Saturday, September 22, 2007
He who seeks will also find, yet intellect alone will never be able to differentiate between truth and error.... His will to possess the pure truth has to come from the bottom of his heart, and then his heart will be able to separate truth from error…
There is widespread error in the world which means that one can indeed speak of dense darkness, for truth alone is light…. And it almost seems as if the truth would no longer be able to prevail but be overwhelmed by darkness…. But time after time it will penetrate again as a ray of light and enlighten a person who yearns for the truth. Yet it cannot be attained purely intellectually, otherwise clever people would indeed always have to have the truth and a less gifted person would be shut off from all light…. But coming into possession of the pure truth is determined by a different factor....
A heart has to be willing and able to love, then the light will ignite in the human being by itself, and then he will be able to distinguish truth from error…. He will avidly accept the truth and reject every inaccuracy. The fact that the earth is engulfed by profound darkness is due to people's heartless way of life…. Heartlessness is the equivalent of spiritual darkness…. Only love is the light which bestows brightest realisation, love awakens the human being's spiritual spark to life, and love emanates the light of wisdom. And thus someone with a heart that is willing to love will not fall prey to error either, his thinking will move within the truth for he is already connected to Me through love, and then the light ray of My love can enter his heart and tell him everything he desires to know.
And only a loving person will actually ponder whether he is thinking correctly, whether he receives the truth or has fallen prey to error when he is offered spiritual knowledge…. For a heartless person couldn't care less whether his thoughts are right or wrong…. Yet only the human being who recognises and accepts the truth will be happy, for the truth will set him free and only then will he find the right purpose in his earthly life…. Only the truth will inform him about the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence, the truth will always provide inner peace, and he will find the goal worth striving for which he believes he has recognised in the truth….
Through truth the person will also come close to Me, he will recognise and strive towards Me, and he will regard every error to be against Me and reject or fight it. His earthly life, too, will only appear worth living to him when he has received truthful knowledge about all correlations and the human being's correct relationship to God, his Creator and Provider, and he will strive towards Him in the knowledge of finding beatitude which, as a human being, he is as yet unable to experience. Earthly life will also only appear meaningful to him when he is truthfully instructed about everything…. Darkness, in contrast, cannot make a person happy, and every misguided teaching is spiritual darkness which can never please a person but should be penetrated by a ray of light, which denotes truthful knowledge….
The person requesting truth is rich indeed, for he will receive it without fail, because I Am truth Myself and every wish for Me will be granted…. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to bring light into the profound spiritual darkness in which people live at present, precisely because people are blind and no longer able to even see a ray of light…. Their eyes have been weakened by deceptive lights and can no longer perceive a soft ray of light.... And they chase after these deceptive lights and get caught in ever greater darkness…. But they cannot be forced to accept the true light, being in darkness they have to yearn wholeheartedly for a ray of light, then they will also be illuminated from within and be so pleasantly touched by it that they will want to escape the darkness. And time and again I let the light shine to earth and I also know who desires the truth.... and truly, he will receive it, but first it has to be preceded by a genuine desire for it….
But every human will is free, and if he turns to the light he will truly not need to regret it…. If, however, he seeks darkness he will perish in darkness, for it will only ever lead into My adversary's domain, whereas truth will lead to Me Who can only be reached through truth, for truth gives you humans a clear idea of what you need for your soul, and thus truth is the path that leads to Me and to eternal life…. Truth is the light that emanates from Me and enlightens the heart of every person who lives with loves and wants to unite with Me, the Eternal Love…. He will reach his goal, permeated by light he will return to his Father's house…. Amen
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