - The highest Commandment
008 You between two worlds Part 1
009 You between two worlds Part 2
010 God answers our Questions about the universe
011 Souls in the beyond 1
012 Souls in the beyond 2
013 Souls in the beyond 3
014 Suffering and Healing - Why must I suffer?
015 How can I become healthy
016 False prophets
017 God and the churches Part 1
018 God and the churches Part 2
019 The church of Christ
020 Incarnation - Re-Incarnations
023 Pre-Adamites
031 Self-denial Part 1 NEW 12/07
036 God's Intervention NEW
037 Sequence of the Catastrophe NEW
039 The Forerunner of the Lord
040 The Antichrist NEW
044 New Banishment NEW
045 The New Earth
051 Thus it will come to pass
052 God's proclamation to the dying world
058 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 1
059 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 2
060 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 3
061 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 4
062 God corrects misguides teachings and errors 5
070a Return to God 1
070b Return to God 2
109 Predictions …. A world shaking natural desaster
182 We are only guests on this earth
220 Sola scriptura …. The Objection that the Word of God is concluded
E01 God Himself beams the truth to earth
E02 I will guide you into truth 1
E03 I will guide you into truth 2
E04 I will guide you into truth 3
S01 Explanation, comfort and help for difficult days
S02 What will happen to the human race