Wednesday, August 23, 2006



The Spirit of God works where He wants. Only God knows where His Spirit can express Himself without opposition, where His revelations will be accepted and used without resistance, and where attitudes will allow the working of His Spirit. It is His Will that the people receive the Truth and that errors and lies are brought to light so that men can acknowledge it as the Truth.
It is His Will that men find the only way to happiness, which is the way of the Truth. So His concern is to bring the Truth to men, His only goal being the happiness of His creatures. On this Earth ruled by His opponent and under his influence the Truth is continually disputed and polluted. It is constantly infiltrated with lies and errors, for Satan's goal is to withhold the Truth from mankind, to frustrate their striving for God and their belief in Him.
Therefore the Truth must continually be brought to Earth from Above, which can only happen through the working of the Spirit and the outpouring of the spirit on men. And such men are chosen by God Himself. His Spirit works where He wants.
But this working can only take place in free will. Never will God use force to bring people to accept the Truth. It requires the total dedication of man's will, and a will so devoted to God is well known to Him.
A dedicated will opens one's heart so that the Spirit of God can be poured in. It is then possible for the spirit to flow unhindered into people, enabling God to lead the Truth to them and also erecting a spiritual protection against a contaminated, lightless influence. When a person has completely surrendered to God and lives in God' s circle of Light the spirit of darkness may not enter.
It is God’ s Will that Truth be brought to Earth. So it is understandable that this can only happen through men whose will is submitted to the Will of God, and who grant no room for God' s opponent. To such God gives His protection when through their devotion to Him, they give God this right. The working of His Spirit will then be evident by the bright Light shining in such a heart from which the spirits of darkness flee.
The reason God brings Truth to Earth again and again is that in His Love He wants all His creatures to come to salvation. There should not be any doubt that He will fulfill His Will. Consequently, He chooses for Himself people who are able to accept the Truth from Above. He will lead these people in Truth, so that they will not accept error, which would make it impossible to bring the Truth to them.
But it must be emphasized that men can speak of the pouring out of the Spirit only when it concerns the proclaiming of spiritual Truth. The bringing of the pure Truth through the working of the Spirit only concerns spiritual things or Divine knowledge. God can also teach people in earthly matters but this happens through their thoughts, although the correctness of such thoughts again depends on their spiritual condition. But the pouring out of the Spirit cannot be related to earthly knowledge. For this reason spiritual and earthly knowledge must always be separated. They cannot both be included in the concept of the revelation of Divine Truth, although the thoughts of men can be in line with Divine order enlightened by the Spirit according to the Truth.
As soon as people eliminate all worldliness making the Spiritual Kingdom their only goal, as soon as they seek to increase their knowledge in spiritual things, as soon as they endeavor to improve the condition of their soul by accepting spi- ritual Truth which can only benefit their souls, as soon as they give heed to that which assures them of everlasting life for their soul ignoring everything which concerns only the life of the body on Earth, striving for what is of the Spirit, only then can they be led by the Spirit. Then He will reveal Himself and teach them inwardly which is beneficial for the upward progress of their soul. Then they can be given Divine revelations according to the maturity of their soul that can bring only Light concerning the spiritual Kingdom, spiritual relations, and the origin and purpose of all that is created. As long as you live on this Earth your intellect alone cannot comprehend all that cannot be proven.
You can solve earthly problems in accordance with your understanding. However, a true solution can only be the result of an enlightened mind, when you endeavor to achieve this enlightenment through a walk pleasing to God.
Men must acknowledge that Divine revelations have to do with the soul's life, the spiritual development of man, the knowledge of his origin and destiny and the knowledge of God' s Everlasting Plan of Salvation.
But to earthly questions men themselves supply the answers in so far as the maturity of their souls permit.
The closer man is united with God the stronger will he feel God' s influence, the clearer will be his thoughts and the more accurate can he answer all earthly questions. Because then he accepts the inner working of the spirit Who will lead and guide him in his earthly life.
But direct revelations through which the Truth is brought to Earth are to be evaluated differently. Such revelations contain Divine knowledge, that can be transmitted by God directly to a human mediator.
But for this, however, there are certain qualifications.
This will always happen according to the plan of God, Who alone knows the possibility of success. For this reason He chooses a vessel suitable to Himself. He will always do this when men urgently need to receive the pure Truth, to urge them to be more active in their spiritual development.
Only God knows the heart of men, He alone knows which earthly child has been given the ability to receive Divine spiritual knowledge, and these He will choose. 
The Spirit of God moves where He wants. His Spirit will only move in a vessel suitable to Him when it is very important to bring help to penetrate spiritual darkness with rays of Light. Such help, coming forth from God, can still rescue many people from spiritual death. It is a way to lead men out of the material world, into the Kingdom of Light. It presents a possibility for people to change their ways, if they are still of good will, and reach out to the extended Hand of the Father, Who does not want to again lose His children for a very long time.
Therefore every receiver may enjoy Divine revelations and the special protection of God, so that he can fulfill His work, so that the Light of Truth can enlighten the Earth in the depths of darkness, so that people will use well the time given to them before the end.

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