Monday, November 20, 2006
The faith in Jesus Christ and in His Redemption-Work is becoming lost more and more the closer the end is. The activity of God's adversary is directed only toward keeping mankind far away from the divine Redeemer" to prevent their calling on Him - Because then the opponent has lost the right to own their souls, because Jesus Christ Himself then stands between him and those people who call on Him for help. - And so it can be clearly noticed in the end-time that again and again, from all sides, work is done against the faith in Jesus Christ - that everything is done to undermine the knowledge about Him and His Redemption-Work. Indeed it will not be at all successful, because obviously God's influence is also noticeable, Who constantly proclaims through "His Word" Jesus Christ. But the enemy will do much mischief among men, and he will not hesitate to use any means to reach his goal.
And as humanity practices little love, as love grows cold among them, it is also easy for God's opponent to destroy the faith in Jesus Christ, because if there is faith, but weak, there the faith is not yet alive enough to withstand the attacks of the opponent. Men succumb because they have no Love and their spirit is darkened, and precisely there- fore the opponent can easily win his game.
But he uses dishonest means. - He transgresses the allowance that is granted to him. Even if he does everything to cause man to fall, without being hindered by God - in view of man's freedom of will - he has no right whatsoever to strangle the transmission of knowledge about God to mankind, Who in Jesus Christ embodied Himself on Earth, to redeem mankind. Where two opponents fight, i.e., where men have to decide freely between the one and the other power, they have to know, too, about these two powers and about their beings and actions as well as about their aims, otherwise, a free decision is impossible.
And therefore it will not be allowed that God's opponent continues any longer in his nuisance on Earth, because the One, Who is stronger than he - Whom all Forces in Heaven and on Earth have to obey - will call a halt to his undertakings because he trespasses the limits of his power. It is in the end-time, therefore, of utmost importance to bring to mankind the knowledge about Jesus Christ, The divine Redeemer.
And all those who want to serve God should consider this task as extremely urgent and should work against the activities of His opponent; they should bring to men the knowledge of The One, to Whom they have to turn if they do not want to fall into the hands of their enemy and destroyer. Because he does not want to take people away from God to make them happy - he wants to alienate them from God in order not to lose followers - in whom he sees his whole might.
There is a sad state on this Earth: there are only a few people who still believe with living faith in the divine Redeemer, because most of them speak only dead words, without spirit and life, when they present themselves to their fellow-men as Christians. But they have no living relationship with Him, and therefore they are also not re- deemed and are an easy prey for the opponent, if they have to decide seriously for or against Jesus Christ. - And this decision will be asked for, because the opponent also is able to induce his followers under his domination to act mercilessly against all those who believe.
And then they have to confess openly before the world their relation to their Saviour and Redeemer. They will no longer have any choice, and only a few will resist - those who turn in living faith to Him and ask for help.
But the humans themselves are responsible - those who fail in this last decision - because the knowledge about Jesus Christ has been brought to all of them, and the divine Love-teaching is also not unknown to them. And if they accept only the latter and fully live with it, then their faith would be awakened or strengthened, and they would have the force to withstand God's opponent. The will of each man is free, but it brings also the corresponding consequences.