Sunday, September 30, 2007
You are supposed to spread the truth.... That is the task you accepted voluntarily and which you should now put into practice if you want to serve Me as My disciples in the last days. But to spread the truth also includes fighting against error as soon as an error becomes evident to you. I keep telling you that you cannot be tolerant where it concerns the pure truth from Me, that you should support it firmly and not, due to alleged tolerance, allow for a continued existence of error …. You should denounce it as error and not shy away from proceeding against it, because it is My adversary's doing and will never serve to provide benefit for the human soul.
And especially you, who recognise the error because you have been instructed in the truth by Me Myself…. should not shy away from it, because you have the right to fight it. You are sent by My amongst people as bearers of light with an ample supply of spiritual knowledge that justifies your actions against error because you are able to refute and decry it as a work of My adversary…. He is at work where error exists because only purest truth originates from Me, but he constantly tries to undermine the pure truth.
The human being has free will which will be seized by the direction of its choice. If he looks for contact with Me he will be given pure truth indeed, and he should work with it too, i.e. he should pass it on to his fellow human beings whose thoughts remain misguided as long as they are not educated by Me Myself as the eternal truth.
My adversary will try to work in the same manner and will also be successful with people who are not aware of the great responsibility, who do not understand what it means to receive purest truth and to pass it on…. who do not fear error as it should be feared and who therefore do not inwardly resist when My adversary tries to convey error to them. My adversary will also disguise himself as an angel of light but he will not be able to deceive you, My bearers of light. You will recognise his activity and then should also take action against it, since this is the task which you have volunteered to do for Me.
Wherever you recognize wrong thoughts you should enlighten your fellow human beings about the pure truth, you should help them to let go of the error and realise what is right. Show them their wrong opinion clearly and openly, so that they, too, will arrive at the truth and deliver themselves from My adversary, who is still able to influence them because he still somehow has a claim on those he plunged into error due their similar inclinations …. It is not advisable to abandon such a misguided person, rather, he should be helped to recognise his error and agree to accept the truth, only then will he derive a benefit from it himself, and only then will he, too, be a true vineyard labourer for Me.
A bearer of truth cannot be tolerant and leave his fellow human beings in error due to kindness…. He should clearly point out that the other person does not think correctly, that he was influenced by My adversary irrespective of how the error was imparted to him.... For the adversary will always be able to interfere with a person's thoughts who is not so intimately in contact with Me that I can protect him…. But it is certain that I Myself do not transmit spiritual knowledge to a person which does not correspond to the truth, and this has to be clear to the person, otherwise My love, wisdom and might could in fact be doubted…. It follows that a direct transmission of My Word to a person cannot have taken place if it is associated with error….
You humans cannot be careful enough and always have to fear the adversary's influence as long as you do not give yourselves to Me completely and ask for My protection, which I will truly grant everyone who sincerely wants to live in utmost truth and pass it on to his fellow human beings in turn, if they are destined by Me for this truth…. Error is true poison for the human soul, consequently you should take action against it and repeatedly oppose it with truth, since you received it from Me because it is necessary that light should shine into the darkness…. Your free will allows the influx of misguided thoughts, for if you would inwardly resist them in the awareness only to serve the pure truth, misguided mental concepts could not become established in you…. But I can never acknowledge that something which contradicts the pure truth has originated from Me…. You therefore should only ever make sure to spread purest truth and declare uncompromising war on error, and you will act in accordance with My will and on My behalf…. Amen
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Everything motivated by love is pleasing to Me…. And thus, when you live with love everything you do or don't do will be in accordance with My will…. However, you have to consider the motives of your actions, whatever they may be…. Do you want to help a person or the world at large…. do you want to help and protect your neighbour from all manner of harm?.... Do you want to give light and understanding? In short, do you want to give or do you want to take, destroy, cause confusion and burden your fellow human beings.... or do you want to take action against error and bring truth to your fellow human beings instead?.... You have to consider all this in the light of love, thus it has to permeate you if your every action is to correspond to My will....
But I also want to draw your attention to the fact that I want erroneous belief to be corrected, that I expect you to spread the truth and that this task has priority…. For I transmit pure truth to earth so that its light should shine into the darkness…. And spiritual knowledge which originates from Me will never contradict itself, or I would not be the source of the flow of spirit….
Erroneous spiritual knowledge cannot originate from Me and thus you, who receive the pure truth from Me, have the right and the duty to fight it, but always beware not to offend against the law of love, that you are messengers of truth when you approach those who live in error. As soon as you, with My Word from above, can refute the doctrine they believe to have received from Me, they can, with good will, recognise who speaks to them through you. For I will always use reason to expose the error so that it can be recognised as such, and I will be able to do so through a vessel which is suitable to receive My flow of spirit….
It is true, though, that everyone will claim to be a 'vessel of God' but the genuine investigator will recognise My voice and will not find it difficult to come to the right conclusion. Because error will be exposed in a manner that demonstrates knowledge. Nevertheless, people also have to employ their will in order to recognise My voice.... If this will is not present then even the most lucid reasons will not be understood, and the person will hold on to his misguided belief in spite of clarifications and appropriate references. But this is certain, every spiritual instruction by Me also reveals Me Myself as the Provider, in so far as its wording and content give evidence of a perfect Provider, Who clearly and understandably solves the kind of problems which cannot be solved intellectually…. Imperfection and ignorance are eliminated, for by the latter you humans recognise the influence of powers which are not yet perfect, not yet enlightened, to carry out My instruction of transmitting spiritual knowledge to earth….
If the human being himself in his arrogance fails to recognise such imperfection then the pure truth given to him by My messengers will not give him clarity either, because he lacks the inner humility which would also guarantee his understanding of eternal truth. Hence time and again you will meet with resistance where the adversary has already established himself by giving false information and people are not willing to let go of him in the firm belief to have received the information from Me Myself. However, I allow every human being's freedom of will, I will merely contact him now and again and try to make him take notice…. but only his will makes the choice…. Amen
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Keep drawing strength from My Word for you will need this fortification in the forthcoming time and should gather strength now, since you will be unable to collect your thoughts in prayer when My long-announced intervention will take place…. Whatever is decided by My wisdom and love will also be implemented, and every prediction which I sent to you so that the event will not take you unawares without warning will be fulfilled….
You shall always remember it and try to set your heart free from all earthly longings…. You shall try to let go of matter, for one day you will have to give it up, and the less your heart clings to it the easier will be your loss, the less you will be burdened by My intervention…. Again and again I Am telling you to prepare yourselves for this period of unprecedented chaos when only your heartfelt bond with Me will give you the support to do justice to all demands. For anyone not directly affected by the disaster by losing his life will then have to lead a difficult existence, because there will be no ordered living conditions and you will be burdened by earthly adversities which you will be unable to handle on your own, without My help.
Time and again you shall accept My Word in your hearts and draw strength from it, you shall gain such strong faith from My direct Word that nothing will be able to unsettle you in the forthcoming time, that you will completely rely on Me and only ever wait for My help…. And believe that I will help you.... that just the heartfelt bond has to be established with Me which, however, can only be achieved by a person who is completely dedicated to Me and who will merely recognise the fulfilment of My predictions in the huge disaster and thus will even more devotedly wait for My help, which indeed will be granted to him. Then I will carry out the seemingly impossible on those who place their complete trust in Me.
And every human being should get used to the idea that the orderliness surrounding him will not continue, he shall believe that the earth will be affected by an unimaginably huge tremor, and that countless people will fall victim to a natural disaster…. the survivors, however, will experience extremely difficult living condition which require much strength and confidence in My help in order to cope with them. Then it will become evident where neighbourly love will be practised, for only there will My help be evident as well.... And anyone who is just anxiously concerned about himself and his well-being will also have to labour by himself and yet be unable to master his situation…. For you humans must learn that love is strength and that you will be able to achieve much if your actions are motivated by neighbourly love.
Time and again I refer to the time when a great chaos will befall you caused by a huge natural disaster…. because I still want to give you human a last sign of a Power Which is in charge of you…. But you, who receive My Word directly or given to you through My messengers, you shall constantly listen to My admonition, engross yourselves as often as possible in My Word and your strength will grow, even at times of extreme adversity you will not lose the connection with Me and then you will also always be certain of My help, for I manifestly want to help My Own to strengthen their as well as their fellow human beings' faith so that they will establish and never again abandon the living bond with Me.
And don't count on being spared, don't believe that other, distant regions will be affected…. This disaster will be far-reaching and involves a large area, even though it will not affect the whole earth…. Consequently, the immense adversity will not pass anywhere without a trace, which you will only understand after the occurrence has happened, when My voice resounds in the world and you realise the dreadful effects…. the full extent of which will take a long time again to be assessed.
As yet you are still living in peace and are unable to imagine such chaos…. But I draw your attention to the fact that everything will come to pass what was announced in advance, I only want to influence you insofar as that you should do everything that will give you the strength to endure…. For I will not abandon you, who have submitted yourselves to Me and want to belong to Me…. And I will always provide you with strength…. Let Me talk to you time and again and draw strength from My Word and truly, you will be able to find Me even in utter suffering, and I will always be ready to help, I will always stand by your side and through you also bring help to those whom you lovingly try to take care of…. Amen
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
It is only necessary for you to believe in Me and take the path to Me when you suffer hardship…. for you, like children, to take refuge with the Father, Who will protect you in every spiritual and earthly adversity because you entrust yourselves to Him…. Time and again I emphasise that you only ought to contact Me in thought, through kind-hearted activity or in prayer and, truly, you will not be able to go astray anymore, because your bond with Me also guarantees you My help to be delivered from My adversary and to return to the One from Whom you once originated. Admittedly, evidence for the existence of a God and Creator cannot be given to you, you have to believe in Him…. Yet if you are willing to do so then you will see the evidence that bears witness to Me in everything that surrounds you…. And by just thinking about it you will already be able to come to believe in Me…. I just do not want you to spend your life thoughtlessly, to only take notice of the world and believe that your earthly life is an end in itself....
You should always ask yourselves why and for what reason you live on earth.... in order to then also get hold of the thoughts about a God and Creator, which will time and again encircle you like waves, for the purpose and goal of your earthly life is to recognise a God and Creator, to acknowledge Him and to desire making contact with Him. Then this God and Creator will also take hold of you and never ever let you fall again.... And He will also convey the knowledge of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, to you . For you will have to find Him so that you lose your weaknesses, so that your ascent to the pinnacle is assured…. For even if you recognise Me, you will have little willpower to seriously strive for Me, since you are too weak due to the sin of your past apostasy from Me…. And for the sake of strengthening your will the man Jesus died on the cross in order to acquire the blessings of a stronger will for you…. I Myself came to help you in your great spiritual adversity which was the result of your original sin, and I Myself accomplished the act of Salvation for the redemption of your guilt in Jesus the human being . So the path of return will now be possible for you if you appeal to Jesus Christ for strength, if you place your guilt of sin at his feet and express the sincere will to return to the Father, Who took abode in Jesus, Who united Himself with Him for all eternity…. Even if you thus believe in God as the Creator and Redeemer, this God can never ever be regarded as being separate from Jesus Christ, for God and Jesus are one, God merely made use of a external human shell which people called 'Jesus', but Who sheltered the fullness of Me in Himself.
I created everything, even the human shell of Jesus came forth from Me, Which I chose for Myself in order to be able to stay amongst people. You humans, too, came forth from My will yet you once separated yourselves from Me voluntarily, for only love establishes a bond with Me but you forfeited it of your own free will, whereas the human being Jesus was permeated by love, thus My fundamental substance was in Him, for this is Love…. Hence, in keeping with His nature He must be God Himself, and only his external shell was human until He spiritualised it as well, so that it was able to unite with His divine Soul and nothing human remained once Jesus had accomplished the act of Salvation…. Anyone who therefore has recognised Me in Jesus has also escaped the darkness, for then the Light Itself will draw him into higher spheres, for I Myself Am the Light, and the light shone to earth through the human being Jesus because it permeated the human being completely. And I would like to send this ray of light to all of you, yet your heart has to open itself to Me, you must direct your thoughts towards the One Who created you.... You have to muster this will freely but then you will also be seized by My merciful love and everything will be done to impart the correct knowledge about Jesus Christ to you…. and if you acknowledge Him as God's Son and Redeemer of the world Who became as one with Me you will never ever be able to go astray again…. Amen
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Believe and do not doubt, for My Word to you from above is truth and everything you were foretold will come to pass …. You should believe that much will, in fact, evade your understanding as long as you are still unable to penetrate the depth of wisdom, but what I give to you now will still become comprehensible to you in due course…. Time and again I say to you that I instruct you in accordance with your degree of maturity, which you can raise at anytime, and that you also receive replies to questions posed by people on earth or by beings in the kingdom of the beyond which I answer through you…. But only at the stage of advanced maturity of soul will you possess profound understanding of My plan of creation and Salvation, then everything will be explicable to you, even that which presently still gives you reason to doubt. Only purest truth can originate from Me, and that I Am working in you through My spirit will have to be acknowledged, for I informed you of this process Myself when I lived on earth.
And you cannot accuse Me Myself of being a liar, for I Am truth Myself... You can only be comprehensively informed about the events of creation after you have achieved perfection yourselves, and knowledge that is already made available to you in advance will frequently give rise to questions from you…. And this is what I want to achieve, for I can constantly convey more to you when you occupy your mind with questions which only I Myself Am able to answer. Besides, I always want to stimulate your thoughts such that you will try to discover the mysteries of creation, because I want to give but require your desire in order to bestow you with unlimited knowledge that also reaches into areas which are intellectually impenetrable.
The more profound your knowledge of truth the more illuminated you will be.... and then darkness will never scare you again …. Time and again I invite you to raise questions, so that you recognise My love for you in the answers, which wants to grant your every request…. For as soon as you ask and expect a reply you open your heart to Me, and that also means that you prompt Me to take up residence in you, that you desire to be united with Me. And this is what I Am waiting for in order to bestow My unrestricted gift of grace…. Therefore I will also always enlighten you about error, for it will draw the souls into ruin…. I will even illuminate your thoughts so that you will act in accordance with My will and proceed against error….
For it will cause devastating confusion during the last days, because people rather accept error as truth than allow themselves to be convinced of the pure truth. And thereby they stay in My adversary's realm, in darkness, and cannot find their way out. You, who receive My Word, have the task to fight error and constantly confront it with the truth, which will certainly be acceptable to every human being with good will. I will always help you to think and act correctly, to speak where I ask you to speak, for you have voluntarily offered your services to Me and I have accepted same. You shall now work in accordance with My will, and therefore I can trust you with a task which only ever concerns the distribution of truth and the fight against error.
And it is for this reason that everything will approach you such that you will react to it in line with your feelings, because I Myself will trigger this feeling in you, thus I will also guide your thoughts such that they will serve your task. My adversary works with cunning and trickery…. I will take action against him and expose his doings, and it is only up to people themselves whether they will listen to Me and believe My Words…. Yet only love can recognise pure truth, where love is missing hardly any success can be expected…. Nevertheless, the truth about My adversary shall be revealed to people, who will also disguise himself as an angel of light and not hesitate to use My name in order to deceive them and pull them onto a dangerous path, for it will lead into the abyss if people fail to recognise his activities in time and turn back…. I always want to help you with this, you need only approach Me and ask Me for the pure truth.... Amen
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Everything concurring with My Word can be accepted and upheld by you as truth. And thus you will also know how to judge the mental concepts presented to you…. For this is what you, who are directly instructed by Me, must be able to do…. For you are required to reject everything that is wrong and advise your fellow human beings not to accept it.
Part of spreading the pure truth from Me also includes denouncing error as coming from the adversary and to protect yourselves as well as your fellow human beings from his influence. He equally makes use of human vessels in order to succeed, in order to undermine the pure truth, for he causes confusion amongst people who no longer know what to accept. But as soon as you recognise that My adversary is at work it is also your duty to take action against it. And therefore I want to provide you with an explanation which yet again can only be given to you by the One Who knows everything, to Whom nothing is hidden and Who is able to impart this knowledge through the spirit:
Many things are hidden from you humans which only I can reveal to you. And I have always informed seers and prophets of events which were still in the distant future. However, according to people's state of maturity My predictions or visions were usually veiled and always required an awakened spirit to summon the right understanding for it. And since many prophesies related to the last days before the end they also remained incomprehensible to people, because I Myself wanted to lift the veil when the time was right. The visions they saw were even concealed from My seers and prophets, and they described them partly impelled and partly enlightened by My spirit, which also let them behold and report things which were in the distant future. And thus records exist and were preserved until now which proclaim the visions of My disciple John…. records, which will be explained in the last days before the end and which previously were meaningless to people and consequently not understood by them. Yet they have a profound meaning, they merely depicted what My disciple who had received the spiritual vision had seen but who was unable to interpret his visions himself because it would not have been beneficial for him or his fellow human beings, since the whole time of development was still ahead of them, which was meant to be utilised through Jesus Christ's Salvation…. but knowledge of the visions' significance would have stifled all spiritual impetus…. thus it would have restricted free will. For I knew that My adversary's activity would take on immense proportions at the end of a period of salvation, and that humanity's spiritually low level would be so widespread at the end that the precise knowledge of it would have been damaging to people.
But I allowed My disciple to spiritually foresee all these manifestations of the end, yet in an awakened state…. when he recorded his visions…. he only saw images he didn't understand himself…. which thus was My will….
You cannot fail to recognise Satan's activity in the last days, yet you humans have no idea of the immense spiritual disaster his activity will wreak on all human beings…. My disciple saw the clearly evident state of affairs in the last days as well as My adversary's activity which was the cause for the terrible vision, which showed his activity figuratively and which only remained veiled to people because they would have abandoned their spiritual endeavour in view of the failure and My adversary's supreme control.
But John also foresaw the fall into the abyss and My adversary's captivity, and for that reason the disciple's vision was intended to be preserved, for one day they will understand everything, if only in the spiritual kingdom when their spiritual state results in their realisation. And thus you know how to evaluate messages which are allegedly from above and yet originate from below.... You know that everything contradicting My Word is erroneous spiritual knowledge and particularly highlights My adversary's activity in the last days, who wants to cause confusion wherever possible and who avails himself of My name as a disguise in order to be believed….
Be vigilant and don't allow yourselves to be driven into darkness.... when a bright light is shining for you which very clearly shows the path to Me, Who still wants to save all those people before the end who have the will to let themselves be saved. Look for Me in all sincerity and, truly, I will not let you fall into My adversary's hands, I will enlighten your thoughts if only you sincerely ask Me for the pure truth…. But then you will receive it through your heart, so that the intellect need not be involved, for My adversary avails himself of the intellect as long as the heart does not reject him.
You fully consciously have to break your connection with him who wants to corrupt the world…. You have to closely unite with Me and appeal to Me for My protection against his influence…. And truly, your prayer will be granted as soon as it is sent up to Me in spirit and in truth…. Amen
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Monday, September 24, 2007
I have promised to stay with you until the end of the world.... And My Word will be heard by you, My living creation, as a sign of My presence…. The connection between your God and Creator of eternity and you, His beings having emerged from Him, will remain forever…. My love for you will eternally express Itself by speaking to you, because since the beginning It found greatest pleasure in being able to be in touch with Its living creations through the Word, and because the happiness of all beings will also eternally consist of constantly receiving My strength of love, and this transmission of strength is expressing Itself through My directly imparted Word. I reveal Myself through the Word.... I transfer My thoughts onto you and find My happiness by stimulating you to respond in kind, so that the dialogue between Father and child can take place, which in itself provides supreme beatitude….
The more perfect the being is, the more clearly it can hear My voice within its heart…. which has to be spiritually understood insofar as that the being is moving within brightest realisation, within the same will and the same thoughts as Mine, with Whom it is intimately united due to its perfection. Yet even a being with a lesser degree of maturity can still hear Me if, in awareness of itself, it establishes contact with Me…. Nevertheless, the degree of happiness will be higher or lower respectively, for once it is united with Me again…. the being will have come alive…. the state of death will have been overcome, which alone excludes the hearing of My Word…. But only very few people know that their God and Creator would like to speak to them and that they could indeed hear Him if they lived a way of life in accordance with His will. Only few people experience the happiness of a direct communication and enter into a heartfelt relationship with Him…. And if fellow human beings are given the knowledge of it they find it incredible and only laugh at those who tell them so....
Yet 'Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My Word shall not pass away….' And this promise of Mine, too, is usually interpreted differently in as much as you believe that the 'written Word' will be preserved unchanged…. Yet even for this it is necessary that My Word be repeatedly conveyed to earth because human will does not retain anything unaltered and the purity of the once spoken Word will not remain guaranteed…. But this promise of Mine has an even more profound significance still…. 'My Word shall not pass away….' My Word will always and forever be heard by the spiritually tangible beings, My Word will always and forever give evidence of the bond of all created beings with Me, My living creations may always and forever be able to hear Me, for their happiness rests in the fact that they will be spoken to by Me directly, that they will always know of My will and harbour the same will within themselves, that they may associate with their God and Creator like children with their Father…. that profound realisation, supreme wisdom and truthful knowledge will permeate them and make them infinitely happy….
And all this is only the result of the dialogue with Me through the Word.... If My Word could not be heard within all spiritual beings there could not be true life either, for only My Word is the life, the strength and also the happiness, or I would forever be a distant, inaccessible God for My living creations, with Whom there would be no reason to make contact and no effect could be recognised either…. 'I will be with you until the end....' You will not be without Me and My presence anymore…. unless you still belong to My adversary into whose domain I will not intrude, instead you have to turn to Me voluntarily. But as soon as you have separated yourselves from him and seriously strive towards Me, My Word will also be heard within you, albeit very quietly at first as the voice of conscience…. yet you will be able to hear it increasingly more distinctly if only you hand yourselves over to Me so that you are inwardly urged to speak to Me in thought…. Then you will also receive an answer, only that you will not recognise it as such at first but regard it as your own thoughts.... However, the more you withdraw from the world and look for Me, the louder My voice will sound in you, and the belief in My speaking to you can also enable you to consciously expect it….
And you will hear Me…. It entirely depends on your soul's degree of maturity, it entirely depends on your degree of love, how you will hear Me and My Word…. And since you, as belonging to Me, are constantly ascending, My Word will not exclude you either…. I will be and remain with you and always and forever speak to you…. and you will become increasingly happier as a result of the constant dialogue with Me through My Word…. Amen
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
You can live your earthly life without worrying as soon as you have found Me.... as soon as you are united with Me through prayer and activity of love, for then you have voluntarily returned to Me and can never ever go astray again…. And even if you are confronted by temptations because My adversary keeps believing that he can win you for himself, you nevertheless need not fear these temptations because I will protect you from falling prey to them. For your voluntary dedication to Me has given Me the right to do so, but neither will I contest his entitlement to fight for the souls which are embodied as human beings in earthly life. However, you are not defencelessly at the mercy of these temptations, for from the moment you turn to Me I watch over you and protect you from falling. If you envisage your long development through the creations of earth which resulted in your embodiment as a human being in the first place, then you will also understand that I support you in every way so that you will still reach the last goal, so that you will find unification with Me…. Admittedly, this can be more or less heartfelt, it can mean total fusion with Me but also not be quite so deep and intimate at first, and yet merely your will to belong to Me is already the decisive factor for Me, for then you establish the bond with Me which is also the guarantee that I will never let go of you again and then the adversary will have no more control over you….
And this heartfelt bond can only happen when the original sin has been taken from you because of your acknowledgment of Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation, for you will never take the path to Me of your own free will while you are still burdened by the original sin, because then My adversary will still have complete control over you. Your dedication to Me proves, however, that you want to be released from My adversary, and this already gives Me the right which is no longer disputable. For then you belong to Me, because you have emerged from the strength of My love albeit also through My adversary's will who used My strength to create you…. And everything that originates from My strength of love inevitably has to return to Me, for My strength, which was externalised by creating the being, will return to its primary source again. And you humans stand just short of this goal when you live on earth…. It is the last stage of the huge process of return, when the soul …. the once fallen original spirit…. embodied in a human being, should pass the final test of will…. to return to Me or to My adversary again, from whose power I had removed it until it was able to make a decision again as a self-aware being….
This is why the earthly existence as a human being is of such great significance; after all, it decides the soul's fate…. whether it will be eternally happy or have to languish in misery and torment for eternities again. Admittedly, it will reach its goal one day, but its free will can extend endlessly for the duration of its apostasy from Me, just as it can finish it within a very short time and return to Me into the Father's house, which it once left of its own free will. Time and again you should bear this great significance of your earthly existence in mind and seriously strive to reach perfection, to return to Me, and always establish mental contact with your God and Creator of eternity, so that I then will be able to catch hold of you and draw you to Me…. For I do not influence you against your will, and neither can My adversary chain you to himself against your will…. You have to make your own choice for Me or for him, and with this decision you determine your later fate. But if you remember My love and appeal to Me for My assistance with complete trust, then you will truly not be left defenceless at My adversary's mercy, but I will always stand between you and him and keep him at bay, and his temptations will lessen because you …. if you sincerely desire Me, will be surrounded by a bright shining light which My adversary flees because it gives evidence of My presence and he avoids Me because he is My enemy. He is no longer able to pursue you as soon as you entrust yourselves to Me with complete faith and thus unite with Me through activity of love and prayer…. as soon as you never keep Me out of your thoughts…. Then you will have passed your test of will, and you will also attain the last goal while you are still on earth, that you perfect yourselves with My help and My strength…. so that you are and will remain My Own for all eternity…. Amen
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
He who seeks will also find, yet intellect alone will never be able to differentiate between truth and error.... His will to possess the pure truth has to come from the bottom of his heart, and then his heart will be able to separate truth from error…
There is widespread error in the world which means that one can indeed speak of dense darkness, for truth alone is light…. And it almost seems as if the truth would no longer be able to prevail but be overwhelmed by darkness…. But time after time it will penetrate again as a ray of light and enlighten a person who yearns for the truth. Yet it cannot be attained purely intellectually, otherwise clever people would indeed always have to have the truth and a less gifted person would be shut off from all light…. But coming into possession of the pure truth is determined by a different factor....
A heart has to be willing and able to love, then the light will ignite in the human being by itself, and then he will be able to distinguish truth from error…. He will avidly accept the truth and reject every inaccuracy. The fact that the earth is engulfed by profound darkness is due to people's heartless way of life…. Heartlessness is the equivalent of spiritual darkness…. Only love is the light which bestows brightest realisation, love awakens the human being's spiritual spark to life, and love emanates the light of wisdom. And thus someone with a heart that is willing to love will not fall prey to error either, his thinking will move within the truth for he is already connected to Me through love, and then the light ray of My love can enter his heart and tell him everything he desires to know.
And only a loving person will actually ponder whether he is thinking correctly, whether he receives the truth or has fallen prey to error when he is offered spiritual knowledge…. For a heartless person couldn't care less whether his thoughts are right or wrong…. Yet only the human being who recognises and accepts the truth will be happy, for the truth will set him free and only then will he find the right purpose in his earthly life…. Only the truth will inform him about the meaning and purpose of his earthly existence, the truth will always provide inner peace, and he will find the goal worth striving for which he believes he has recognised in the truth….
Through truth the person will also come close to Me, he will recognise and strive towards Me, and he will regard every error to be against Me and reject or fight it. His earthly life, too, will only appear worth living to him when he has received truthful knowledge about all correlations and the human being's correct relationship to God, his Creator and Provider, and he will strive towards Him in the knowledge of finding beatitude which, as a human being, he is as yet unable to experience. Earthly life will also only appear meaningful to him when he is truthfully instructed about everything…. Darkness, in contrast, cannot make a person happy, and every misguided teaching is spiritual darkness which can never please a person but should be penetrated by a ray of light, which denotes truthful knowledge….
The person requesting truth is rich indeed, for he will receive it without fail, because I Am truth Myself and every wish for Me will be granted…. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to bring light into the profound spiritual darkness in which people live at present, precisely because people are blind and no longer able to even see a ray of light…. Their eyes have been weakened by deceptive lights and can no longer perceive a soft ray of light.... And they chase after these deceptive lights and get caught in ever greater darkness…. But they cannot be forced to accept the true light, being in darkness they have to yearn wholeheartedly for a ray of light, then they will also be illuminated from within and be so pleasantly touched by it that they will want to escape the darkness. And time and again I let the light shine to earth and I also know who desires the truth.... and truly, he will receive it, but first it has to be preceded by a genuine desire for it….
But every human will is free, and if he turns to the light he will truly not need to regret it…. If, however, he seeks darkness he will perish in darkness, for it will only ever lead into My adversary's domain, whereas truth will lead to Me Who can only be reached through truth, for truth gives you humans a clear idea of what you need for your soul, and thus truth is the path that leads to Me and to eternal life…. Truth is the light that emanates from Me and enlightens the heart of every person who lives with loves and wants to unite with Me, the Eternal Love…. He will reach his goal, permeated by light he will return to his Father's house…. Amen
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Only after My crucifixion was it possible for Me to pour out My spirit, for prior to this no human being would have been capable of sheltering anything divine within himself, since humanity was still burdened by the original sin of the antagonism against God. My spirit, however, is the emanation of Myself, and no human being burdened by guilt could ever have been a recipient of this emanation, for the gulf which existed between what had become guilty and Myself was too deep.
But I, in the human being Jesus, have made amends for this guilt, and everyone who accepts My act of Salvation is now also able to prepare himself such that he can receive My illumination of love again, and that means that I Myself can take abode in the person and as evidence of My presence can also permeate him with My spirit…. Then his thoughts and intentions will be determined by the strength of the spirit, he cannot think and want something wrong as long as My spirit works in him.... For he completely consciously allows Me to work in him, he opens himself by intimately uniting with Me and thus enables Me to lower the light ray of My love into his heart which illuminates everything…. giving him the most bright and clear knowledge, so that the human being will emerge from his present darkness and be guided into every truth by My spirit, as I have promised.
This act of the outpouring of spirit, which took place in My disciples in full view of all people, had to be preceded by My crucifixion, My adversary had to be defeated first so that he would no longer be able to forcibly keep people in darkness but had to release those who turned to Me, who allowed themselves to be redeemed by Me, that is, who consciously acknowledged My great act of mercy and wanted to partake of it…. Thus death.... the immense spiritual darkness.... had been conquered for them, they were able to prepare themselves as vessels for the outpouring of My spirit….
Now they no longer experienced wrong thoughts, they recognised the truth and also fully consciously aspired to it, they emerged from the state of complete ignorance, they became enlightened…. My spirit permeated them, and now they also came closer to Me again, that tiny spark of spirit, which as part of Myself had rested dormant within themselves, aspired towards the eternal Father-Spirit to which it was inseparably connected. Very simply put.... the connection with Me…. having once been voluntarily discontinued by the beings, was restored again, and a being that was once more in contact with Me, the Eternal Light, had to be permeated by My light too, and its every thought can then only be right. He has to recognise the truth, and then the human being also has to uphold this truth, because he is urged by My spirit to proclaim the truth to all of his fellow human beings….
And this, too, was My first disciples' mission, whom the outpouring of My spirit enabled to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations. They had to possess the truth themselves in order to pass it on, and even though during My years of teaching they had been instructed in the truth by Me, the outpouring of My spirit nevertheless had to take place first so that they then would brightly and clearly recognise their task and no longer be burdened by ignorance, for they were instructed through the spirit by Myself, Who stayed with them as I had promised.
And thus, time and again I will pour out My spirit upon people who want to serve Me, who prepare themselves as vessels into which My spirit can flow and who, like My first disciples, want to bring the truth to people in the knowledge that only the pure truth can help people in their immense spiritual adversity…. And My spirit will be effective in them so that the darkness will be dispersed and the people desiring to serve Me by assisting in the redemption of errant souls will think correctly again. No person can give what he does not have….
However, to you, My servants, I want to give abundantly, so that you can impart it again to your fellow human beings who urgently require your support, since they will not establish the relationship with Me on their own …. Yet you, who know all correlations, can enlighten them and even now persuade them to their change their will. And you will always be able to receive spiritual knowledge in abundance, and at all times…. when you ask questions, they will be answered such that you will also be able to recognise the Provider, which you then should pass on…. for many people and countless souls in the kingdom of the beyond will ask questions and desire truthful answers…. they will be able to receive them from you, for I know all thoughts arising from the heart and will give to every person according to his task (comprehension).
And this is My working in you…. the working of My spirit, which the first disciples were allowed to experience for themselves after My ascension. They, too, had to be assisted by My love time and again, for in order to implement the task given to them by Me they required extensive knowledge, and without My obvious support they would never have been able to accomplish this task, for I constantly instructed them through the spirit. Thus they did not have to be afraid to be incapable of working as teachers or of spreading incorrect spiritual knowledge and were able to administer their office well…. they were able to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with My will….
And today, too, I give My last disciples on this earth the same task of taking the truth to people, which can only come forth from Me directly. For the earth is engulfed by profound darkness, errors and lies are so widespread that people have to muster an utterly sincere will in order to find the truth and then also to recognise it as such. But only through truth can they become blessed, because they can only learn to recognise and love Me when the pure truth about Me and My nature is imparted to them. And this knowledge, the pure truth, can only be imparted to them through My spirit, but it will also be clarified for you, because I love you and you only need to establish a heartfelt bond with Me through equal love in order to induce the spiritual spark in you, which is inseparably connected to the eternal Father-Spirit, to express itself…. Then I can speak to you Myself and place you into a state of cognition, and then you will also know what you have to do in order to achieve your goal…. the unification with Me…. while you are still on earth. For when I instruct you Myself you truly will be taught correctly, and then you will accomplish your task on earth for sure and change yourselves into love, you will adopt your fundamental nature again and be blissfully happy, as you were in the beginning…. Amen
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
The time of My visual existence for people on earth came to an end when I ascended to heaven…. For I had fulfilled the mission as a human being and finally gave My disciples and those who believed in Me as the Son of God a last sign which should strengthen their faith…. I showed Myself to them once more and demonstrated to them My Divinity by way of visibly ascending to heaven.... which they were only allowed to observe due to their strength of faith and which, in turn, should provide them with great strength for their further mission: to proclaim Me and My Gospel throughout the world…. No evidence can be provided for My ascension either, and yet it took place before the eyes of those who were completely devoted to Me. For My ascension no longer compelled them into believing, they had recognised Me and no longer doubted anything, but they had also been initiated into the most profound knowledge by Me and therefore I was able to ascend before their eyes as a last sign of My might and glory, which occurred and could occur visibly because I gave My Own exceptional strength for this experience. However, it was only a process which will be experienced by every soul that perfects itself on earth once it leaves its body and then enters spiritual realms in radiant light which, however, will remain concealed from the human eye. But it glides up into the kingdom which is its true home. Evidence of this should also be given to people even though it will not be acknowledged by still immature people who have not achieved any kind of spiritualization.
The ascension of Jesus will remain a myth to people as long as they have not penetrated spiritual knowledge, because something unusual had taken place which in fact only My followers were allowed to experience. However, it will no longer be doubted as soon as the human being's soul has acquired a certain degree of maturity where nothing will be disbelieved anymore due to the realisation that nothing is impossible to God…. With Jesus' ascension the act of Salvation was concluded. I had descended to earth and returned to My kingdom again which I nevertheless had never left, for I was and Am everywhere, but I had taken abode in a human form so as to be visible to you humans, and therefore I also ascended visibly again in order to then always and forever remain visible to everything I created for the sake of its beatitude….
My Own stayed behind and felt lonely and abandoned as I disappeared from their sight, yet they were imbued by My spirit and clearly recognised their mission now, and they felt impelled by the spirit to carry out the task with which I sent them to all nations on earth. For this reason I let them experience the extraordinary event which was the final miracle on earth that completed My earthly progress.... For they needed much strengthening of faith since their contact with Me had, after all, resulted in a certain amount of dependence which they still had to overcome, and thus every one of My disciples time and again was able to recollect the final events in order to then do My will with wholehearted enthusiasm…. Yet I remained with them in spirit, and throughout their activity for Me they were frequently allowed to hear My Words which revealed My presence to them, so that their love for Me grew ever deeper and thus their knowledge increased to the same extent, and with it their ability to work for Me….
I had redeemed people's immense guilt of sin through My act of Salvation, and humanity had to be informed of this which could only happen again through human beings who themselves had experienced Me and My crucifixion …. Now they could proclaim the purest truth about this great act of compassion, and thus especially My first disciples were unusually strengthened and equipped for their mission, I had personally been able to teach and prepare them for their task in advance and I had extraordinarily strengthened their faith, although they kept their freedom of will. However, their love for Me and their way of life permitted My additional gift for their office, for the whole of humankind should be informed of this occurrence which had originated from the divine sphere for the sake of people and thus I required appropriate servants and messengers to spread this information. And these had to be able to support with full conviction what they were teaching …. Their love had enabled them to cope with unusual experiences and to eagerly bear witness of everything to their fellow human beings as well. But this knowledge of My act of Salvation will always necessitate a certain degree of love in order to be accepted and believed…. Yet a loving person will be infused by My spirit and guided into every truth, as I Myself have proclaimed…. Amen
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Only ever believe in Me with a living faith, that is, don't be satisfied with words or other people's assurances but closely unite with Me in thought and speak to Me like a child speaks to its father, plainly and simply and full of childlike trust; always let Me walk beside you as your friend and brother, and tell Me everything that inwardly bothers you, always appealing for My assistance to help you reach perfection while you are still on earth. You should no longer lead a single life, you should always request My presence and feel it too, for every sincere thought draws Me to yourselves, and if you establish this bond with Me yourselves then strength will always flow to you as well, which you can use for deeds of love again…. thus through love you join with Me ever more closely. Hence anyone who does not exclude his God and Creator from his thoughts is also daily and hourly under His Fatherly care, and his earthly life will always proceed such that it will benefit his soul…. For anyone connected with Me in thought already leads a spiritual life, and his soul will constantly ascend….
But how many people spend their lives without considering their God and Creator, they only ever entertain earthly thoughts and just anxiously worry about their physical wellbeing…. And although they call themselves Christians because they belong to a religious organisation they only occasionally establish a relationship with Me, and this is not sufficiently alive in order to generate spiritual achievement…. Much has become a formality which, however, is only of value if it is carried out with a living faith, just as prayer is not what it should be.... a child's heartfelt dialogue with the Father; instead people are satisfied with empty words which don't come from the heart and are merely voiced by the mouth.
I, however, Am a living God, everything has to be truthful before Me, and therefore I want a living contact established by you with Me, but this also guarantees higher development and leads the soul to the goal. For would I leave a child or consider it poorly, be it spiritually or even earthly, once it has made heartfelt contact with Me, to whom I Am truly the Father it can unreservedly trust? But where this intimate bond is missing there still exists a broad gulf, the human being looks for Me in the distance, he speaks of Me as a Being Which is unattainable to him and Which he indeed acknowledges because of Its might which he cannot deny in view of the creations, who also admits to Its wisdom which is demonstrated to him through the creations, but who does not know anything about the love of a God Who wants to be a Father to all living creations because he has not spent serious thought on the Being Who had brought him into existence. And as long as I Am merely the distant God for people they will live their earthly life without spiritual achievements, for they lack the flow of strength to travel the path of ascent which, however, requires the living creation's heartfelt connection to Me in order to enlighten him.
This is why every human being will achieve his goal if he is able to establish this close relationship with Me, if he expresses a living faith in Me through a constant desire for My presence…. And such desire will be granted by Me, and forthwith the person will no longer walk any path alone, I will always guide him, I will always direct his thoughts, and because I no longer meet any resistance the person will also completely enter into My will and improve himself ever more. Where I have found the entrance into a human being's heart My adversary will have lost his power, albeit he will still try everything to win him over for himself again, but My strength, which the human being constantly receives due to My presence, will resist him.
Just let your soul come to life, which will always happen when I can take effect on it Myself, when I can illuminate it with My strength of love, and you always enable Me to do this through a heartfelt bond with Me…. Then you will ask for Me, and the danger will have passed that the adversary can take possession of you, who will take flight from Me and is unable to besiege you so long as I Am present in you…. And you will soon not undertake anything, nor walk anywhere, without having asked for My blessing, and then you can also be certain that I will walk by your side wherever you go, that I will mentally instruct you and let My strength and light flow to you in abundance…. Yet all this is not possible when a person only mentions his God and Creator with his mouth without being inwardly urged to establish contact with this God…. His earthy life will not bring him much spiritual success unless he still changes his thoughts and actions, so that he will learn to recognise Me and then believes in Me with a living faith…. Amen
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