Sunday, August 27, 2006
Whichever way your earth-lives are shaping themselves, you must never doubt My love and care for you, which are always aiming only for your best. Yet only I Myself know what serves you best, knowing what dangers threaten you and how these can be diverted from you. If you were able to judge the love with which I surround you it would comfort you indeed, and you would walk your earth-life in good cheer, because then you would trust your Father in heaven to arrange your lives bearably and you would never by without help, if only you would turn to Him. Your earth-lot verily then would correlate with the depth of My love, because this seeks only the best and the greatest benefit for you and not to burden you with sorrow and want for no reason, which would only weigh you down and cause you doubt in Me.
You need only to believe these My words and be still, i.e. surrender to Me in trust, and My love shall not fail to materialise. And you shall also be able to take note of soul progress, which otherwise you would hardly gain without sorrow. I still compete for the individual's love and will - mankind has not yet decided for Me: My adversary still strives for your souls and the danger of his victory is great. I therefore often make impossible of men to follow him rashly; I cause them to first consider what he offers and what he asks for it. I turn man's attention to himself, in order to distract him from what the adversary dangles before his eyes. I send sickness and want, trouble and sorrow because these are then a blessing in disguise. But I love him and do not want to lost him to the one who is devoid of all love: who gives you only dummy foods and whose plan it is to ruin you.
He verily is bent upon only to keep you from Me, as he is without love. You men do not know him however and allow him to deceive you - when he tempts you with goods of this world but demands your souls for it. I too want to present you with goods, which are however imperishable and whose value you do not recognise. A good father nevertheless does not give his children what harms them, even where the child eyes them greedily; he rather stops it when it hankers after them in spite of reproof.
Thus I must often hold you back when you imperil your lives yourselves through misguided aims; where your goal threatens to be other than me, because I love you and want to possess you and hence do everything not to lose you.