Saturday, March 31, 2007
You should always ask Me for the pure truth and you will not live in error. And once again I refer you to the working of My spirit in you so that you will not run the risk of accepting mental concepts as truth which did not originate from Me Myself. And time and again I also draw your attention to Satan’s activity in the last days before the end, who uses every means to fight the truth, who with cunning and trickery intends to capture people who are not closely enough in contact with Me, who already allowed themselves to get entangled in misguided teachings and are unwilling to let go of them. I will send the truth to anyone if only he sincerely desires it….
When the ‘incarnation of light beings’ in the last days before the end is mentioned, then this always happens in combination with a spiritual mission, because there is great spiritual hardship on earth and these beings had agreed to help people. And truly, there are many enlightened spiritual beings embodied on earth, which live unrecognised by their fellow human beings and fulfil the mission: to bring people spiritual information or to exemplify a life of love to them, to work for the benefit of their fellow human beings, thus to help them find the right path which leads to Me. But as a rule their task consists of working on My behalf in My vineyard, thus to be true ‘representatives of God’.... teachers who are educated by Me Myself, who thus speak in place of Me, who are My true servants. They themselves have offered in the spiritual kingdom to carry out this redemption work and were in fact accepted by Me, which necessitated an embodiment in the flesh on this earth.
However, they are unaware of their origin; they do not know the task they had voluntarily taken upon themselves but live their life like any other person on earth, only their free will determines their conduct in life and their work in the vineyard. They don’t know of their pre-existence either…. And this is how it must be, because absolute free will should be the driving force…. irrespective of what kind of spiritual mission such a person carries out. It would truly not be beneficial for you to know a person’s previous incarnation for it would confuse your thinking, because My adversary recognises people’s weaknesses and can easily slip in wherever he detects but a spark of pride. Hence, such embodied beings of light received no knowledge about their origin from Me….
And yet people claim to have knowledge of it and don’t question the source of such knowledge…. And ‘My spirit’ will never have revealed such information to them either, rather, ‘immature spirits’ have actively spread misconceptions and portrayed people as embodied beings of light where, in reality, no spiritual mission is recognisable or it would not be founded on lies or misguided assumptions …. The beings of light work in seclusion, or their activity comes so openly to the fore that a mission on My instruction is very clearly evident….
But they will reject everything which does not correspond to the truth, and they will also recognise and condemn erroneous messages from the spirit realm as lies and deception. For they know the truth and fight for the truth, and not for misguided teachings which come forth from the one who is My adversary. And I can only ever warn you humans about his activity in the last days before the end, for he will do anything in order to invalidate My pure truth, and he will always find approval with those who look for extraordinary things, who are not content with the pure truth they receive from Me…. But I will always grant you clarification again, providing you seriously desire it…. Amen
Friday, March 30, 2007
You still don’t know what it means to be spoken to directly by Me because you people do not believe that your God and Father from high talks to you. For you are still of unenlightened spirit and you deem this not to be possible. You therefore still have a very wrong understanding of God because you put yourselves completely beside the Might that created you and thus cannot feel Its love because you are without love yourselves and therefore the working of the eternal love is incomprehensible to you. But, in not to remote a time you shall have proof that your God and Creator truly does speak and has spoken to you, for you to go through the fulfillment of My continuous announcements yourselves; and that you will go through a natural disaster of greatest extent ,which has never before befallen the earth.
Over and over I announce to you these happenings without finding any faith. But I want you to be able to believe when these My announcements will come true, for then I want you to believe too on the shortly afterwards following end and will prepare yourselves towards it. For the purpose of all My predictions is just always that you do sincerely tackle your soul-work, that you make well use of the short time and then live through the end, regardless, and not to be lost again for eternal times. i.e., having to bear the rebanishment [into matter] which you are irrevocably threatened with at the arrival of the end: if having not found your way to Me yet.
I just want to save you humans but not leave you to perish, but I cannot influence you against your will. I therefore talk to you through My messengers and make you aware of the near end, I remind you to keep thinking of your earthly purpose. I keep telling you over and over my divine teaching of love and all of you could believe if you just had an earnest will to achieve your earthly purpose of life. But you live a carefree life without any serious thought because you don’t believe in an afterlife of the soul. But I cannot do more than passing on the truth about your being and your destiny by Myself…..I cannot do more than directly talk to you by My messengers and to explain everything as comprehensible to you to the point where you can truly believe. But you don’t want to and you can’t be forced to believe My words from on high. Yet you ought to pay attention to every world event, to the condition amongst people and to the obvious spiritual low. You also ought to be critical towards yourself and your walk of life and you should meditate about the meaning and purpose of the earthly life…..You then would recognize the condition of man on your own and consider it plausible, this condition cannot remain like this; a change is due to occur and then attention will be paid to My word from on high. Yet, for obtaining faith the good will is required, for I help everyone who’d like to rise from the depths, who directs his thoughts towards Me in striving for recognition of the right and to detest the wrong..…
Truly, no better information can be given to you people than by My word….Truly you can find no better explanation except I give it to you by means of the direct address and you can believe it – it’s the great spiritual need which causes Me to grant help to you people on earth in the way that I direct the truth towards you, which is foreign to you, because My opponent is doing and has been doing everything to increase the darkness upon you people, that you don’t see anything properly anymore. To also prevent you from recognizing the voice of your God and Father who wants to help and bring the light to you prior to the coming of the end.
Listen to Me when you hear My voice by means of My messengers, do not refuse what they bring you, for you who do not believe are in greatest danger….And you can still get saved and find faith because the plain truth is presented to you….And I will give you proof of the truth of it because it will very soon be fulfilled what there was proclaimed a long time ago already: that the earth will be befallen by an enormous natural happening as not experienced before….And soon afterwards the end will truly come like proclaimed in word and scripture…. Amen.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
And this My Spirit will reveal to you, that there is only one God and that this God manifested Himself in Jesus Christ. Because God is a Spirit, I could not become visible as a limited entity to the beings created by Me, but in Jesus Christ I became a visible God for all My creatures. Therefore, you must not speak of Jesus Christ and the Father, for I am one with Him, so that when you speak of Jesus Christ, you speak of Me, your God and Maker, your Father from eternity...
Already the infant Jesus was filled with My Spirit, and already after His birth I manifested Myself in Him in an unusual way, to make the people around Him realise that My Spirit dwelt in the infant. The man Jesus died on the cross, but His body was already spiritualised and rose from the dead - for all its substances had united with Me. My Spirit had permeated body and soul and nothing human was left in Him. That which had arisen from the dead on the third day was I Myself, the Father-Spirit from eternity. The God, whom the beings desired to see and who had manifested Himself in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God, for I am a Spirit and have become visible to all My beings in the Person of Jesus Christ. And you cannot imagine Me in any other way than as the Divine Saviour Jesus Christ.
If you want to pray to Me, if you want to make contact with Me, you must pray to Jesus Christ - you must speak with Him, you must acknowledge Him as your Father from eternity, and then you will also have the right concept of God, which, however, can never be right if you pray separately to Me as "God" and to Jesus Christ as "God's Son".
In the man Jesus there dwelt a soul, which was My "son", a supremely perfect being created by Me that remained faithful to Me when the great apostasy of spirits took place. And this "son of God" made it possible for Me to incarnate Myself in a human body - so that the complete unification of the eternal Father Spirit with Jesus Christ could take place. But subsequently there were not two separate entities, but only one God, for the Divine Spirit, the First Cause, completely permeated the human body, thus also spiritualising it.
It was all "Divine Spirit", it was the Spirit that pervades infinity, but manifested itself in a form visible to men, so that they could form a concept of Me and rejoin Me. For their original guilt of apostasy consisted in the voluntary separation from Me, because they were unable to see Me.
And thus I provided for them a possibility to rejoin Me of their own free will, by rendering Myself visible to them in Jesus Christ. You must never separate "Jesus Christ" from Me, for He and I are One and the same; whoever prays to Him, prays to Me, whoever sees Him, sees Me personally, Who Am, have been from eternity, and shall be forever and ever.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
And thus you humans are given a brief explanation concerning the cause and significance of the act of Salvation. You have to know this in order to fulfil the purpose of your earthly life, in order to understand the divine plan of Salvation too, which only ever aims to guide the spirit essence back to God and which will be carried out with love and wisdom, since He has every power at His command to one day achieve the goal He had set Himself when He created all spiritual beings…. Amen
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
But I do not require My Own to believe in appearances or reports which come to people by means which do not correspond to My will.... Why don’t you contact Me? Why do you call on beings whose degree of maturity you cannot estimate?.... Why do you entrust yourselves to these beings and believe that they will protect you when the last day of the end has come? I only require your faith in Me in Jesus Christ, and anyone who intimately unites with Me Myself in this faith truly will not need visible or invisible helpers, for My angels with an abundance of strength and might will constantly stand by his side and always act in accordance with My will. And he will not want to establish contact with inhabitants of other worlds whose degree of maturity is unknown to him either, for this can only take place by way of mediumship which, due to its great danger, should not be taken by you humans. For you are truly able to hear Me Myself if it is your will and you ask Me for the truth…. And then you will surely be instructed truthfully…. Amen
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
But My adversary will rage and try to influence My Own until the end… You should know this and not allow yourselves to be misled. However, he has his followers, and they will do his bidding and spread misguided teachings amongst people who completely oppose My Word, which is brought to you directly from above, My Gospel, which you may nevertheless believe totally. You should merely examine what is offered to you from elsewhere whether it corresponds to My Word… since whatever is contrary to it also shows that it has originated from My adversary, and you can unhesitatingly reject those as false prophets who offer you spiritual knowledge which exclude an approaching end, which promise you humans a long existence on this earth yet… You are on the threshold of the end and should prepare yourselves, and you would do well by doing so since then you would not need to be afraid of it. Because then the time will come which had also been proclaimed to you.... then a happy and blissful life on the new earth will come, but only for My Own who believe in Me and who defend their faith until the end… Because everyone who perseveres until the end will be blessed... they will live a wonderful life in the paradise of the new earth… Amen