Wednesday, August 30, 2006






I know My own and I know their will and according to this will I call them to work for Me and My Kingdom. So just as the kind of work in My vineyard differs so the nature of the servant differs, for each has his work corresponding to his nature, and each serves Me according to his ability and I accept the service of each one who is of good will and seeks Me.


Furthermore, the hearts of those who need teaching differs and each field in My vineyard must be treated differently, but it is possible for Me to make this judgment, since I know even the slightest impulse of each human heart, and who can be used for a successful work of redemption.

I am in the storm but can also be seen in the quiet rustling of a gentle breeze. The mighty elements show proof of Me as the softest breath bears witness. I am always the Author, the source and the Origin.

Sometimes I am barely discernible and other times plainly revealed but those who seek Me and do My Will will always recognize Me. And I always reveal Myself according to their ability and desire to change themselves…. because what in one person will cause a complete change of will in the other may have no effect. Such a one may require greater proof of My Being, which My Love will provide to bring him to redemption.

But I am also present even when no visible sign is noticeable I dwell within the heart of one who gives his Love and his will to Me, bearing witness quietly and softly for such need no dramatic proof of My presence. He himself is conscious of Me feeling the reality of My nearness, in close relationship to Me, his Father, thus possessing all he needs for the earthly walk; an unshakeable faith in Me and My Love which enables him to act in full accordance with My Will.

But where unbelief is still very strong so that words alone will not suffice, there I will help with signs and miracles, but this can become a judgment when such a one lacks the will to change. The faith of the sick and suffering however often needs a little encouragement to become strong enough to acknowledge Me before the world. I can reveal Myself in My Might and Splendor to many sick and suffering because through their infirmity they have been prepared so that their souls can more readily acknowledge Me. Such sick people do not bar Me from their hearts, and when My Word is preached it touches them with such force that the very power of My Word has healing effect and because they believe they experience a healing.


But the unbelievers who witness this must, through Love, allow the faith they have gained to come alive. And their faith will be worked out according to the degree of their Love, but their responsibility becomes all the greater if they let such a sign of My working pass them by in indifference.

Therefore do not seek too obvious a sign of faith for along with an extraordinary work of grace comes extraordinary responsibility. But if it is given to you, value it and use such a grace to achieve higher maturity to bring My Name to the world, and to become faithful servants in My vineyard, and I will bless all work which is undertaken for Me and My Kingdom.



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