Monday, March 26, 2007
And this My Spirit will reveal to you, that there is only one God and that this God manifested Himself in Jesus Christ. Because God is a Spirit, I could not become visible as a limited entity to the beings created by Me, but in Jesus Christ I became a visible God for all My creatures. Therefore, you must not speak of Jesus Christ and the Father, for I am one with Him, so that when you speak of Jesus Christ, you speak of Me, your God and Maker, your Father from eternity...
Already the infant Jesus was filled with My Spirit, and already after His birth I manifested Myself in Him in an unusual way, to make the people around Him realise that My Spirit dwelt in the infant. The man Jesus died on the cross, but His body was already spiritualised and rose from the dead - for all its substances had united with Me. My Spirit had permeated body and soul and nothing human was left in Him. That which had arisen from the dead on the third day was I Myself, the Father-Spirit from eternity. The God, whom the beings desired to see and who had manifested Himself in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God, for I am a Spirit and have become visible to all My beings in the Person of Jesus Christ. And you cannot imagine Me in any other way than as the Divine Saviour Jesus Christ.
If you want to pray to Me, if you want to make contact with Me, you must pray to Jesus Christ - you must speak with Him, you must acknowledge Him as your Father from eternity, and then you will also have the right concept of God, which, however, can never be right if you pray separately to Me as "God" and to Jesus Christ as "God's Son".
In the man Jesus there dwelt a soul, which was My "son", a supremely perfect being created by Me that remained faithful to Me when the great apostasy of spirits took place. And this "son of God" made it possible for Me to incarnate Myself in a human body - so that the complete unification of the eternal Father Spirit with Jesus Christ could take place. But subsequently there were not two separate entities, but only one God, for the Divine Spirit, the First Cause, completely permeated the human body, thus also spiritualising it.
It was all "Divine Spirit", it was the Spirit that pervades infinity, but manifested itself in a form visible to men, so that they could form a concept of Me and rejoin Me. For their original guilt of apostasy consisted in the voluntary separation from Me, because they were unable to see Me.
And thus I provided for them a possibility to rejoin Me of their own free will, by rendering Myself visible to them in Jesus Christ. You must never separate "Jesus Christ" from Me, for He and I are One and the same; whoever prays to Him, prays to Me, whoever sees Him, sees Me personally, Who Am, have been from eternity, and shall be forever and ever.