Wednesday, December 20, 2006
And so I will always remind you that I died for you on the cross. I will remind all you people on Earth and all unredeemed souls in the beyond. I will bring it again and again to their remembrance. I must inform you about it if you are yet unaware of it, because you must not remain ignorant if you should ever want to reach Blissfulness.
Of what use is it to humanity to know about the "Man Jesus" who ended his earthly existence with the death on the cross, if you ignore the spiritual meaning of his death on the cross and the mission that Jesus accomplished for the sake of the sinners?
And even if it will be told to you: He redeemed humanity from sin - you will not find any connection; only words whose meaning you don't understand remain with you.
And as long as you do not know the purpose of man's existence on this Earth, you will not be able to understand why mankind is called sinful - even though none of you is free of sin. But the real importance of the Redemption- Work through Jesus Christ will become obvious when you know about the primordial-sin, which is the cause of your pilgrimage on Earth.
This sin cannot be compared in its enormity with the sinfulness of man, even if the latter is only the consequence of the first. For whatever sins a person commits on Earth, he would be able to repent for them on Earth, or in the beyond; however, even for this repentance, very much time would be necessary.
But to repent the primordial-sin is impossible for you people, either during your Earth-life or in the beyond. For this primordial - sin was not committed by a being that was already imperfect, but by beings of "highest perfection", who were not in need of light of knowledge, but who let themselves be controlled by the thought: "to be able to overwhelm Me"; therefore they became arrogant in their fullness of Light and Force.
This sin cannot be atoned for by men, because it is immeasurably great, and eternity would not suffice to free them from that guilt.
Through this sin, these beings fell into the abyss, which means that they lost Light and Force; they turned, so to speak, into the opposite - they lost all divine traits and accepted instead all bad qualities and drives. They became My opponents - until their spiritual substance hardened to such a degree that they were no longer able to be conscious of their on being.
And this hardened spiritual I banished in the Form; in other words, I dissolved it into countless spiritual particles and created those into an unending number of Creation-Works, which My Love, Wisdom and Might produced only for the purpose of guiding those fallen spirituals back again to Me. They were ordained to Blissfulness which they can only find with Me.
This passing through the Creation indeed is also an act of repentance for that immeasurable guilt, but it happens in a state of compulsion - in bound will - and therefore cannot be valued as payment for that guilt. The being must once more revert to the condition where it voluntarily desires to get rid of its guilt; when the knowledge can be imparted that it has trespassed - but that there exists nevertheless a way to be set free from this great guilt. It must know that this way is the way to the cross: that to be free of the primordial-guilt is possible only through the acceptance of the divine Redeemer and His Work of Redemption - and that this way to the cross must be walked during one's life on Earth, so that after the bodily death, one can be accepted again into the realm of Light which is the true home of man.
Also in the beyond, the souls are informed about My Work of Redemption, and there, too, they can still take the way to Me in Jesus Christ. But they can no longer reach this high grade of perfection, which they may have reached on Earth through the acceptance of Jesus as Son of God and Redeemer of the world, in Whom I Myself incorporated to find their recognition which they once denied to Me.
You humans must know about the great significance of this Redemption-Work: You must not mention the name of Jesus only as the name of a man that once walked over the Earth with high ethical aims. It was a significant mission for which He dwelt on Earth, and this, you should try to learn about, as long as there is any obscurity in you. For it depends upon your comprehension and good will whether your walk on Earth is terminated successfully and whether the Kingdom that is truly your homeland will accept you again.