Thursday, August 31, 2006






Questions I know do arise in you again and again, which you would like to have answered. I can enlighten you when you search for union with Me. As an example, after you have had a heartfelt prayer, the emerging thoughts from the prayer may be considered My reply to you as long as you are not addressed directly by Me through the voice of the spirit. Your desire and your call to Me assures you that you are thinking correctly, but without Me you cannot recognize the truth; without Me your searching for enlightenment is in vain; without Me you may be filled with erroneous thoughts which come from below   .... because you disregard Me …. Who is the giver of truth.


And so I say the following. Only figurative enlightenment is given you as long as you are not perfect. At no time could you understand the bottomless depth of My divine wisdom. Never could you understand the motives for My actions and operations, because your imperfection means a lack of power of recognition, and therefore you cannot find any explanation with the force of your "intelligence". But you can receive it with the speed of lightning as soon as you receive the flood of My Love-Light in the spiritual realm.


On earth you must get enlightenment by seeing because it can only be explained to you through events which take place in My creations corresponding to your force of comprehension. And so, too, can the spiritual happenings in the heart of the first humans be made understandable only by earthly happenings. However, these are but weak comparisons precisely because you are still weak in spirit.


You are bound through "laws of nature" because the total freedom that you had forfeited through your former apostasy must again be deserved through your earthly life.


I chose to limit the will of the first human beings because I wanted them to know that they were subject to a "power" , and that they should voluntarily submit themselves to this power in order to receive their ultimate freedom as a present.


Once upon a time man did not wish to recognize Me, and that was the first sin, the revolt against Me, from Whom they came. Only acceptance in free will could cancel this first sin. I wanted to obtain this acknowledgment of Myself as I made the entire creations to arise.


Therefore, the first people were endowed in such a way that they could recognize Me, but they were not forced to do so. And, therefore, was the free will obliged to decide and should test itself against temptation.


The eyes of men were compelled to look at things they desire, with both a prohibition and an enticement, which simultaneously would call for a decision of the will. It was understood that the enticement was connected with a promise which they were supposed to resist.


The commandment and the temptation were issued from two sides, and men were to decide: either to return to Me so that what I created will reach the aim, or they remain with My adversary and fall down again into the abyss. Therefore, man had to have within him the desire and the possibility to overcome it in order to reach for a far higher goal .... the eternal bliss with Me which surpasses a thousand fold the fulfillment of earthly desire.


To win the return of the apostate spirits brought about a wrestling match between Me and My opponent. He also had to have the possibility of influencing the will of these beings. Only he proffered delusive values and false happiness, so that man should lose true happiness and a blissful life in eternity.


I knew about this seduction and therefore gave the first people a commandment and at the same time a warning about the eternal death. And this warning should have been sufficient to eliminate every desire in men so that they would not lose their lives.


My adversary convinced them contrary to My warning  ... he promised them the life. They recognized me as the highest power indeed, but, not withstanding, followed the lie and thereby brought death into the world.


But what was it that made their desire so irresistible that they succumbed to it? They had lived a blessed life in paradise; they had been masters of everything created. Everything was under their will and they were happy in the full possession of their force and might. The first created people were tied together through heartfelt love, and through this love they could have redeemed themselves from the shackles of My opponent. And as long as this love was directed towards me and not towards him, there was no danger that they would fail in their will-trial.


But My opponent knew how to mislead this love. He reversed it to "I-love" by giving them false promises, and so kindled their desire to achieve blissfulness for themselves. Their love changed to a craving one, a selfish one, and a low love, and it was that they surrendered themselves to the power of that one, from whom they should have delivered themselves. And they would have been able to do so if they had placed My commandment higher than their desires.


You must understand that the time for Me to bless the first human couple had not yet come. Therefore they became sinful. Nothing is sinful that adapts to My creation plan; nothing can be a sin that happens according to the lawful order. And never can the occurrence of procreation be against the order of God's will.


The satisfaction of the senses without the will to bring forth life is not an act of divine Love, but it is the sinful and perverted self-love, stimulated and influenced by my Opponent, which draws man downward and drives him entirely into My opponent's power. The first humans were victims of this false love. And this false love was their sin that reminded them of the primal- sin of arrogance that which did not wish to give itself away, but only wanted to possess everything. This false love was the inheritance of its progenitor -- of Satan -- and had nothing in common with Godly-Love.


Divine Love rests in your heart as a spark that can be lit to glow to the highest light, but the aim of My opponent was and is, to pervert this spark of Love; and he has succeeded in it.


The pure Godliness was soiled and transformed into the love of the "I" that no longer deserves to be called "love". It can only be named greediness, selfishness and self-love, which is everything, that my opponent asks of you. And so the act of procreation became also a medium of My adversary, which turned innumerable souls to him. This would never have been possible if the act of procreation had happened under My blessing, where the divine Love of giving and blessing would have crowned it with the origin of a new life.


The "fall of man" therefore consisted of the abandonment of the pure, divine Love for the un-pure, selfish love. The divine spark in man was extinguished through Satanic influence and lit a fire which destroyed everything noble and pure. Senses were inflamed and desire brought to raging heights that did in no way correspond to My act of creation. But this could not be prevented because it still lies within the will of the individual person to resist Satan's temptations.


The fall of man was therefore not the act of procreation, but the sinful and perverted love, stimulated in free will and influenced by Satan. The procreation act of God was pulled down to a play of unclean spirits.


My adversary was given access to an act where I Myself wanted to be present with My blessing to mankind; to strengthen in them the pure, divine Love so that this Love should flow also over into the newly begotten being. And so a new mankind would have arisen that would have found the way back to Me in evermore shining light, without suffering and pain; and would have recognized Me and would have redeemed itself in a short time through My love …. because where love radiates I can be recognized.


The first human beings would have been able to pass this will-test. However, as I wrestled with My opponent for man's soul, I could not prevent him from using his means to become victorious inasmuch as the return of My creatures to Me in entirely free will was in question. The free will failed. Therefore was a destiny laid clown for the entire humanity from which it could not be freed by itself, not until a man in pure and divine Love accomplished the work that made the whole human race free from sin, and opened the way towards heaven.


Because Love is victorious and will not rest until the last apostate has found the way back to Me.






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