Friday, August 25, 2006






The world is given to you to test your will, which means that you are to be placed in a field of action that should stimulate you to use the will in a certain direction. This world cannot be avoided, but must be overcome by man who desires to reach his objective The last embodiment of the soul    .... the spiritual in you as a human being on this earth .... is absolutely necessary to give you the opportunity to exercise your free will which had been bound previously by your former apostasy from Me.


A soul, which wishes to avoid this last embodiment is unable to come into the possession of the free will because its resistance, which does not permit it, is still so great against Me. Only if it is ready to walk on earth with serving love will it gain the mercy of the embodiment, because this willingness proves the level of maturity that is necessary for the final will-test. Each soul, before pro- creation occurs, is ready to go this final way, because this can bring it to its complete liberty from the form, and it has also the will to become free.


But it loses all recollection of the past; it enters the earth without knowledge, and as it goes through slow development, learning to use its will, it will become educated, and then will My assistance be offered to it in each form, so that it may recognize right and good and thus be able to act with free will in righteousness and goodness.


On My part everything will be done that promotes a right decision of will. However, there remains for man the liberty of his free will, so that his whole life on earth, which influences him now to a certain extent, becomes something that he can choose or reject. Because man has to pass through everything in order to come to Me in My Kingdom, but he should not stop short; he should not be caught in a renewed captivity when the final freedom beckons.


To live on earth is a passage that man must make, but it is not the goal itself . And when he raises his eyes to the highest, then will he follow his way without fail, and entirely determined to do so. But if his eyes are turned downward, he can only see what is around him and he is in danger of being held fast on the ground so that he cannot soar heavenwards. He has to have the will and the strength to liberate himself from that which seems desirable on earth. Then will he be victorious .... he will perform the way on earth as the necessary final phase of his development to the high, and he will give proof of the final trial of his will. His will was and still remains leaning towards Me, despite all seductive acts of My Opponent, who is also fighting for man's soul and for his will. But man has overcome this world and has aspired for My Kingdom, which is not of this world.





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